Chapter 42.


  In the field, the two sides ran fiercely, but in the end, Aomine got the final score with a smashing ball that leaped high.

  The point difference has become so wide that a normal player might have given up.

  "Ah! What a pity! Just a little bit close!"

  After being deprived of points, Kikumaru wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with regret.

  He tried to chase the ball just now, but his movement was still half a beat too slow, causing him to lose points.

  "It's okay, let's continue!"

  Without being discouraged, Dashi encouraged him.

  "What's going on with those two guys from Qingxue?"

  "Obviously they are so behind in the score, but they are still so tenacious."

  At first, everyone thought it was expected when they saw Oishi and Eiji falling behind after losing points, but as they fought, they discovered

  These two people seemed to be serious.

  They fought for every ball with all their strength and ran very actively. Not to mention feeling depressed, the more points they lost, the cleaner and neater their movements became.

  It seems as if he is adapting to today's confrontational rhythm.

  Even Aomine and Kuroko present noticed this.

  "The more they fight, the better they get."

  Heizi said coldly, looking at the two people in front of him with indifferent eyes.

  "Isn't that great?"

  "I quite like their positive character."

  The opponent was not beaten, but faced the difficulties and challenged them. This was the happiest thing for Qingfeng.

  He also admitted that the two people in front of him were somewhat capable, but they were not his and Heizi's opponents yet.

  The gap between physical fitness, skills, and competition experience.



  The tennis ball kept shuttling back and forth in the midfield, and people on both sides were running one after another.

  Aomine waved his arms and hit the ball back with his back to the court.

  "Go over there! Eiji!"


  Eiji, on the other hand, was jumping up and down, chasing the tennis ball that was about to land in the opposite corner and hitting it back.

  "You won't last long like that."

  Qingfeng rushed from the backcourt to the front of the net in one step. Facing the rebounding tennis ball, he raised his racket and slammed it down.

  This guy named Kikumaru Eiji's body is softer and faster than he thought.

  If he is playing the ball in various messy postures, then the opponent is playing the ball as if he is performing acrobatics.

  But Qingfeng knew very well that he relied on his irregular hitting skills. No matter he hit the ball in any posture, he could hit the ball accurately where he wanted.

  The opponent, on the other hand, relied on irregular beating to achieve a super-high-speed movement to fight back.

  Even the opponent has the same characteristics as himself,

  that is, speed!

  "It's not over yet!"

  As if refusing to admit defeat, Eiji jumped up suddenly, turned his body parallel to the ground, stretched out his right hand holding the racket, and caught the tennis ball that was about to hit the ground.


  Dashi looked at the tennis ball being beaten back and decided in his heart.

  "It's really fast."

  Seeing the opponent's desperate interception, Qingfeng laughed and praised, but he didn't care about the tennis ball that fell behind him.


  Heizi appeared behind him and hit the ball to the other side with his backhand.

  At this time, even if Dashi reacted and tried to remedy the situation, he still failed.


  "Damn it! I was too careless."

  When the score was announced, Dashi clenched his fists and said unwillingly.

  He thought he would definitely score a point just now.

  But unknowingly, he ignored that there was another player on the other side.

  (Wait...why would I?) I

  didn't feel anything at first, but after thinking about it carefully, Dashi felt that something was wrong.   

  There are obviously two people on the other side, but why does he think there is only one person?

  But he thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out the result.


  "It seems that Eiji is reaching his limit."

  Inui Sadaharu said from the sidelines, looking at Kikumaru who was sweating and panting wildly.

  "That's of course. Playing in that kind of no matter the cost way, he will definitely not be able to bear it now."

  Fuji stood by and was not surprised by this. Kikumaru had been playing hard from the beginning, and this was also The reason why the game can go on till now.

  Many of the tricky shots played back by the opponent were saved by Kikumaru.

  It seemed to have worked, but Kikumaru's own physical strength was severely reduced.

  In other words, he was deliberately competing with Qingfeng.

  But in terms of the result, there was no doubt about his defeat.

  "Sure enough, the current gap is still too big."

  Compared to the panting Kikumaru, Aomine who was just sweating obviously had more energy to spare.

  Inui Sadaharu had already expected this result.

  "The pressure is coming to our side."

  Fuji's closed eyes opened slightly, and he said to Gan Sadaharu with a slight smile.

  "I hope the process won't be too heavy."

  Pushing up his glasses, Inui Sadaharu said that he was under a lot of pressure. He was not that in-depth about his data deduction, so it was still unknown whether it would be effective against Emperor Guang.

  "Come on!!"

  "Stand up! Kikumaru!"

  "You're a brat too, don't be so disappointing!"

  Qingxue's seniors were shouting and cheering as hard as they could, and even Tezuka himself was waving Holding the flagpole.

  "It looks like the winner has been decided."

  From the spectator seats on the other side, Kise said while watching the game with relish.

  He was very comfortable watching the confrontation in this game.

  Both Aomine's movements and Kikumaru's "acrobatic" movements are quite interesting.

  "However, it seems that the other two have made great progress compared to when they fought against the Hyokui."

  Compared to Kise's thoughts, Momoi found something different.

  She compared the performance of the two games in her mind and noticed a surprising fact.

  (Although the opponent is not a match for Aomine-kun and the others yet, it will be hard to say next time.)

  You know, Oishi and Kikumaru were easily defeated by Hyotei's third-year seniors before.

  And now, he was able to fight against Aomine and Kuroko for so long before losing 3 games.

  Even though Kikumaru's physical strength is about to be exhausted, his opponent is Aomine.

  To keep up with Qingfeng's "rhythm" is not something ordinary people can do.

  Kikumaru was already trying his best to adapt to Aomine's "speed" and saved the ball many times.

  Coupled with Oishi's assistance, whether it is personal physical ability or doubles cooperation, it has been proved that these two people have made terrible progress.

  And if we meet again in the Kanto Tournament next time, I don't know what will happen.

  (It looks like we still have to discuss it with Akashi-kun and Xiaobai.)

  (We are not the only ones growing up.)

  Seeing that no one paid too much attention to the factors involved, Momoi secretly remembered this in her heart.

  In the end, Oishi and Kikumaru still lost the game, but compared to their previous opponents, they were already very good.

  At least in terms of entanglement, no one has been able to delay Aomine and Kuroko for so long before they win.


  "Teiko Middle School wins!"

  "Next is the No. 1 doubles match!"

  (End of chapter)