Operation Start!

In the morning, three days later, after the gacha roll, Zeno could be seen sitting on the couch in the living room of his apartment with the energetic Ziah occupying his lap as he patted her blonde head affectionately while his daughter was being entertained by Himiko, who was baby talking and holding hands with her.

"Haw are yuuu~? Din little cute bear-bie hab a nice nap~?"

Himiko is holding Ziah's little hands as they shake their hands together, and Ziah giggles in response as she seems to be having fun. She cooes at Himiko with happy baby noises, and Himiko couldn't resist giving her a kiss on her chubby cheek.

"Chuchu~! Hehe, Ziah-chan is so cute~"

Zeno smiled while watching their interaction. He was a bit afraid that Ziah might grow up with his girls doting on her too much and become a spoiled little princess at this rate. He then looked towards the sleep-deprived Asia and Charmie at the dinner table as the two ate breakfast at a slower pace than usual, with dark circles under their eyes and their hair quite disheveled. It seemed like the energetic Ziah kept them up all night. How pitiful, he thought with sympathy.

( AN: Charmie is the clone of Mittelt. )

"Zeno-san, Zeno-san, let me hold her please~"

Himiko requested as she hugged Ziah with their cheeks rubbing against each other, while the baby was a bit uncomfortable with Himiko's sudden aggressiveness. Zeno smiled wryly before he let the eager Himiko carry Ziah off his lap, as the baby started to feel annoyed while receiving passionate skinship from Himiko.

Then Ziah grabbed on to Himiko's glasses and started pulling them out of her face while cooing curiously, as the baby wondered what this strange object was on Himiko's face.

"Ahh~ Ziah-chan, don't take my glasses~ You will make me not be able to see, you know~? Ohhohou~? Is this little cutie challenging me~?!"

The two of them then began wrestling with each other playfully as Ziah giggled happily while Himiko made exaggerated noises to the baby to entertain her.

Zeno watched them play as he leaned his back on the couch. The living room was so peaceful this morning that nobody would have expected that Zeno was going to lead his Liberty's army to raid the Old Satan factions in the underworld later, probably in the next couple of hours.


A hour later, as Ziah was being breastfed by Asia next to Zeno on the couch after she got hungry playing with Himiko, suddenly, the giddy Noa, in the armor with a helmet in her right hand, was walking inside the living room as she called Zeno with barely hidden excitement that was oozing out of her.

( AN: Noa is the clone of Raynare. )

"The Geborgs and the vehicles have been assembled, and we are good to go at any moment!"

She reported to him with a grin even though she didn't have to come in person to report to him; it seems she was really looking forward to the raid. Well, Noa is always a bit belligerent, so obviously she will be excited about this kind of thing.

"Alright, let's go."

Zeno quickly got up from the couch and turned to Asia, who was carrying Ziah in her arms, before he patted his daughter's head while she was still sucking on Asia's nipple without a care in the world.

"Papa will go out for a while, so be a good girl, okay?"

He whispered to Ziah while the baby looked back at him with her green and blue eyes innocently. Zeno smiled and then gave her little hand a kiss, which caused her to giggle a little before he looked up at Asia and then kissed her gently on the lips.

"I'll go out for a bit."

"Yes, please be safe, Zeno-san."

Asia smiles as she sees Zeno walk toward the waiting Noa as the two of them go out of the living room together.


In the seemingly endless white space of the time chamber, a huge gate-like structure is currently being built by two Godblood Cubes in front of the awaiting convoy of ten God-Prayers, with ten God-Takers attached by magic circles under them as the GPs will carry them to the destination to avoid wasting time traveling on the ground.

Today is the day that the long awaited raid will commence, as the dimension gate that can breach into any sub-dimension that connects to Earth is currently being built for Liberty's raid party to travel to the underworld where their raid targets were located.

