And they flew their way to the school which is just hundreds of kilometers away. It was located on a big island which is still a part of Artarost kingdom it was builded on the top of Mt. Satu. The mountain was in the middle of the island and was the highest mountain in all Artarost. Alder flew in the sky for the first time he saw how beautiful the kingdom was, from above. He touched the skies and was shouting.

Alder: I'm on the top of the World".

Zechariah:" Yeah yoi do boy, HAHAHA"

After few minutes of travelling, he pulled the chariot to land near the school, and the boy saw how the school was wonderful. There are children playing and running in the courtyard and young men riding small dragons near the towers. He was marvelled at what he saw then they entered the school's courtyard. In the courtyard there was a tall concrete warrior statue who greets everyone it meets in the school, they call it Guardian.

Guardian:" Welcome to Dacrast School of Wonders".

Alder:" Whoaa, it talks? Amazing"

Zechariah:" Of course it can talk, they call it Guardian. That statue has been here hundreds of years, protecting this school".

Alder:" I can't believe it, it feels like I'm still dreaming".

Zechariah:" Get use to it boy, this place of wonder will be your new home".

Alder:" I can't wait to meet new friends".

When Zechariah was approaching the giant door which is the entrance to the school. Suddenly the giant door opened, and waiting inside was an old man in white cloak, carrying a golden staff with a head of a dragon carved on the top of it. His eyes were as blue as the water, his hair and beard was as grey as an Ash. His name was Arkaios Fathom Rotunda, also known as Lord Fathom.

Zechariah:" That automatic door never gets old ayy Lord Fathom"

Lord Fathom:" Long time, Zechariah, so that's the son of Marcus and d Aleina, he grown up too much".

Zechariah:" Yes, Lord Fathom he surely have grown up. Hey Alder why don't yoi greet Lord Fathom".

Alder:" Hello sir, Nice to meet you"

Lord Fathom:" Nice to meet you too, young man. You're as handsome as your father, you surely is Marcus's son".

Alder:" Thank you sir" He said with a smile on his face

While they are talking a man approached them, and greeted them. The man wores a brown cloak and a cap. His hair, moustache, beard were as brown as the fur of a grizzly bear. They call him the Beast Master, his name was Silvestre Oldman. He was an old friend of Zechariah and Marcus, he was a former Dragon Rider and is now teacher of the "Study of Mythical Creatures".

Silvestre:" It's been long time, Zechariah you dowsing goofball" he said while laughing

Zechariah:" Silvestre, you're still alive? I thought you were dead". Joking he said

Silvestre:" Oh, shut it Zechariah. How's life mate? Seems like the heavens is in your favor by the look of your smile, ayy".

Zechariah:" Not that quite mate, life has been ups and down in the Human world Ya know".

Lord Fathom:" Why don't you two take the chat in my office, it's better to sit while talking than just here standing blocking the entrance".

Then all four of them started walking, going to Lord Fathom's office, it was in the 5th floor. While walking Alder was greeted by school staffs, students and officials. He was glad, he never met so many kids in one place all of his life. Before approaching the Elevator they met a couple of Cleavles. A species of Elf as tall as a human, They have pointy ears and a pointy nose. Cleavles has a thin body but with incredible strength they love working, and they are very gentle beings but they can be as worst as an angry hen when triggered. The Cleavles took all of Alder's baggage.

Snum:" Let me take that sir".

Alder was a little confused on what the Cleavle is doing

Lord Fathom:" Don't worry, they are Cleavles. They are working here at Dacrast. Mr. Snum please take his baggage to the students room. And Mr. Dorris please help Snum carry those baggage".

Snum and Dorris:" Alright Sir, No Problem".

Then one Cleavle rushed to where the four are. He was looking for Silvestre Oldman. He ran too fast he even slip and fell on the ground. His name was Pum the clumsy Cleavle.

Pum:" Mr. Oldman, sir. You have a letter sir from the Dragon keeper".

Silvestre:" Oh mate, I forgot, I have a meeting. I'll leave you for a while then, see you later".

