A Plot Correction Is Coming!

Currently inside the office of the Satan Lucifer in the underworld, the four Great Satans could be seen discussing something with each other, as they had quite a serious expression on their faces.

Right now, the four of them are having a meeting about the sudden destruction of the Old Satan faction that happened out of nowhere, and then not long after, the information and location of the remnants of the Old Satan faction who fortunately survived the attack got leaked by someone on the internet of both the mundane and supernatural worlds, causing various forces to immediately hunt down the remnants of the Old Satan faction.

This leads to many problems and headaches, especially for the two Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan, as they have to deal with both internal and external problems currently happening as these remnants of the Old Satan faction are mostly spys that are operating in the devil and other factions' territories.

"Ajuka, were you able to find anything worthwhile?"

Sirzechs Lucifer asked while turning his head toward a man with light blue eyes and slicked back green hair in a moss green cloak that looked like a robe; he also didn't wear any shirt underneath, only a dark grey long skirt.

The green-haired man in a green cloak was sitting on the armchair on the left of Sirzechs, while the two other Satans who were sitting on the couch on the right of Sirzechs also turned their heads towards their friend and colleague, Ajuka Beelzebub, with interest.

"Unfortunately, no, the trails that I've managed to find only lead me to dead ends."

"That is... too bad."

Ajuka shook his head apologetically, while the fellow Satans just nodded their heads in acceptance and sighed with a disappointed expression.

"It can't be helped; let's focus on another problem instead."

Sirzechs said as he shook his head while deciding to focus on another thing since it's clear that it's futile to continue investigating this any further as even the smartest devil among them can't find any clue to the one behind the destruction of the Old Satan faction. The one responsible for the recent troubles must be very thorough in erasing their tracks, so the four Satans agreed to focus on solving the other pressing issues first.

"Ahhh~! This is so annoying~"

Serafall, who is in charge of foreign affairs, cries out with frustration because she is the one most affected by this since she is the one who has to deal with the other factions who are sending complaints, trying to gain some benefits, or trying to extort a ransom from them in exchange for the spy who has been caught.

"Well, at least one of our unstable factors has disappeared."

Falbium Asmodeus, the tall, bald man with goatee in a dark purple cape with pauldrons, said lazily, as he was the most unaffected by this, and he feels very glad that he is not in charge of domestic affairs and foreign affairs like his two pitiful friends.

The four of them then continued to discuss with each other for another hour before the meeting finally ended as Ajuka and Falbium teleported back to their place while Sirzechs and Serafall were still remaining in the office.

"So I heard that your sister is now hiring a group of mercenaries from Zavior-dono's group to protect Kuoh Town."

Sirzechs asked Serafall with an intrigued expression, as he was a bit curious about those mercenaries.

"Ugh... So-tan is so stubborn; even though it was quite dangerous to stay there, she still insists, Don't you also have a similar problem with your little sister?"

Serafall sighed with a helpless expression, thinking back about her little sister, who smugly told her that Zeno had rented his elite force to guard the town in his stead and promised to come back to help if Kokabiel appeared, so she wouldn't have to worry about the Kokabiel attack since her little sister has enough protection.

"Hahaha... well, in Rias's case, she was just afraid that her marriage would somehow happen if she went home, so she was very desperate to stay in the human world..."

Sirzechs smiled wryly as his Rias-tan also didn't want to go home.

"So how strong are Zavior-dono's subordinates that he sent? Are they reliable?"

Sirzechs then asked the crucial question with a serious expression, since he wanted to know if they could be relied upon to protect his precious little sister.

"Well, just like So-tan said, they are an elite force, as all 20 of them are strong, comparable to the high-class devil at least, and they are also very disciplined, like a military unit."

Serafall answered him with a disappointed expression since she couldn't force Sona to come back home now that she has the Geborgs guarding the town.

"Their equipment is also quite advanced, from what I've seen. It's quite unbelievable that the newly founded mercenary company could have these powerful people and equipment without anyone knowing anything about them."

Serafall said with a thoughtful expression, as she was quite curious about the Geborgs that she saw. She's sure that Zeno's group will eventually become quite famous in the future with how many strong people he has in his group, and she was also glad that her little sister managed to make a connection with such a group since Sona's peerage was quite lacking in the overall strength and talents, so the strong and trustworthy fighting force that Sona can hire for protection was welcoming, especially when their salary is way cheaper than the other mercenaries that are way weaker than them.

"Hmm, that is quite unusual for the mercenary company to have that many strong people."

Sirzechs was surprised at how strong Zeno's subordinates are. Usually the mercenaries are those with low strength, around low or mid-class in this world since those with higher strength are rarely independent from any faction or organization influence.

"Do you think Zavior-dono might be relating to any faction?"

