Peace Conference II

On the east side of Kuoh Academy from Zeno's location, a flying spear of light flew at a blinding speed across the air as it impaled through the two horrified magicians, who were not able to react in time.

"Ughh... damnit..."

The two unfortunate magicians slowly fell to the ground with painful expressions as they held on to the spear of light that impaled them both among the group of other cloaked magicians who came to disturb the peace conference.

Seeing the grim fate of their allies, the other magicians immediately start casting various magic spells; some cast attack spells, and some enact magical barriers as they face a blue-haired female fallen angel with five pairs of black wings who is floating in the air.

Leila, who saw them starting to take action against her, just smirked as she conjured up a light spear in her hand.

"You all are already dead."

She muttered as the spear that impaled the two magicians suddenly grew brighter and then exploded violently into a big fireball amidst the group of magicians.

The explosion was powerful, as the force of the blast sent the magicians flying in all directions, and some are in pieces. Leila didn't just stop there, as she flew to those who were still alive with a light spear in her hand, ready to harvest the lives of her enemies.


She shouted as she swung the light spear at the remaining magicians who were still alive, not giving them any chance to escape or retaliate. With each strike, the magician fell until no more was left.

Leila looked around with caution for a while until she was sure that no one was alive other than her. She relaxed a bit, dispersing the light spear from her hand.

"Ah~ ah~ I want to be with master..."

Leila muttered with a lonely expression.


Meanwhile, on the west side, Noa watched as the chaos unfolded before her eyes while the magicians desperately tried to defend against the onslaughter of her Touki Bullet: Birdshot variant spell that she generously shot at them with a gleeful smirk. Noa's long black hair blew in the wind as she amusingly watched the destruction and death she was causing to the group of cloaked magicians without remorse as her violet eyes scanned the surroundings while she kept suppressing the group of magicians in front of her.

She was ready to eliminate any new threats that might appear with extreme prejudice.

As Noa continued to cast her spell to bully the magicians, she noticed a group of newly arriving magicians trying to cast attack spells at her.

"Nice try!"

With a smirk, she quickly moved at a blinding speed and reappeared behind one of them, catching them off guard. 

"What? How did you...?!"

One of the magicians cried out in surprise as Noa grabbed his arm and threw him into the other one of the magicians nearby very hard. The two magicians flew away from the powerful force of Noa's throw as she cast a lightning bolt spell quickly and shot the lightning bolt at them mid-air. The two of them screamed as they got cooked by lightning before the two charred bodies fell on the ground, emitting a smoke and burning meat smell.

"That's overcooked..."

Noa muttered in amusement as the other magicians gasped in horror as they watched their comrade get easily killed by this powerful fallen angel. Noa chuckled as she conjured up a light spear in her hand and looked at them with a smirk.

"Idiots, no matter how hard you try, you're not going to defeat me with such a pathetic group of weaklings."

She said it before disappearing from their sights again, only to reappear behind another one of the magicians. This time, she used her superior speed to attack with her spear and various spells simultaneously, leaving them no chance to retaliate or escape.

The carnage continued for some time, with Noa single-handedly taking down magicians three or four people at a time. Finally, after ensuring that all threats had been neutralized with extreme prejudice, she landed on the ground softly, spinning her light spear as she looked around the area that was filled with bloody bodies after her rampage.

"Phew, that was quite a nice warm-up."

She said this as her violet eyes were scanning the area to ensure that no one was still alive and playing dead. After she made sure that was indeed the case, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over her as she remembered how effortlessly she dispatched the magicians who dared to stand against her. The hard training she goes through every day was indeed worth it.

She wonders if her master will praise her after this, since she will definitely brag to him when they go back.


On the north side, the magicians were panicking and terrified out of their wits as their comrades around them were cut in half or decapitated one by one, as if an invisible enemy were stalking them. At first, they tried to attack randomly with the AOE spell, but those who cast a spell got cut down instantly, causing other magicians to become too afraid to cast spells. Now they can only huddle together with their backs turned against each other, hoping that they will not be the next to die.

