Chilling Liberty

Late morning In the living room of the villa, inside the time chamber, Zeno could be seen relaxing on the couch with Leila and Klara sitting closely beside him, as the two of them were pampering him by feeding him snacks and caressing his body sensually but not too sexually.

( AN: Leila is the clone of Kalawarna and Klara is the clone of Katerea. )

"Oh my~"

"Fufu, Master~"

The two girls giggled playfully as Zeno moved his arms, which were placed around their shoulders, to wrap around their waists before he brought both of them closer towards him as their large breasts ended up pressed against his body, causing him to hum with satisfaction as he feels their soft feminine curves and the two large pairs of hope and dream.


Leila, in her maid uniform, with her long blue hair done in a bun, picked up one Pocky from the bowl filled with snacks on top of the coffee table in front of the couch, and then she put the tip of the Pocky in between her sexy red lips before she turned toward Zeno and offered the snack from her lips with a sultry expression on her face.

She has learned this daring move from a TV drama that Asia likes to watch for a while now and Leila really wants to try doing it with her master but has never had a chance to until now.



Seeing his naughty maid wanting to feed him in such a lovely way made Zeno smirk in amusement before he responded to her temptation in kind by taking a bite at the Pocky little by little until his lips touched Leila's as they exchanged a passionate kiss while Klara watched from Zeno's other side with interest as she learned Leila's new skill that she just activated.

"Chuchu~ mmnh~ chuchu... nghhh... Master~ chuchu... chupa!"

The two separate from each other after a minute as Zeno smirks at the blushing Leila, who is smiling happily for a brief moment before he turns his attention to his CFO on his other side, who is currently staring at him with desire burning in her eyes as she witnessed their kiss.

Klara, in her usual outfit of a white smock blouse, black pinstripe mini skirt, and pantyhose, also wants to do the same as her sister, so she picked up the Pocky and put it in between her alluring pink lips, and with a little blush on her cheeks and anticipation in her eyes, Klara presented him with a snack, tempting him to do the same thing he did with Leila earlier to her.

Zeno chuckled softly, and then he also took a bite out of the Pocky from her lips little by little before their lips touched as they kissed just like he did previously with Leila.

"Chuchu~ Master~ ahh~ chuchu... mmnn... chuchu..."

And just like that, the three of them continue spending time together as the two girls become more touchy with Zeno while the man himself is just chilling on the couch; today he just wants to lazy around without doing anything as his girls pamper him.

It has been two days since the raid on the Old Satan faction in the underworld that ended in its destruction. The Liberty's raid party has successfully returned from the underworld through the dimension gate safely without leaving any evidence of their existence behind, as well as many loot from the bases and hideouts of the Old Satan faction that they raided.

The raid has gained Zeno so many treasures that he now has a lot of wealth—so much wealth that his faction's total wealth now rivals a first-world country's annual budget.

And even though the money is already useless to him because of Godblood, Zeno still feels happy to see so many treasures filled up in the vault that he recently built near the villa to store the shiny stuff.

Zeno also somewhat feels good about himself as he manages to rid the world of the bad elements and make it a safer place for everyone, even if it is just a little bit since the Old Satan faction is not really significant enough to actually be a real threat to the world as they only want to regain the authority and power back to rule the underworld just like before.

They might say stupid things like rule the world, exterminate angels and fallen angels, and whatnot, but Zeno knew that they were just bullshitting or boasting without any intention to actually do it. They are just a bunch of pretentious cowards, after all.

Zeno can't help but smirk at those devils that were lucky, or you could say unlucky, to not be present at the bases and hideouts when the raid happens, since now they will find themselves homeless without any backing in the dangerous world of DXD, where weaklings tend to die casually or randomly.

Now he will let his soldiers rest for a week before he will lead them out again to attack the island nation of Miseri Do Mar and take over that island nation from its corrupt government and the influence of the gangs with the good old violence.

He wonders if he should start calling himself Overlord or Supreme Ruler when he declares his successful hostile takeover of the nation since he intended to rule it with the iron fist like a tyrant, but he will leave the citizens alone to live their lives peacefully as long as they remain obedient to his rule and law.

Well, he will allow them to leave his nation normally if they don't want to stay since he doesn't really need citizens in the first place as the Geborgs and robots are enough for him to run the country.

