Receiving Grimoires

It was the morning of October 5, a day after Asta had turned fifteen years old. Asta and Yuna woke up early and started their daily training routine: he did his workouts while she practiced her spatial magic for a while, then they'd spar together without the use of her magic. But Yuna wanted to change things up today. After Asta finished his workouts and Yuna had gotten some magic practice in, she approached him and offered her suggestion.

"Hey Asta, now that you're fifteen, how about we spar with me using my magic? I mean if you're gonna become a magic knight and then the Wizard King someday, you're gonna be fighting people with magic." Yuna suggested as Asta thought for a moment.

"Sure. I mean you are just about as strong as Yuno is in magic power. So this should be good training for me." Asta agreed. The two of them got into their positions and fighting stances.

"Ready? Go!" Asta said as he charged at Yuna as fast as he could and drew back his fist. He was about to land a hit when Yuna suddenly made a portal in front of her and transported Asta behind her. He stopped in his tracks when he realized what happened. A little bewildered at what just happened, Yuna swiftly turned around and hit Asta square in the back which caused him to fall forward. But he gained his balance before he hit the ground and turned around to counter attack, but Yuna had already stepped into a portal and teleported to the other side of the field. She threw an offensive spatial magic spell ball at Asta who quickly dodged it. The ball of magic then hit a tree trunk, carving right through it and leaving a large hole where it made contact with the wood. The tree was unstable from the damage it received from Yuna's spell and broke, falling over onto the ground. Both Asta and Yuna ran over to the tree to inspect it.

"That's dangerous. Maybe you shouldn't use that spell when we're sparring." Asta said, shuddering. If that's what Yuna's spell did to a large and sturdy tree, he didn't even want to imagine what her spell would do to him if he failed to dodge it.

"Yeah... You're probably right." Yuna said, agreeing with Asta as they went back to sparring. Now that Yuna was using her magic, it was extremely difficult for Asta to land a hit on her. But Asta never gave up. And eventually, he did manage to get her one time. They fought until it was time to eat dinner.

~Short Time Skip~

It was now dinner time so the two of them were heading back to the church to eat with their foster family. They talked about their sparring matches on the way there.

"Now that you've added your magic into the mix, I can never get to you!" Asta said, sighing in frustration.

"Spatial magic is a rare attribute and is pretty difficult to deal with, especially when you have no magic of your own. You did get me once, so be proud of that." Yuna said encouragingly to Asta.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll just have to keep working harder until I'm able to beat you. I won't give up until I do. After all, my magic is never giving up!" Asta said enthusiastically as Yuna chuckled.

"That's the spirit! I'll be waiting for that day." Yuna said, smiling at Asta as they continued on their way back to the church.

~Time Skip (Nearly 5 Months)~

It was now March 1st and the firefly dandelion seeds were starting to rise into the air. Today was the day all fifteen-year-olds from around the area gathered at the local Grimoire Tower to attend a ceremony where they receive their grimoires. Yuna, Asta, and Yuno were finally able to attend the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony. Their church family were present to witness the event. Drouot, the Tower Master spoke and everyone else turned their attention to him as the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony began and grimoires started to float off the shelves into the hands of eager fifteen-year-olds. Everyone was busy admiring their grimoires and comparing theirs to other's until Yuno received his grimoire. At that moment, everyone's eyes were on him.

"Look! Isn't that a four leaf clover grimoire like the one that was talked about in the legend? The one that belonged to the first Wizard King?" A girl nearby in the crowd pointed at Yuno's grimoire.

"Hmph! A legendary grimoire chose a lowly commoner? How ridiculous!" A guy nearby said in a snobby manner. He must have been from around Hage village but of a higher social class. Everybody was pointing and talking about Yuno until Yuna received her grimoire. It was a deep red color with gold markings along the edges and spine with a golden four leaf clover on the center of the front and back cover. Everyone's eyes were now on her as she accepted her grimoire.

"Another four leaf clover grimoire? Wow, that's crazy!" A girl said in awe.

"I can't believe another lowly commoner got a four leaf clover grimoire." Said the same guy who had just complained about Yuno getting chosen by a four leaf grimoire. Since Yuna lived with Asta, Yuno, and the other orphans at the church, she was also labeled a commoner.

"Hey uh... is my grimoire running late or something?" Asta asked while kneeling with his hands out, drawing everyone's attention from Yuno to him. It went silent for a brief moment then the entire tower erupted with mocking laughter.

"Oh dear, that kid didn't even get a grimoire. Poor fellow, his heart must be aching right now. I guess that's what happens when you can't use magic. I feel sorry for him." A guy said with fake sympathy. He must have been from Hage Village to know that Asta couldn't use magic.

"Oh my, Asta didn't receive a grimoire." Sister Lily whispered to Father who sighed.

"Well it's a shame, but it can't be helped. He can't use magic so it's basically a given. Now Yuno and Yuna on the other hand are amazing! So of course they'd get four leaf clover grimoires! They're the hope of our church! We're going to have a feast tonight to celebrate!" Father said before calling Yuna, Asta, and Yuno over so they could all go home together. After they all got back, they had a feast to celebrate Yuna and Yuno getting their grimoires. After the feast, Yuna and Asta went off into the forest near the demon skull. Asta was very disappointed that he didn't receive a grimoire at the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony and needed time away from everyone else. He let Yuna come with him though. She sat down at the base of the tree which Asta had climbed up and hung upside down from a large branch by one leg. He stayed there for a while thinking deeply about something with a frustrated look on his face.