Ezrah, who was invisible from the spell she and Zestia created from the ability of the sword Excalibur Transparency, watched silently at the group of scared magicians with a predatory expression as she moved at a blinding speed, but silently at the two magicians who were staying at the edge of the group and cutting their heads off with a touki arm blade she was using instead of the Excalibur sword for obvious reasons.

She repeats this step for a while until only one magician remains. Ezrah comes out of her invisible state and reappears in front of the last magician, a woman who was trembling in fear as she realized that she was the only one left standing.

"S-S-Spare me! I don't really want to be here! I-I was forced to...!" 

The woman tried to plead for mercy, but Ezrah simply raised an eyebrow.

"Forced by whom? The people who paid you?"

She asked with a smirk, her violet eyes glittering with amusement at the woman in front of her.

"W-well, y-yes... b-but I have no choice..."

The woman tried to defend herself, but Ezrah couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Silly woman, you always have a choice; unfortunately for you, your choices led you here."

With that, she swung her touki cladded arm in a quick downward motion, slicing the woman in half from shoulder to hip without any resistance. The woman's lifeless body fell to the ground as Ezrah stepped back to avoid the blood splash.

Ezrah then looked around at the bodies of magicians lying around the ground with a small smirk playing on her lips. She had dominated the entire fight from the beginning, without them being able to do anything until the end. The only thing she is dissatisfied about is that they didn't put up much of a fight after she killed a couple of them.

With a snort, she then cast the invisible spell as the magic circle materialized under her feet before she disappeared from sight, waiting to ambush the enemy who might appear here.


On the last south side, the situation is no different than on the north side. The magicians get cut down one by one by the invisible enemy as they try to attack it with spells randomly without actually hitting the invisible hunter who stalks them.

"So disappointing..."

Zestia sighed in a mix of annoyance and disappointment as she watched the pathetic attempts of the group of magicians to attack her. She had hoped for a bit more of a challenge since she was fighting a saner opponent than the stray devil, but it seemed they were all too afraid and had lost their wits.

"Oh well..."

With a shrug, Zestia decides to end this quickly and mercilessly. She moved at a great speed and appeared in front of the magicians before she blitzkrieg them, her touki arm blade cutting through everything in front of her.


The magicians, caught off guard, try to cast a spell to defend themselves, but it's too late. With swift movements like the wind, Zestia decapitates or bisects them all before they even have the chance to do anything. The blood sprays everywhere as their lifeless bodies hit the ground one by one.

Zestia stopped after she blitz through them all and glanced back with an indifferent expression as she surveyed the dead magicians behind her. It was always a bit satisfying to see the enemy's demise, even if it was just a bunch of weaklings.

With a final look around, Zestia then moved away from the area, leaving behind a trail of bloddy bodies, as she didn't want to stand around and smell the unpleasant smell of blood.

She moves far away from the slaughter site to wait for her next enemy that might show up, hoping for a more challenging opponent this time. 


Meanwhile, on the Zeno side, there were many dead magicians lying around on the ground as he stepped over the corpses.

"This started to get boring after hundreds of people."

Zeno muttered as he finished off the last few magicians, who were still alive but unconscious on the ground, by stomping on their heads. He had been killing these mobs with White Dream for an hour now.

As Zeno was washing the blood off his body with a water spell, an explosion suddenly occurred in the school building as two people flew out of the conference room.

"Huh? is it time?"

Zeno muttered with a surprise expression underneath his SS suit as he turned to see Katerea and Azazel, who are right now facing off against each other in mid-air with their wings out.

Seeing that Katerea had arrived caused Zeno to smirk with glee as he moved at a great speed towards them.

He appears suddenly between the two of them on the ground, causing them both to look at him, Azazel with curiosity and Katerea with irritation.

Zeno almost grins beneath his SS suit as he utters a legendary phrase.