Chapter 41. The finals of the metropolitan competition begin!

  "There are so many people here."

  "Look! That's Hyotei!"

  "That's from Yamabuki Middle School over there!"

  On the day of the finals of the Tokyo Competition, it was obviously just an ordinary game, but a lot of people gathered to watch the game. .

  Just because the team that entered the finals this time was neither the previous wealthy Hyokui nor the traditional strong school Yamabuki.

  But Teikou and Seigaku appeared as dark horses almost at the same time!

  As people who have watched the two schools, they can't help but wonder who will win among these two newly promoted strong schools.

  "Is the coach here too?"

  Hyotei's huge crowd occupied most of the audience as soon as they entered the stadium. Atobe sat at the end and frowned at a familiar formal figure in the distance.

  When he first entered Ice Emperor, he unexpectedly made a huge somersault at Qingxue.

  The original expectation was to win a grand victory, and then use this victory to become the new minister of the Hyo Emperor.

  But because he lost to Tezuka, this idea went to waste. Even though he was the young master of the Atobe Foundation, Coach Sakaki didn't give him any face.

  The loser should be removed from the main selection team.

  Even if it is the next ministerial successor who was previously appointed.

  Every time he thought about this, the young Atobe felt a little impetuous.

  It's not a good feeling to be beaten down when you are high-spirited.

  Therefore, his current status in Hyokui is only a reserve member, and he is no longer the main candidate before.

  (Climb up slowly, Atobe)

  (From the perspective of the loser)

  Although Coach Sakaki was very harsh in "layoffs" at the beginning, he also showed him the way.


  He naturally knew what Coach Sakaki meant. He had lived a smooth life before.

  What he needs now is to calm down and observe the strength of the strong players of the same age from the perspective of a weakling.

  Use this to see clearly the gap between the two parties, and learn the corresponding advantages to make up for the catch-up.

  "But are Seigaku and Teikou really so important?"

  Nowadays, when there is no competition, Coach Sakaki can come to watch the games of other schools in person, or come alone. This is a rare thing.

  You know, this has never happened before.


  "Look, the game is about to begin!"

  People from Yamabuki Middle School also gathered together. Qianshi looked excitedly at the people standing in the venue and shouted loudly.

  "Don't be so excited, Qianshi, it's not you who is playing."

  "Hehe, but I also want to know who is better between the two schools."

  "It's probably Teikou. Just from the lineup, they are too capable. Yes."

  Everyone chatted and compared Qing Xue and Di Guang.

  The candidates on Qingxue's side are still a mix of first, second, and third graders, while the candidates on Diguang's side are all first-year candidates.

  Coupled with the unreasonable 6-0 "legend" of God's Light from the regional competition to the finals of the metropolitan competition, it also made them look very scary.

  "I hope it will be a wonderful game!"


  "Please give me some advice!"

  "Please give me some advice!"

  After lining up, Qing Xue and Di Guang looked at each other and then shouted in unison after the referee received the signal. road.

  "The finals of the competition begin now! The match between Teikou and Qingxue!"

  "First is doubles No. 2!"

  "Both players please come out!"

  He raised his wrist and glanced at the time. After confirming that it was time, the referee announced the start.

  Except for those on the roster, the rest of the team members retreated to their spectator seats.

  "Sure enough... is it them?"

  In Qingxue's seat, the player who witnessed the appearance of Teikou, Inui Sadaharu frowned and calculated the possibility of victory.

  This is not the first time that the combination of Aomine Daiki + Kuroko Tetsuya

  has appeared. Everyone knows that Aomine's agility and body softness are very terrifying.

  Heizi still behaved so well and was not taken seriously by others, so much so that some people thought that they could win even if they stepped in to replace Heizi and make up the numbers.

  On the contrary, Qingxue's side.

  "Isn't that the first-year doubles team that was defeated by Hyokui before?"

  The audience also saw who the members of Qingxue were.

  The two figures stood in the eye-catching venue, so short.

