Peace Conference

In the hallway of Kuoh Academy's school building, Zeno is walking at a quick pace together with White Dream who floating in the air as she follows behind him silently. After talking with the Sitri sisters for a little bit, he then came out of the student council room and currently moving to his van outside for the Invincible II, a successor of the mysteriously missing Invincible.

When Zeno reached the entrance of the building, he saw the two people that he recognized walking inside the building.

The first one is a middle-aged man with short black hair, golden bangs, violet eyes, and a goatee in a V-neck maroon long coat with a wide open and high collar that opens up at the hem as well as two black belts around the waist. On the lower half, he wore grey slacks and brown shoes.

The second one is a young man with silver hair and hazel eyes in a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. He also wears burgundy jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf, and black shoes with black buckles.

They are Azazel and Vali Lucifer.

"Hmm? If it isn't the bounty hunter who took care of my subordinates."

The two immediately noticed Zeno as Azazel called out to him in a casual manner. Zeno stops walking and looks at them as White Dream also stops behind him.

"Greetings, Governor General and White Dragon Emperor. I don't believe we met before?"

Zeno greets them calmly with a nod. Azazel smirks and crosses his arms as he observes the two of them carefully. This man was the one who captured his subordinates and fought on par with Kokabiel.

"No, we haven't. I'm Azazel, the Governor General of Grigori as you already knew, and this is my adopted son, Vali."

Vali nods his head in acknowledgment without too much of an interest since Zeno is only as strong as Kokabiel who he can defeat easily. Zeno glances at him briefly underneath his SS suit before he looks back at Azazel.

"I'm Zavior and the girl behind me is White Dream. Well, Governor General, is there something specific that you wanted to discuss with me?"

Azazel chuckles lightly and walks up to Zeno as he also tries to sense something from Zeno's body but he can't feel much from the man in front of him or the floating girl behind Zeno.

"Yes, I heard about your recent bout with Kokabiel and how you managed to drive him off. I also must thank you for that, otherwise, we, the three factions might be at war right now."

Zeno tilted his head slightly as he listened to Azazel's words. It seems like people still didn't notice that Kokabiel was dead, he thought in amusement.

"I'm just doing my job, Governor General."

Zeno replied with a shrug of his shoulders, hiding his amusement at the thought of Azazel thanking him for killing his comrade.

"But... if you want to thank me then just send some high-bounty targets my way or rather just the money will do."

Zeno said jokingly as he subtly advertised himself. He hopes that Azazel will send him some bounty target in the future.

"Hahaha, if that's what you want, I can easily send them both to you."

Azazel laughed because of how straightforward Zeno was. The mercenary type is always easy to deal with, as long as you pay them that is.

"Thank you in advance then, also if you have any further business with me, feel free to contact me directly via communication magic, I must go now."

With that, Zeno walks past Azazel and Vali with a nod and White Dream trailing behind him. Azazel watched them go, a hint of curiosity in his eyes for the bounty hunter. Vali, on the other hand, remained silent throughout the exchange, his gaze fixed on Zeno's back for a brief moment.

"Hmm, it seems he is more interesting than I thought he would be."

Azazel muttered under his breath as he watched Zeno walk out of the building. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this man than met the eye. Azazel chuckled softly as he continued to walk in the hallway.

"I don't sense any Sacred Gear on any of them though, what is so special about them other than their unusual appearance?"

Vali said with a mild curiosity while raising his eyebrow. Hearing the White Dragon Emperor's question, Azazel just shook his head in an exasperated manner.

"Strong as ultimate-class being with no Sacred Gear, unknown underneath that strange bodysuit, no record of him ever appearing in the past, and that's exactly why he is so intriguing."

Azazel explains why he can't help but be curious about Zeno. Vali just scoffed at his adoptive father's reason.

"Well, I believe we have more pressing matters to attend to, don't you think?"

Vali said as Azazel just smiled wryly.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go."

Azazel said with a shrug as Vali followed him to the conference room.


After the brief meeting with Azazel and Vali, Zeno and White Dream continue on their way to the parking lot. As they arrived, Zeno opened the back door of the van and grabbed a white plastic chair inside before he closed the door.

Zeno then jumped up in the air and cast a spell to make a temporary platform so he could use it to jump to the roof of the school building. He couldn't just sport wings since it might raise some eyebrows.

After kicking himself up to the rooftop Zeno landed on the roof softly with the Invincible II in his hand and White Dream, who followed him as usual.

"Alright, I hope I will not have to wait too long for them to show up."