Silvestre rushed outside to go meet the Dragon keeper. Meanwhile the three entered the Elevator, the Elevator doesn't seem to move. Alder was wondering maybe the Elevator was broken. Until it opened, outside was already the 5th floor, The Elevator was quite different in the world of magic. As the Elevator in the World of Magic works with Teleportation spells. Alder was shocked and can't believe his eyes, first he sees the first floor and within a blink of an eye they were already on the 5th floor. Alder walked while wandering his eyes around the 5th floor. The hall were as shiny as crystals, the ceiling was glistering with stardust and the walls are full of paintings. Lord Fathom's office were at the end of the hallway, it's door was made out of gold. When they entered inside the office Alder squeaked out of surprise as a Cleavle jump in front of him. The Cleavle was the office-elf of Lord Fathom, his name was Moby. He was clumsy, and loves to pull out pranks. He was loyal to Lord Fathom, he works day and night just to make Lord Fathoms office clean.

Lord Fathom:" Moby stop pulling pranks on visitors" he shouted Angrily on Moby.

Moby:" Forgive me sir, bad habit" he said while scratching his head.

Lord Fathom:" Forgive him boys, he loves pulling prank on visitors. He even once throw up a cake on the Prime Minister, which gave me a lot of problems" he said then sighed.

Zechariah:" It's ok, sir"

Lord Fathom:" As I was saying, you don't have to worry about his enrollment. I already fix everything".

Zechariah:" Owww, I-I that's great" he said with small voice

Lord Fathom:" Sorry for making the decisions, but we both know the situation".

Zechariah:" Not here, Lord Fathom the boy is not ready to know it".

Alder:" What is it uncle? What is the thing I'm not ready to know".

Lord Fathom:" Moby would you please accompany Alder to his room right now".

Moby:" Consider it done, Sir" He said while saluting.

Alder:" Oh come on"

Zechariah:" Just go boy"

Alder:" All right" he said disappointed then frown

Moby then accompanied Alder out of the room. Alder was disappointed and was curious about Lord Fathom and Zechariah's discussion. He left the room with a scowl on his face. Moby took him to the elevator and got into the 3rd floor, The 3rd floor is the students dormitory. Alder's room is in the room 312 together with 3 other students. Meanwhile in Lord Fathom's office

Lord Fathom:" The Dark Shadows are on the move, the safest place for the boy is in this school".

Zechariah:" And you made a decision without me, I'm his guardian Lord Fathom you know that".

Lord Fathom:" I know that, so please forgive me for making decisions on my own. I have to do this for the boy".

Zechariah:" Well what can I do, it already happened. Just promise me Lord Fathom, promise me you'll protect the boy, promise me".

Lord Fathom:" I'll do my best, I'll keep my promise, he'll be safe no matter what".

Zechariah:" Well then we had nothing more to dicuss, I'll be going home Lord Fathom".

Lord Fathom:" Oh right, Alder's room was in the 3rd floor room 312"

Zechariah:" Thank you sir, Goodbye"

Then Zechariah leave the office with comfort and a smile on his face. And then He went to the elevator to go to Alder's room. When he got there Alder was fixing his stuff, and Zechariah approached him.

Zechariah:" I'll leave yoi here for now boy, study well make sure to pass your grades"

Alder:" I will uncle, but what is the thing you don't want me to know uncle? I am curious".

Zechariah:" Your too young for that thing, Lord Fathom will tell yoi that at the right moment" he said while patting the boys head

Alder:" Please tell me uncle, I am very curious"

Zechariah:" Nahhh, or maybe I'll give yoi a clue"

Alder:" A clue?"

Zechariah:" Ya boy, a clue, it has something to do with your birthmark"

Alder then pull of his sleeve and look at his birthmark. He doesn't see anything special about so he scratched his head.

Alder:" I don't see anything special about it, how come it has something to do with your discussion with the headmaster?"

Zechariah:" I told you I'll tell only the clue remember, just don't think about it. All yoi have to do is focus on studying. Now take care of yourself boy, I'll be leaving, it's already dawn".

Alder:" Goodbye uncle"

Zechariah:" Take care boy, Goodbye"

And Zechariah left the school with his chariot and go home. As Zechariah flew his way home, Alder was looking at the window watching Zechariah leave. Then suddenly someone barge inside the room with loud noise. It was a boy with curly hair and bulky body. He approached Alder and gave him a drink. His name was Johnny Marley also known as Jon.

Jon:" Hello there, here's a drink for you. The name's Johnny Marley, they call me Jon. Yeah it's quite different here, but you can call Dacrast your second home. I was also a bit shy the first time I got here which was 3 days ago, but you know you need to make friends so you will not feel alone. Ohhh By the way what's your name?"