From the back of the convoy, there were 50 God-Raiders neatly parked in a wedge formation with 45 Geborgs, Zeno, and four of his girls as the riders. All of them will also attach the GRs to the GTs later, when the dimension gate construction is completed, and thanks to the anti-gravity spell, they don't have to worry about the weight limit that the GP could carry.

At the tip of the GRs formation, Zeno, in his US suit, sitting on top of the GR, turned to look at his left and right as he saw Noa, Ezrah, Zestia, and Yae in their armor with laspistol and lightsaber on their tactical utility belt, who were beside him on their GRs.

( AN: Ezrah is the clone of Irina, Zestia is the clone of Xenovia, and Yae is the clone of Tsubasa. )

"Range weapons can only be useful at a distance, right?"

"But aren't the melee weapons also the same as they can only be useful in a short range?"

The girls were quite relaxed as they chatted with each other, like they were not about to go to war soon, as they were currently debating whether range weapons or melee weapons were superior to each other and why.

Zeno was not even bothered to listen to them, as he found the debate pointless since, to him, the best weapon is whatever he can use to kill his enemy at that moment, and that's enough for him.

"Eto~ the melee and range weapons have different purposes, so why are you girls even comparing them?"

"They just want to kill time, Himiko-san..."

There are also Ruth and Himiko voices in the Comlink channel chatting with them, as they are the ones who will be supporting the raid party as the operators back at the intelligence department room in the underground base. Himiko, who volunteered herself to help in this raid, was quite excited and apprehensive at the same time, as she would have to see a live feed of the real supernatural fight for the first time.

The plan of the raid was rather simple: the God-Prayers would split up into five groups with two GPs, two GTs, and ten GRs per group, and then the GPs would transport the GTs to all the bases and hideouts of the Old Satan faction.

After that, the Geborgs that were inside the GTs would disembark and spread out to surround the enemy base, and then they would put up a special barrier to prevent the teleportation and communication means of the enemies inside the base.

For the place that was in clear open terrain, first, the GPs will shower the enemy's base with the mana disruptor missiles that will create a temporary anti-magic field to cancel out any barriers and magical traps of the enemy if they exist, while also disabling enemy magic users for the ground force to charge to the base without any interference from the enemy force.

For those bases and hideouts that are located in areas that are not so easily accessible with a large number of soldiers, an small elite team of Geborgs and the soldier girl as the leader of the team will be assembled, and then the team will assault the enemy base from the front to clear the way for the other Geborgs to follow and secure the base.

Zeno's raid plan is quite simple and flexible, so everything can adjust depending on the immediate situation on the field.

"Oiii~! Master, the gate construction is completed! Let's go!"

Noa, who was keeping an eye on the dimension gate construction progress, suddenly alerted Zeno, who was flirting with Himiko through the HMT of the gate's complete construction, with an excited expression.

"Hmm? Oh, finally...!"

Zeno looked up from the HMT in his hand and saw that the dimension gate had finally been completed, like Noa said, while the other girls also turned their heads to see the huge dimension gate.

"Alright girls, let's go!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zeno commanded as the girls responded in unison, and then he pushed the GR start button as the warbike's engine came to life, and then he gave another order to the Geborg riders behind him to follow their assigned team leader to the GTs for hooking up with them.

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing the Geborgs affirmative, Zeno immediately drove off with nine other Geborgs that were following behind him to attach themselves to the GTs, as the other girls also drove off with the Geborgs under their command at the same time as him to their assigned GTs.

After attaching themselves to the sides of the GTs under the GPs, Zeno then declares loudly in the main Comlink channel.

"Operation start!!"

And immediately after, the engines of all the GPs came to life, and then the GPs started taking off with all of the raid party into the air before they flew through the air into the dimension gate that was tearing a hole open in space as the portal that led to the underworld opened up for them to go through.

The GPs line up in a two-column formation as they fly inside the portal, while the small group of Geborgs that will remain guarding the gate salutes them.