Chapter 49. See the future?

  "Tezuka Kunimitsu, he is very powerful!"

  "It's a first grade versus a first grade again. This year is really amazing."

  Looking at the players on the field, some of them immediately recognized his identity.

  "Akaashi Seijuro"

  "Is he the legendary first-year minister of Teiko Middle School?"

  "It looks like there will be an exciting match."

  On the other side, when Akashi came on the stage, everyone's eyes were fixed on it.

  Akashi Seijuro.

  This legend and deputy director Tomohoshi Shirazu drove away the seniors and led the director of the Teiko Tennis Club.

  He has no appearance record since the regional competition, and this is his first appearance.

  People are naturally interested in his information.

  What kind of strength does a player who can lead all those talented players have?



  The two stood in front of the net, holding each other's hands and saying nothing.

  (This person)

  Tezuka could feel a very aggressive gaze, and it was different from the players he had encountered before.

  Akashi Seijuro gives people a very inconsistent feeling.

  Tezuka has not figured out the source of this violation yet.

  But he knew very well that the pressure brought by Akashi was extremely shocking.

  If Shirazu Chisei brought him strength in strength, then Akashi brought him a fierce sense of coercion in terms of momentum.

  "Go all out."

  Just as he turned around to return to the bottom line, Tezuka suddenly heard Akashi's words.

  Startled slightly, he turned around and looked back, only to find Akashi's extremely cold, heterochromatic eyes staring at him.

  Then the two left with their backs facing each other.

  (Do you really want to win against him?)

  "Shut up!"

  The voice in his heart made Akashi a little upset when he just stood at the bottom line.

  "Don't get in the way!"

  He just responded in a low voice that could not be noticed by others, but his tone was undeniably domineering.


  After a long time, another voice stopped ringing in his mind, and Akashi turned to look ahead with cold eyes.


  "Sure enough, I'm sick again."

  Bai Jin murmured in a low voice while watching Akashi's changing attitude from the outside.

  In fact, he was also puzzled. Obviously both personalities can switch and use the body of each other, but Akaashi seems to be particularly "self-centered" and has a kind of blind "confidence".

  You have to rely on him for everything. Even towards Oyo Akaashi, he doesn't allow the other party to behave in a disobedient way.

  He was like the "boss" and had to do whatever he said.

  Chacha means that Akaashi will not interfere too much with Akaashi's choices, just like an older brother who tolerates his younger brother's mischief.

  It's such a strange relationship.

  Maybe Akashi is also a "Pharaoh"?

  But in terms of Bai Jin's personal physical experience, it's really hard to say between the two of them when it comes to their tennis skills.

  Even if Ua Akashi can zone and add the Eye of the Emperor,

  the reason

  lies in Oo Akashi's positioning of himself. It's not like Shirazu hasn't had any communication with Oo Akashi in the past few months.

  When he was playing before, he could occasionally feel the strong aura of selflessness in Omo Akashi.

  This is definitely not the original "selfless state", but it indicates that Omotakiji has definitely opened one of the doors of "thousands of tempers" or "blooming talents".

  But now that Akashi has to come out to play against Tezuka, the outcome is hard to say.

  No one knows to what extent the Eye of the Emperor can affect Tezuka.



  We still don't know the details of Akashi, but Tezuka will not be too relaxed and sends the ball with all his strength.


  But what is concerning is that before he even touched the ball with his racket, Akaashi had already moved into position in advance.

  And when he hit the ball, Akashi had already swung the bat and was waiting for the ball to come.   

  It was as if Tezuka deliberately hit the ball to where Akaashi was.


  Akashi hit the ball to the other side unexpectedly, and Tezuka immediately chased after him, preparing to swing his racket back.


  "Look! He moved ahead of time before Tezuka made a move."

  "What's going on?"

  Kikumaru didn't understand Akashi's actions. His opponent hadn't even hit back yet, so why could he take a position ahead of time?

  It was as if he expected Tezuka to hit the ball to that position.



  This time, when Tezuka hit the ball back, Akashi was still waiting, and then hit the ball back.

  "Is it data tennis?"

  Fuji squinted, watching Akashi's movements and asked Inui Sadaharu on the side.

  "It shouldn't be."

  "Even in data tennis, it's impossible to predict that far in advance."

  Positioning your opponent before he can fight back is like blind betting.

  Inui Sadaharu believes that this is definitely not something that data tennis can do, and the risk is too great.

  Whenever the opponent reacts and tries to change the course of the ball, points will definitely be scored.


  Compared to everyone watching the battle, Tezuka was more aware of the opponent's disharmony.

  This time when he returned the ball, he deliberately slowed it down by half a beat, observed Akashi's movements one more time, and prepared to hit the ball into the open space.

  As a result, he found that Akaashi's body, which was originally intended to lean to the right, suddenly turned back and rushed towards the left.


  The changed tennis ball was still knocked back, directly rubbing the corners and ejected.


  "What's going on with that guy?"

  "It looks weird. It feels like a match-fixing."

  Outside the venue, the audience could clearly see the abnormal behavior.

  Akashi has already moved ahead of time, but Tezuka can still hit the ball into the opponent's face. Isn't this a shady thing?

  "What on earth is this..."

  Even Kise, who had played with Akashi before, found it bizarre.

  Murasakibara, Midorima, Kuroko, and Kagami were also surprised.

  "Hey, Bai Jin, is it possible?"

  Qingfeng's expression became unusually heavy and he shouted to Bai Jin next to him.

  "Didn't I tell you before?"

  "Akaashi. He can see the future."

  Shirazu said truthfully, not caring about everyone's "seeing a ghost" look.

  "See the future?"

  When Vulcan heard this sentence, his mind was short-circuited.

  It's okay to play tennis without Newton. What the hell is seeing the future?


  "Their teammates said that person can see the future."

  Kikumaru seemed to have ears for the wind. Even though he was half a field away, he still heard what Shirajin said.

  "How could such a ridiculous thing happen?"

  Inui Sadaharu condemned this. You reluctantly said that you are a data tennis player and he accepted it. What will happen if you see the future?

  But the next scene forced them to believe that there might really be such a truth beyond reality.

  "0-1! Teiko Middle School takes the lead!"

  Akashi easily won the next three goals with an overwhelming advantage, and all of them hit the ball back with an early run.

  It seemed to confirm the fact that he could see the future.

  (End of chapter)