15th Birthday

It was May 4, Yuna's 15th birthday. She woke up at her normal time only to find all the futons empty, which was weird because usually only she and Asta were up this early. And Asta always waited for her to wake up before heading out. But there was no one in the room. Yuna got dressed and put on the earrings and necklace that Natsu got her for her birthday a couple years ago. Then she headed out to go look for Asta. As she searched, she couldn't find him nor anyone else for that matter.

"This is odd. Normally I'd run into somebody by this point." Yuna thought out loud as she continued to look for Asta.

"Hey Asta, where are you? Are we still gonna do our training routine?" Yuna called out as she looked in the church building, on the church grounds and even around the village. But no one was anywhere to be found, not Asta, not Yuno, not Father or even Sister Lily and the children. At one point, Yuna gave up searching for Asta and anyone else. She sat down on a bench in a park near the church, wondering where everyone could have gone. It was her birthday today and normally everyone would be around as usual, wishing her a happy birthday. After what seemed like ages, a familiar voice called out to her from a distance.

"Hey Yuna!" Asta said to get Yuna's attention as she looked over to where she heard his voice. Yuno was also with Asta.

"Happy birthday!" Asta said as he and Yuno approached her. She noticed an empty sac slung over Asta's shoulder.

"Where have you been all this time?! I was looking all over for you Asta! As I was searching for you, I noticed everyone else was gone too. You guys had me worried." Yuna said as she got up from the bench. Asta gave her a sheepish grin and scratched the back of his head.

"Hehe sorry, we didn't mean to worry you Yuna. We were over at the neighboring village to grab stuff and getting ready for the surpr- mph!" Asta began to say until Yuno cupped his hand over Asta's mouth. After Yuno let go of Asta, Asta turned to face him clearly annoyed.

"What the hell was that for Yuno?!" Asta yelled at Yuno.

"Don't spoil it Asta." Yuno said as Yuna tilted her head to the side and gave them a curious look. Asta stopped fuming and turned to her with a smile on his face.

"Anyways come with us!" Asta said excitedly as he grabbed Yuna's hand and led her back towards the church with Yuno following right behind them. Once they were at the church, Father, Sister Lily, and the kids Rekka, Nash, Arlu, and Horo all jumped out from the bushes around the church.

"Surprise! Happy 15th birthday Yuna!" They all said together. Yuna smiled at the delightful sight in front of her.

"Thank you everyone!" Yuna said as everybody gathered around Yuna and gave her a group hug.

"Let's go inside and celebrate!" Father said as he opened the doors of the church to reveal the decorated interior.

"Father and I prepared a pot potato feast and the kids all helped decorate the place." Sister Lily said as Yuna gasped at all the decorations in the church building.

"You guys did all of this for me? Aww that's really thoughtful of all of you." Yuna said as Asta placed his hand on her back.

"Of course we did! It's your 15th birthday after all. You're finally old enough to get a grimoire!" Asta said excitedly.

"But of course you'll have to wait until the next Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony, which is in March next year." Yuno said.

"Man, I wish I was fifteen already!" Asta said impatiently.

"You'll be fifteen later this year. And besides, as Yuno said, the next Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony won't be until next March anyways." Yuna said with a chuckle. Asta's simple mind reminded her a lot of Natsu.

"Okay everybody, let's gather around the table and sing happy birthday to Yuna!" Father said as everyone stood around the table and starting singing the happy birthday song as Sister Lily came out with a cake and placed it in front of Yuna. When they were done singing, Yuna blew out the candles and made a silent wish. She wished that she would be able to go back home and that Asta, Natsu, and Izuku would be able to meet each other one day. And with that, the feast began.

~Time Skip~

After everybody was full and had helped clean up, Yuna and Asta went to their spot where they hung out together and sparred for a while until bedtime. On their walk back to the church, Yuna brought up the surprise birthday party to Asta.

"You know, I really enjoyed the party you guys threw for me." Yuna said, flashing Asta a warm smile.

"I'm glad you liked it. It was my idea after all." Asta said proudly. Yuna stopped and gave him a hug which made him blush slightly.

"Thank you. That's so thoughtful of you. I really appreciated it." Yuna thanked Asta as she squeezed him tighter before letting him go. When they got back to the church they got ready for bed and climbed into their futons and fell asleep shortly after.

~Time Skip (5 Months)~

It was October 4 and it was Asta's fifteenth birthday as well as Yuno's. Just like Asta had a surprise party planned for Yuna's fifteenth birthday, she had the church family help her with a surprise party for him and Yuno. Everyone but Asta and Yuno got up extra early and went to the neighboring village to gather decorations for the party. They worked together to decorate the church all before the two boys woke up. Since Asta wakes up so early, Yuna decided it would be best to have the surprise party in the morning. Asta woke up before Yuno did as usual. He noticed that everyone was missing from their futons except Yuno who was still sound asleep in his futon which was odd. Usually everyone else was still asleep at this hour except Yuna who woke up around the same time he did. Asta woke Yuno up upon noticing the strange occurrence.

"Hey Yuno, wake up!" Asta said, shaking Yuno awake.

"Why are you waking me up at this hour. You know I don't like getting up as early as you and Yuna." Yuno groaned, rolling over and facing away from Asta.

"Yeah but everyone else is gone! It's not just Yuna that's missing. And besides, she usually waits for me." Asta said, sounding worried. Yuno sat up sleepily and rubbed his eyes.

"Come on, let's go look for them." Asta said as he stood up and got ready for the day. Yuno sighed and got ready too. As they entered the dining room, Everyone jumped out at once.

"Surprise! Happy birthday Asta and Yuno!" Everybody shouted. Yuna walked up to Asta and gave him a big hug which made him blush a little.

"Congratulations! You're finally fifteen now!" Yuna said, clapping Asta on the back before letting go of him. She smiled at him then went over to Yuno.

"Sorry you had to wake up at this hour. But since Asta gets up so early, I figured it would be best to have the surprise party in the morning so there would be more of a chance of it being a surprise. But anyways... happy birthday Yuno." Yuna said apologizing to Yuno and giving him a hug. After she let go, Yuno gave her a soft smile.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. You had plans to make our birthday special so it's okay." Yuno said, patting Yuna on the head.

"So you planned all of this just for us Yuna?" Asta asked Yuna who nodded her head.

"Of course Asta. You planned a surprise party for me. So I wanted to return the favor." Yuna said with a bright smile.

"Now let's celebrate!" Father said as he and Sister Lily started bringing out the food and all the kids took their seats. Once everyone had their fill, Sister Lily brought out the cake and everybody sang happy birthday to Asta and Yuno. The two boys blew out the candles and made their wishes. Since Asta knew Yuna was going to leave some day, he wished that he would be able to see her again once she did. Yuno just wished to become the Wizard King one day. Once the table had been cleared and all the dishes had been done, everyone went on their separate ways. Asta and Yuna went to start their daily routine and go train together as usual until it was bed time, taking a break only for lunch. As they lay in their futons, Asta and Yuna chatted quietly with each other late into the night until they fell asleep.