Alder:" I'm Alder, Alder Ville, nice to meet you and thank you for the drink"

Jon:" You're Alder Ville? NO WAY, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. You're the son of great commander Marcus and Princess Aleina? Woaahhhh BULKY DOGS

Alder:" BULKY DOGS?" He said being confused

Jon:" Oh sorry that was an expression of mine"

Alder:" How come you know my parents?"

Jon:" Everyone knows them here in Artarost, and my mother know your mother so well, my mom was the same doctor who helped your mother gave birth".

Alder:" Maybe we are meant to be friends"

Jon:" Of course, we do" he said while smiling to Alder

Alder picked up his clothes and put in his cabinet, while doing so Jon volunteered to help him. Alder was very happy having such friend, after all the trouble in the Human world, he found a new friend that makes him feel comfortable. After putting all his Clothes in the cabinet, a bell rang. Alder looked back and asked Jon

Alder:" What was that?"

Jon:" Oh that's the school bell, it rings every after periods. And it rang because it was already time for dinner. And promise you'll love all the food, it was made by the best cooks I know".

Alder:" Is that so, Should we go now".

Jon:" Yes we should, let's go. I'm a little bit of hungry you know".

Alder:" Well so do I".

Alder and Jon went out of the room and took the Elevator down to the 1st floor. Into the dining hall, there are lots of students there. Alder and Jon sit down onto the table where Jon's friends are sitting. Some of the students keeps looking at him and smiled at him, and it makes him feel a little bit of discomfort. After few seconds the cooks served the food among every student. The aroma of the dishes captured Alder's nose and he became more hungry. He keeps breathing in the tasty aroma of dishes, and Jon's friends laughed at him.

Lyra:" You look hilarious, what are you doing? Is it your first time smelling tasty dishes?And by the way the names Lyra, Lyra Wayne" She said while laughing

Lyra Wayne, daughter of two famous scientists Logan Wayne and Jane Wayne. Her parents are the famous scientists who invented the Teletransport. A machine that teleports people from one place to anoher. Lyra was a small girl with beautiful face, her hair was dark and her eyes were brown. She is also very intelligent and sometimes talkative.

Alder:" Sorry if it disturbs you, it's just that the dishes are too good to smell, my name is Alder, Alder Ville".

George:" Hi I'm George Mitchell, Nice to meet you. Forgive Lyra she is really talkative, get use to it".

Lyra:" Heyyy, I'm not talkative" she said while looking mean towards George.

George:" Yes you are, you talk too much just so you know"

George Mitchell, son of Maville Mitchell and Arnold Mitchell. Their family is known for their skills in sorcery. His father Arnold is a very famous Sorcerer, while her mother Maville is a very skilled sorceress and is the Head of Department of Biography. George was a tall boy with curly hair and pair of green eyes.

Lyra:" You're annoying"

George:" Well, you're more annoying"

Jon:" Would you two please be quiet you two are annoying".

And the two looked mean towards Jon

Jon:" Don't look at me like that, you two kinda scary"

And as the cook approaches their table the four became silent

Lyra:" Oh what dish could it be now"

Alder:" I don't know, but I know it's good" he said then smile

Lyra:" Madam Julian what's the dish for tonight?"

Madam Julian:" Well its a dish from Philippines called Adobo. It is very delicious, My mom used to cook this for me when I was a child. Now I love cooking it on my own as it was my favorite dish".

Then Madam Julian served their food and left After.

Lyra:" Adobo, first time eating this stuff"

George:" Just be quiet, we're gonna eat now ok"

Lyra:" whatever".

Jon:" Be quiet you two, you look like cat and dog when you're fighting".

Lyra gets near with Alder and pulled his ears.

Lyra:" Is it true that you've been in the World of Humans? How does it feel there? How does it look?"

Alder:" Well I lived there for many years, it's no different from your world. The only difference is they don't have magic.

Lyra:" I want to research things about humans for a documentation. And I would like you to help me".

Alder:" I'll think about it" he said while his mouth is full

Lyra:" It's a command not a request, and please don't talk when your mouth is full, it's disrespectful. Your gonna share all your knowledge about humans to me and I'm gonna help you about everything in this world. Deal?" She reaches her hand to Alder.

Alder:" Is that a command or a request?"

