The Captain accompanied Zechariah and Alder in a chariot that is going to the palace. While going to the Palace, Alder asked so many things to Zechariah

Alder:" How did my mother became a princess? Does that make me a Prince? Where are we going to live? Do you have a house here?"

All the men that accompanies them were all laughing. Fluttered on how the boy was so cute, clumsy and keeps asking questions.

Zechariah:" One question at a time mate, can't answer all those questions of yours at once. You're mother is the daughter of King William's brother. And yes that makes you a Prince. And we're going to live in my house in the Arkham City, now quiet it's quite embarrassing being too noisy in front of soldiers ya boy".

On their way to the Palace the boy look in the window and saw many Wonders. Unicorns, Giant Buildings, Mountains, Dragons and many more. It was his first time seeing such magnificent things he enjoying everything he sees. Until they get in the Arkham City the City where the Palace is located, he was swinging his left arm outside the window, and a lady saw his birthmark. She jumped and shouted

Lady:" The chosen one is here, Marcus and Aleina's son is here" she shouted with joy

All the neighborhood came out and shouted out of joy, believing that they are now safe. Some people approached the boy and touched the boy's face. Alder was very curious on what is happening.

Capt. Grim:" Get used to it, boy. Everyone believes that it's you who will end this evil days".

Alder:" What do you mean, sir?

Zechariah:" Nothing, he means nothing".

And when they get in the Palace, everyone in the chariot went down. But then Zechariah pulled Capt. Grim into the back of the chariot.

Zechariah:" He doesn't know it yet Captain, and it's not the time. He's too young to carry that burden".

Capt. Grim:" Forgive me".

Zechariah:" Ok, let's go"

Then the men together with Alder entered the Palace. They saw many Statues, those are the statues of former Kings. One was named Alder Hughes it was Alder's Grandfather.

Alder:" Look uncle a statue has the same name as me". He said while smiling

Zechariah:" Yoi were named after him boy, he was your Great Grandfather".

Alder:" Woooww, AWESOME!!"

After walking for a while they got into the Throne room. The King rushed and hugged Alder

King William:" Oh my Grandson, nice seeing you again. It's been 13 years, the last time I saw you were still a baby and now look at you, you're all grown up" he said while sniffing.

Zechariah:" He's Kimg William Hill, boy. You're Grandfather's step-brother, making him also your Grandfather".

Alder:" Hello sir, nice meeting you sir" He said nervously to the King.

King William:" Call me Gramps boy, not sir"

Alder:" Ok Gramps"

King William:" Everyone come quick, my grandson has return" he shouted

" Prepare the tables, we're having a feast"

Then everyone prepared for a feast, Alder was very happy. After that the Dinner is served everyone ate. It was a very special day for Alder, he was never been this happy in his life.

King William:" Let's all have a toast, for the return of my Grandson".

Then everyone celebrated, Zechariah then approached the king

Zechariah:" Can we have a word"

King William:" Sure Why not?"

Then the two went to the side of the hall and talked

Zechariah:" What's going on with you? Why are you imprisoning former Dark Shadows?" Angrily he asked.

King William:" I MUST ZECHARIAH, The Dark King is back. Surely they'll come back to their old ways"

Zechariah:" How come you're so sure? You predicted it huhh? Come on think holistic".

King William:" Don't question me Zechariah, I'm the king to remind you"

Zechariah:" I know that, but you're not thinking like a king".

King William:" And you're thinking like one huhh? Is that what you're saying?"

Zechariah:" No, what I mean is be fair William,be fair. They have changed their ways don't force them to go back from being evil. You're laws are pushing them back from being Dark Shadows".

King William:" You won't change my mind Zechariah, NEVER!".

Then Alder ran towards Zechariah

Alder:" I'm tired uncle, let's go home".

King William:" Spend the night here, You can have my son's room it's more comfortable. After all he's not using it since he went to the school last week".

Early in the morning Zechariah and Alder went to Zechariah's house. It was huge and it was very near the castle, when the boy got there he rushed to play in the garden where many cute creatures are living. There he met an old lady

Alder:" Hello Ma'am"

Old Lady:" Oh hello there ,young man"

When Zechariah went to the garden he saw the old woman and hugged her

Zechariah:" Mrs. Rose, you're still here, I miss you so much"

Mrs. Rose:" Of course, young master. I won't leave this house, the Ryker family is already my family"

Zechariah:" I really missed you, Wait I want you to meet Alder, Alder Ville. Aleina's and Marcus's son".

Mrs. Rose:" What an honor Alder, I'm Mrs. Rose, caretaker of the house of Ryker".

Alder:" Pleasure to meet you ma'am".