Zeno said before he placed the Invincible II on the ground and sat down on it. He then pulled out his smartphone and chatted with his girls to pass the time.


The time passed slowly as soldiers of the three factions gathered outside of Kuoh Academy. The conference was already underway as the three representatives gathered in the conference room and discussed with each other. Everything proceeds like in the canon, minus Rias' peerage members, but somehow Issei still got involved, probably because he is the Red Dragon Emperor.

Zeno was looking around from the rooftop while sitting on Invincible II with White Dream massaging his shoulders with her mechanical hands. She surprisingly knows how to massage without having him instruct her.

Zeno is leaning on the chair with a bored expression while wondering how much longer he has to wait. It's been hours already since he came up to the roof and was just sitting around.

Then suddenly, a wave of mysterious energy passed through Zeno's body, enveloping him as it tried to influence him in some manner, but it couldn't affect him much because of how massive his energy is. With a little flexing of his touki, the mysterious energy immediately dissipated from his body.

He quickly stood up from Invincible II and then noticed that a barrier had been enacted by someone around the school as the sky turned red.


Zeno exclaimed with excitement as numerous magic circles suddenly materialized around the school grounds before the cloaked magicians teleported in.

Zeno grinned beneath his SS suit as he took initiative and pointed his hand towards the magicians below the building before casting the mob killer spell he named Touki Bullet: Birdshot variant, which he prepared for this exact scenario.

A purple magic circle materialized in front of his outstretched palm before a black-purplish ball of touki condensed in the center of the magic circle and then shot out at a fast speed as the touki ball spread into hundreds of tiny bullets that rained down mercilessly upon the magicians below.



As the cloaked magicians were caught off guard by Zeno's sudden attack, they were unable to defend themselves against the onslaught of many black-purplish bullets that pierced through their magical defenses and squishy flesh like they were nothing. The sounds of screams and explosions filled the air as chaos erupted around them.

Zeno smirked as he watched the carnage unfold below him. Satisfied with his spell, Zeno then jumped down from the top of the building to the ground, crushing an injured magician's head that was moaning in pain on the ground under his foot.

As he landed in a gory way, Zeno immediately went into action, quickly scanning the area for the one that got lucky and remained unscratched after the bombardment. There were several injured or dead magicians scattered around, and only a couple of magicians were still on their feet.

"Damn you!"

One of the standing magicians saw Zeno and quickly cast a spell as a fireball flew at him.

"Very poor choice of spell..."

Zeno smirked in amusement as he punched the fireball with his touki-infused fist. The fireball exploded upon impact, but then the explosion seemed to be getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared from his fist as Zeno absorbed it to strengthen himself. The magician's eyes widened in surprise as they saw their fireball not have any effect on Zeno.


The magician exclaimed before they tried to cast another spell, but suddenly a thin white beam from the rooftop shot through the head of the magician and killed them instantly. Zeno glanced back to see White Dream floating in the air with her large white sniper rifle, aiming down at the dead magician with the serenity of calm winter around her.

"So it shoots a beam..."

Zeno muttered before he turned his attention back to the remaining magicians who were trying to cast attack spells, but before they could finish, Zeno quickly rushed towards one of them with his touki-enhanced speed and punched them in the face.


The unfortunate magician flew back several meters from the impact with a deformed skull and broken teeth before crashing into another magician. Then, before they could even fall to the ground, suddenly, a white beam shot through the two of them without mercy.

White Dream stole his kills again.

"What a naughty girl..."

Zeno chuckled wryly and didn't waste any more time, following up his attack on the other magicians with a flurry of powerful punches and kicks that sent the remaining magicians flying in all directions. The battlefield was filled with the sounds of cracking bones and tearing flesh as White Dream's beams tore through their bodies with divine precision.

Not even three minutes had passed since the cloaked magicians showed up; all of them ended up either lying unconscious or dead on the ground as Zeno stood over them, shaking the teeth and blood out of his knuckles. He then turned to White Dream, who was floating in the air on the rooftop with her sniper rifle resting on her shoulder.

"Nice shot, girl." 

Zeno muttered with a small smirk before turning his attention to the school building, where he saw a group of people watching him behind the windows. It looks like he put on quite a show for them.

He could also sense the fighting from the four different directions that his girl was guarding. They seem to be doing fine, he thought.

"Well, well, here we go again."

He muttered as he sensed energy fluctuations around him before, a moment later, numerous magic circles suddenly materialized around the school grounds again..