Lyra:" Neither"

Alder:" Whatever, it's a deal" he said in small voice and shaked her hands

Lyra:" Good"

2 days after all the students were called at the School hall, the school year starts today. All of the staffs and teachers are on the front. There was a loud noise as the students enter the hall, their noise was like the sound of a buzzing bee. Alder and Jon entered the room while everything is in chaos. And the Headmaster stand up, he shouted so loud that everyone became silent for a moment.

Lord Fathom: "SILENCE" he said in very loud voice, "Please take your seats and be quiet"

Everyone became silent and took their seats

Lord Fathom:" It was a great day for all of us, as a new school year passes. I am now welcoming you all. Dacrast has been home for many great people. But it's not the school that made them great, it's their hardwork. And in all those hardwork, the school has supported them trough educating. Now as another year starts May it be known to you that Dreams are achieved through Hardwork."

Another teacher stand up and pulled up a scroll then read it. He was a tall guy whose face was covered with his hair and beard. His name is Barbarus Moore also known as "Barbarian Moore". He is a barbarian who lives in the school as it's Head Guard.

Barbarus:" Here are some house rules, students.

1. No Students are allowed outside the school at night

2. Junior High students are not allowed in the Dungeons

3. Students who will harm any staff or teacher will be expelled

4. Deadly weapons are extremely probihited

5. Everyone should be in their room exactly at 10:00 pm

Better follow these major rules or the face the severe consequences"

Lord Fathom:" Thank you Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore is the Head Guard in the school. He'll be watching all over you incase you do anything stupid, as now for Senior Students. Mr. Mandrake will present you the 6 courses in our school".

And another teacher stand up, pulled up his sleeve and lifted his voice, he was a bearded man with a handsome face, His eyes are dark so as his hair. His left hand was covered with scars, he is also tall and muscular.

Mr. Mandrake:" Hello Students, My name is Prof. Agustus Mandrake. I will present you the 6 courses for 5th year students" he lifted up his hands and swish it. Suddenly six banners unveil in front of the students.

" First, for students who have passion for technology, I present you the house of Mechaleon. Named after the greatest inventor in the world Nicholas Mechaleon. And is headed by none other Mr. Lukas Bishocke."

The banner of Mechaleon are colored blue with a Tiger in the middle.

" Secondly, for students who have passion for medicine and health, I present you the house of Philles. Named after the first ever healer in Artarost Lady Minerva Philles. Which is headed by Lady Imelda James".

The banner of Philles are colored pink with a head of a Sheep in the middle.

" Thirdly, for students who have passion with law and politics, the house of Republican, named after Artarost's first goverment name. Republican is headed by our one and only Prof. Joaquin Waterloo".

The banner of Republican are colored red with a roaring lion in the middle.

" Fourthly, for students with love of magic and enchantments, I give you the house of Merus. Named after the greatest sorcerer of all time Merus Artarost. The hous is headed by yours truly".

The banner of Merus are colored Black with a silhoutte of a dragon in the middle.

" Fifth, for students with great passion of fighting, swordsplay, archery. I present the house of Arthur. Named after the greatest swordsman of all time Arthur Artarost. And is headed by Mr. Jonas Knight.

The banner of Arthur are colored white with a grey snake in the middle.

" And lastly, for students who loves herbology, astronomy anything in connect with nature, I present you the house of Gaia. Named after the goddess of Earth itself. And is headed by Mr. Hendrick Powell".

The banner of Gaia are colored green with a stag in the middle.

" Students these are the courses and I hope you'll find the right course". He speaked then sit down.

Lord Fathom: " The time has already come my dear students, Once again Welcome to Dacrast School of Wonders".

Everyone clapped their hands and moved out except the first years. They are all sitting looking like ignorants who does'nt know what they should do. After a while all the teacher and staff went out one after another except Mrs. Imelda and Lord Fathom. Prof. Imelda gave some paper to the first year students where their schedule are written.

Mrs. Imelda:" Your first class will be Astronomy, the room is in the 4th floor next to the Laboratory. Your teacher will be Prof. Simon Luther". She smiled to the students and lead their way.

Lord Fathom:" You sure, you'll be the one leading them? A cleavle can do that you know?" He suggested

Mrs. Imelda:" I'm doing this for years, let me do my job. After all I have no class in first periods". She answered with a grumpy face

Lord Fathom:" Well....alright" he said then laugh like a very old man.