Mrs. Rose:" Wait Master, I'll cook for lunch, enjoy yourselves boys".

Then Mrs. Rose went inside to cook for lunch. Zechariah then went to his room, where he saw all his pictures when he was a child. He smiled looking at those, he remembers his childhood and tears started to fall off his eyes. After few minutes Mrs. Rose shouted

Mrs. Rose:"Lunch is ready, young masters".

Then the boys went to the dining hall to eat. Alder loved the dishes, it was delicious. And suddenly someone knocked at the door.

Mrs. Rose:" Maybe it's the letter Elf, wait I'll go get it".

Alder:" Wait ma'am, I'll go get it".

Mrs. Rose:" What a kind boy, thank you then" she said while smiling".

And the boy opened the door and saw an Elf. The Elf opened his bag and took a letter and gave it to Alder.

Letter Elf:" He-He-Hello Si-si-sir a letter fo-fo-for Mr. Alder Vi-vi-Ville". Stuttering he said.

Alder:" Oh hello sir, Are you sure its a letter for me?"

Letter Elf:" You're na-na-name was in it, then it's yours

Alder:" Oh, right, Sorry" he laughed " What's your name sir?"

Letter Elf:" Why asked my na-na-name sir? Did I do-do-do wrong?

Alder:" No, I'm just curious".

Letter Elf:" Nobody ca-ca-cares about my na-na-name, I'm just an elf".

Alder:" Well I do care about your name, Now what's your name?"

Letter Elf:" Rudy si-si-sir, that's my name".

Alder:" I'm Alder, Then what's that on your neck".

Rudy:" Oh that's a co-co-collar used to us who are en-en-enslaved by blu-blu-blue bloods"

Alder:" Blue bloods?"

Rudy:" Oh, ma-ma-magic folks".

Then the collar turned red

Rudy:" Oh, I mu-mu-must go bye".

Alder:" Wait, Sir Rudy".

But the Elf run as fast as he can, and it didn't even heard Alder's voice. Then Alder went back inside and opened the letter

Zechariah:" What was that boy?"

Alder:" I dont know, Rudy said it was a letter for me".

Zechariah:" Rudy?"

Alder:" Oh right, he was the letterman"

Zechariah:" Let's me see the letter boy".

Then Alder gave it to Zechariah, He then opened it and read it

"Dear Mr. Ville,

We are likely to inform you that the Dacrast School of Wonders invites you to be one of our students

Please meet us later if you have time, The school year will start in June 06, 2016

Yours truly,Lord Fathom"

Alder:" What's that uncle?"

Zechariah:" Lord Fathom already knew ye were here boy, And the school year starts in June 06, that's two day from now. He invites you to the best school in the world of magic"

Mrs. Rose:" No wonder, being part of Dacrast runs in your blood"

Alder:" Woooww, but why uncle?"

Zechariah:" Well maybe they see your potential boy"

Alder:" My potential? I doesn't even know how to control my power".

Zechariah:" And that's what they're gonna teach yoi, boy"

Alder:" By the way Who's Lord Fathom?"

Zechariah:" Greatest sorcerer in the world today, and the headmaster of Dacrast"

Alder:" I can't wait, going to that school"

Zechariah:" Sure yoi do" he said then laugh

Mrs. Rose:" Young master, should I prepare the thing he'll need for school?"

Zechariah:" Sure, Mrs. Rose, I'll take him to the school later this day".

Alder:" Yehey"

Then Mrs. Rose went upstairs to pack Alder's clothes and thing that he'll need for school. While Zechariah went to the garage and take the chariot, after that he whistle after few seconds two white pegasus with pair of silver wings went near him and he fed them.. He then took the leashes and cast it on the pegasus and connect it with the chariot. After few minutes Mrs. Rose went downstairs carrying all Alder's things.

Mrs. Rose:" Young master, everything is prepared. All his Clothes, soap, comb, mirror, toothbrush, pocket, everything is in the bag, as in everything he need".

Zechariah:" Thank you, Mrs. Rose" he said "ALDER, come here we're already going, the chariot is ready".

Alder:" comin"

And the two went out and Alder saw the two pegasus, he was very surprised and was marvelled

Alder:" Pegasus, no way, This is great uncle let's go already, I want to fly".

Zechariah:" Calm down boy, We still had a lot of time. The pegasus won't run away".

Alder:" Oh, right. Is the school far away uncle?"

Zechariah:" Not that far away, it'll only take us minutes going there"

Mrs. Rose:" Take care, young masters. God bless you Alder".

Zechariah:" Let's go then boy, since you are too excited".

Alder:" Oh yeah, Goodbye Mrs. Rose, it was nice meeting you. God bless you too".