Maybe he should pay them money to leave instead so he will have fewer citizens to deal with, Zeno thought as Leila and Klara fed him snacks this time with their hands as they noticed that he was contemplating something, so they tried not to bother him like a good girl, a couple of very curvy and good mature girls...



The two moan out in delight as Zeno can't resist the temptation and ends up groping their breasts.


Meanwhile In the baby room, Ziah in a pink onesie with a cute floral pattern was sitting on the soft cushioned floor as she currently built a tower with small wooden objects in various shapes that were stacking on top of each other in a delicate balance, while Asia and Charmie cheered her on by her side with a proud expression as Charmie used the HMT to record Ziah's cute concentrating face, not minding that the not-even-year-old baby was doing something beyond normal baby capability.

( AN: Charmie is the clone of Mittelt. )

"You are doing good, Ziah-chan~!"

"Hehe, Ziah-chan is so amazing."

After Ziah managed to stack seven objects on top of each other and successfully build a 30-centimeter-tall tower, Charmie and Asia immediately praised her and gave the baby a lot of kisses and head pats, causing her to giggle and clap her little hands happily.

"Aww~ so cute~!"

Charmie grinned loosely as she hugged the baby, rubbing her cheek on the baby's blonde head as Asian smiled gently, watching her daughter cooing at Charmie and hugging her back.

After that, they took a picture of Ziah sitting next to the tower as she smiled cutely at them with their HMTs to add the baby's amazing accomplishment to Ziah's ever-growing picture album.

Time passed, and then it was afternoon nap time for the baby as Asia read her daughter a picture book about the adventure of a green orge and talking donkey as both of them go on a mission to rescue a princess from the tower that was guarded by a dragon until Ziah, who was sitting on Asia's lap, became sleepy and eventually fell asleep in Asia's lap.

"Oh my, our little cutie is finally knocked out."

Charmie smiles as she peeks at the sleeping face of Ziah in Asia's lap while Asia closes the book with a paper bookmark in between the pages, and then she gently carries Ziah to the crib and puts her to sleep in there with a blanket on top of her small body.

"Have a nice dream..."

Asia whispered to the sleeping baby and then kissed her daughter on the forehead with affection before she made an apologetic expression as she looked at Charmie, who nodded at her with an understanding smile.

"Leave her to me and take a rest, Asia-chan~"

Charmie said as she hit her small chest softly.

"Thank you..."

Asia thanked her as she gave her daughter another look before she went out of the room.

"Well, then..."

Seeing that Asia was gone, Charmie went to sit on the white armchair near the crib as she would watch over the napping Ziah while Asia took a rest and did something else to relax before she would come back and take over from Charmie so the diminutive maid could also take a rest properly.


In the west hallway of the villa, Marian and Rurari, in a maid uniform, were carrying laundry baskets filled with various used clothes to the washing machine in the laundry room.

( AN: Marian is the clone of Momo and Rurari is the clone of Ruruko. )

Today, there were quite a few chores for them to do, as they have been busy since the morning.

"Ahh, so busy; why is today so busy, like, for real?"

Rurari complains as she follows Marian from behind, while Marian sighed as she had to listen to her sister whining about work so many times, and it started to annoy her.

"Quit whining already, sister; you don't want your secret stash of snacks to become common knowledge to everyone, do you?"

"Ehh?! How did you know?!"

Rurari immediately became panicked as Marian threatened her lifeline of sweet goodies that she had been saving to eat later and hid in her closet.

"So? Will you quiet down now?"

Marian glanced back at Rurari as the short girl immediately closed her mouth, looking at Marian with a pitiful expression.

"That good."

Marian hummed in satisfaction as her sister finally shut up.


Inside the Intelligence Analysis Department room in the underground base, Ruth in her work uniform is currently looking at the hologram screens on her workstation as pictures of various people with their personal information were displaying on the screens.


She muttered with an indifferent expression as she leaked all of their information and location to the supernatural world, and before long these people will be hunted down like animals by almost any faction.

Why? That is because these people that she just sentenced to death indirectly are all the survivors of the Old Satan faction that she managed to find with the Liberty ever-growing spying global network that she was still working on.

"With this, they will be truly dead..."

Ruth muttered with a small smile on her purple lips as she managed to deal a fatal blow to the remnants of the Old Satan faction with this move.

"Heh, my new master is such a bad person..."