"I thought for sure I'd get a grimoire even though I don't have any magic." Asta said while hanging upside down from the tree branch.

"I don't know. But you shouldn't let this drag you down. I'm sure you'll get a grimoire soon. It's probably just a little late." Yuna said encouragingly to Asta.

"Yeah maybe. I hope you're right." Asta said as he dropped down from the tree branch, landing on his feet next to Yuna. Just then, they heard screaming in the distance.

"What's going on? Sounds like someone's in trouble. It seemed like it was coming from where Yuno said he was going to be. I hope he's okay." Yuna said as Asta nodded in agreement and immediately headed in the direction of the screams.

"Asta wait!" Yuna shouted after Asta, but he didn't hear her. Sighing, she ran after him. She wasn't quite as fast as Asta yet and he had gotten a head start so it was a little while before she caught up to him. When Yuna arrived at the scene, two boys were chained to a stone brick wall. Yuno was held secure to the ground by identical chains. And Asta was pinned by the long-haired man's booted foot against the wall across from the one the two boys were bound to, looking quite beat up. The man was taunting Asta, saying that he was a loser because he couldn't use magic. His words seemed to be sinking into him because he was just sitting there with his head down with a discouraged look on his face. It really pained Yuna to see him in this state. She was about to call out to Asta and tell him not to give up and remind him of his dream of becoming the Wizard King when Yuno spoke up.

"Hey! Who are you calling a loser?! Asta, it's true that you aren't going to become the Wizard King, not ever." Yuno raised his voice, briefly drawing the man's attention to him.

'Really Yuno? That's not exactly something you say to someone down in the dumps from their dream of becoming the Wizard King being crushed.' Yuna thought to herself.

"You hear that? Even your little friend knows that it's impossible." The man said, turning back to Asta.

"That's because I'm going to become the Wizard King!" Yuno proclaimed as the man turned back towards him again with a puzzled look.

'Now that's more like it. That should rev him up a bit.' Yuna said inside her head. Knowing how competitive Asta was, she knew that would get him going.

"What?" The man said in disbelief.

"You're wrong about Asta, Revchi, very wrong. Asta's no loser, he's my rival!" Yuno shouted at the man who must have been Revchi. When Yuno said this, Asta seemed to perk up a bit.

'So you really did know what to say after all, huh Yuno.' Yuna said mentally. Revchi began taunting Yuno for his choice of Asta as his rival. Just then Asta yelled at Revchi, demanding him to get off. He reached up and grabbed Revchi's ankle and tightened his grip, causing him to withdraw his foot and step back a few. Suddenly a worn out, dark brown almost black grimoire with a five leaf clover on the front of the cover appeared before Asta, surrounded by a menacing blood red aura.

"I knew it. Like you wouldn't be chosen Asta. There's no way." Yuno said with a satisfied smile on his face. Asta's grimoire flipped open and a large broad-bladed sword emerged from the pages and landed in front of Asta who grabbed it and prepared to attack.

"Even without traditional magic power, I will be the Wizard King! My magic is never giving up!" Asta yelled as he charged with incredible speed at Revchi and struck him using the flat side of the blade with such force, he flew backwards into the opposite wall. The impact of his landing created a crater with cracks branching out from the center. Upon Revchi being knocked unconscious, the chains subduing Yuno and the two boys disappeared. After the fight was over, Asta ran over to Yuno with his grimoire and showed it off.

"Well, you saved me yet again. I will repay my debt one day. Asta, we made a promise. Do you remember it?" Yuno said to Asta, taking a few steps towards the sunset. The flashback of them both claiming one another as each other's rivals ten years ago replayed through Asta's mind.

"I actually can't believe you remember. The way you've been acting lately, I was pretty sure you'd forgotten." Asta said, walking up to Yuno.

"Like I'd be friendly with someone I consider my rival... You showed me it was possible, gave me hope." Yuno responded. Asta then noticed Yuna standing nearby and ran up to her waving his grimoire around.

"Look Yuna! I finally got my grimoire! You were right!" Asta said excitedly with sparkles in his eyes.

"Congratulations Asta! That's wonderful news." Yuna said as she hugged Asta, super happy for him.

"Now all three of us have grimoires!" Asta said excitedly as he smiled at Yuna and Yuno. The three of them then headed back to the church together since the sun was setting and it was starting to get late. Before they got ready for bed, they put their grimoires on the dining room table. Yuno then left to get his pajamas on while Asta and Yuna stayed behind. They got on their knees to get a closer look at their grimoires and just stared at them. Yuna thought about her parents and best friend Izuku Midoriya back at home. Now that she had her grimoire, she would finally be able to return home. Her thoughts were interrupted by Asta.

"Hey Yuna." Asta whispered as Yuna glanced over at him curiously.

"Yeah?" Yuna responded.

"We should spar using our grimoires tomorrow." Asta suggested as Yuna smiled.

"Yeah, that's a great idea. Let's try them out." Yuna agreed with Asta as the two of them left the table to go get ready for bed.