Sirzechs asked Serafall while he pondered about which faction that might be, as the factions that he knew to utilize Touki are the Youkai, Heavenly Court, and Hindu pantheon.

"Well, it's hard to say since I never hear the news of him or his people operating anywhere else. He really might just be starting this mercenary and bounty hunting business, like he said, so it's not strange that we can't find anything about them."

Serafall said and just shrugged her shoulders in response to Sirzechs' doubt. She doesn't seem to be worried too much about it since she didn't find anything suspicious about them other than the lack of their information that she could find.

"Very well, let's wait and see then..."

Sirzechs hummed as he leaning back on the couch with a thoughtful expression. He wonders if he could hire Zeno or his man to help his little sister out with her arranged marriage. He might have to cheat a bit to make it happen. While his reputation will take a hit from this stunt, he feels that it doesn't matter much since his little sister's happiness was at stake here.

"Heh, let's see what Your Onii-sama can do for you, Rias..."


The next day in the morning, inside the seeming endless white space of the time chamber, Zeno, who wore only black Spandex pants, could be seen cultivating his Touki inside a huge dome of blue barrier as he levitated from the ground in a sitting position with his legs crossed above the training ground, while he was also inside a purplish black sphere of Touki aura.

The ten-meter radius inside the barrier around the area near Zeno was currently distorted and shaking violently, like the space was about to collapse just from the sheer weight of his aura alone.

At a distance outside of the barrier, all of the girls and his daughter Ziah, who was being carried by Asia, are gathered together and currently watching him behind the magic barrier as they await his breakthrough to the next level of power like a group of tourists.

Even Ruth, who rarely has free time to relax from work, was also presented among the girls, as she wanted to witness the rare moment of someone ascending beyond the Satan-class with her own two eyes in real time.

And then a couple of seconds later, what they all had been waiting for was finally happening as the sphere of Touki surrounded Zeno suddenly started beating like a heart in powerful rhythms while also generating shockwaves that crashed against the barrier at the same time, which immediately drew all of the girls attention to the sphere.

And then the top of the Touki sphere suddenly burst open after the eighth beat, with a huge pillar of black and purple light rising high from the sphere and crashing against the magic barrier, which ended up creating many cracks in space around Zeno inside the barrier from the sudden massive energy surge. 

With this, Zeno has officially entered the realm of the top powerhouse in the DXD universe, and that means he can now easily defeat anyone with the strength below the Heavenly Dragon level all by himself with just a little help from Godblood.


The shining eyes Ziah cooed with excitement as she bounced her little body in Asia's arms when she saw the spectacular sight of Zeno Touki rampaging inside the barrier, while Asia smiled with a gentle expression as she kept her excited daughter from falling down.

"Ahh~ Master, you have become even more stronger again~"

The blushing Leila released a hot sigh while she hugged herself, feeling aroused by the sheer power that Zeno is currently radiating from his body.

( AN: Leila is the clone of Kalawarna. )

"Mmm...! I can't wait to feel that power in my-"

"No horny! There is a child here!"

Noa, who was also affected by Zeno's new power level, muttered out loud with a lewd expression on her face before she got interrupted by Himiko's hand chop on the back of her head to prevent her inappropriate comment from being heard by Ziah.

( AN: Noa is the clone of Raynare. )


Ruth bit her purple lips sensually, with a little blush on her cheeks, as she felt the power radiating from Zeno. She didn't know if she could hold on any longer for him to make a move on her first.

It could be seen that all of the nonhuman girls instincts are triggered, and they feel quite aroused by Zeno's display of power. They start fidgeting with a blush as they stare at Zeno inside the barrier with desire, while the human girls are not that affected by it and are only looking at him with admiration.

Back to Zeno, who just became powerful as the Super Devil from the breakthrough in his Touki, he immediately took back the control of his rampaging Touki and condensed it back inside his body and deactivated it as the disturbances around him quickly calmed down as well as the space cracks that started to heal themselves.

Zeno then fell from the air as he landed softly on his feet while he dispelled the magic barrier. He then turned his head towards his lovely audiences, who were already walking towards him after they saw that he had deactivated his Touki and dispelled the barrier.

"Hey, girls."

Greeting them with a smirk, Zeno was also walking towards them as the girls immediately surrounded him as they began to congratulate him with a smile, while Zeno received the excited Ziah from Asia as he rained kisses on her cute face, causing her to giggle happily.


Then he feels someone's naughty hand, or rather hands, sneakily wandering around on his butt and his crotch. He glanced around and saw that there were too many suspects around him to know for sure who was currently molesting him, as the girls are making quite a natural expression like nothing is going on.

Zeno can only endure this in silence since Ziah is currently in his arms as she is hugging him, so he can't retaliate.

"So big..."

Someone with purple hair and haunting red eyes muttered quietly to herself as she just took advantage of the situation and cop a feel of Zeno's shaft without any shame.