  Shuichiro Oishi + Eiji Kikumaru

  "What? How could this be Teiko's opponent?"

  "It seems Seigaku has given up on doubles!"

  "Tch! It's so boring."

  The merciless sarcastic words came out directly, and this Undoubtedly, it may increase the pressure on the two people in the venue.   

  "Eiji, are you nervous?"

  Because the competition venue was not very big, Oishi and Eiji could hear those disappointed and sarcastic words clearly.

  "Of course I can hear! My ears are very good."

  Compared to the "shivering" expected by others, Eiji and Oishi actually acted very relaxed.

  Before taking the field, they naturally expected what kind of doubts they would encounter.

  (Let's give it a try! Don't put too much pressure, it's just a big competition.)

  (Go all out!)

  (Defeat Di Guang!)

  (Go hard.)

  "However, compared to these ugly words, When I think of Tezuka, Fuji, Agan, Aron, Minister Yamato and the seniors, I feel that there is nothing to be afraid of."

  Eiji squeezed the racket, and a look of relief appeared on his young face.


  "It's just a blow of this level."

  "We still have a long way to go in doubles."

  Oishi walked up to Eiji, and the two fist bumped each other. The two of them recalled their previous agreement, and they were also full of emotions. confidence.

  (Oishi Eiji)

  Tezuka looked at the two people outside the venue and couldn't help but think of their previous promises.

  (We want to be the number one doubles player in the country!)

  Those were the words of a dream stated in front of everyone in the Seigaku Tennis Club.

  After losing to the Ice Emperor, the two seemed to have endless motivation.

  And now, they will face Teiko's doubles players again, so they are naturally full of energy.


  "Huh? What's wrong?"

  Qingfeng glanced at the fist bump between Oishi and Eiji, and suddenly found Kuroko also extending his fist, and he was suddenly surprised.

  "Don't you think that's great?"

  Heizi said as if he was a little envious.

  "You're so stupid! Don't be like elementary school students who learn whatever they do! That's very embarrassing!" "

  Aomine-kun is the least qualified to say such things."


  "Isn't Aomine-kun just childish? "?"


  As they said that, the two suddenly started arguing, but in the end, Qingfeng finished the fist bump with Kuroko in silence.


  "The game begins!!"

  At this moment, after deciding the serving rights of both sides, the four people walked to their own positions one after another.

  "This game looks like it will be very interesting."

  Kise sat on the bench, looking at the bright eyes of Oishi and Eiji, he knew that this game would not be easy.

  He had seen this "fearless" look on Qianshi before.

  "I always feel like I'm at a loss."

  Compared to Kise's sigh, Shiratsu felt a little regretful.

  "Huh? What do you mean?"


  Seeing everyone's attention, Bai Jin waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care.

  He didn't know what the level of the current "golden combination" was, but judging from the third-year main selection who lost to Hyokui before, it shouldn't be too good.

  It had only been about a week since the last competition, and no matter how hard he trained, he wouldn't suddenly become too powerful. Except for him.

  Therefore, Bai Jin simply felt that Qingxue had tricked him into this competition.

  It's just the championship of the district capital competition. It doesn't matter if you lose it. There will be the Kanto competition and the national competition later, and that's what's important.

  If you can learn "experience" from the Metropolitan Competition, that is the most valuable thing.

  Apart from Tezuka, Qiqia Qinghao, other people at this stage may really need this "experience".

  So where does this "experience" come from?

  Naturally, it comes from the opponent. The stronger the opponent, the better the effect will be.

  To use an old saying, it may be that fighting is the way to support war.

  By fighting strong opponents, you can get a glimpse of the corresponding improvement route, learn and improve, and apply it to your own tennis skills.

  Di Guang played the role of a "strong enemy" here, and naturally gave Qing Xue the "experience" he lacked.

  As long as Aomine and Kuroko show some coordination during the game, Oishi and Eiji will definitely pay attention to them and learn from them.

  (End of chapter)