Chapter 50. Type Zero Serve!

  "0-1! Teikou Middle School takes the lead!"

  Tezuka's expression became solemn as the serve was won.

  Regardless of whether Akaashi can really see the "future", Tezuka can only change his previous plans.

  The opponent knew every move he made, whether it was an attack or a counterattack, Akashi could see through it.

  This is really no different from "seeing the future".



  The colorful stream of light began to wrap around the arm, and then spread from the left hand to the whole body.

  The ultimate limit of hard work!

  "It's amazing, you have already practiced to this extent."

  Bai Jin looked at Tezuka who was almost saturated with Wugo aura, and had to sigh that he really worked hard.

  You must know that generally after repeated use, only the upper part of the body can be shrouded and increased, and the abilities of other parts will be reduced accordingly.

  But now that Tezuka has covered his entire body, there are no longer any loopholes, which is quite scary.

  Only one country has such a level, which is really intimidating.

  On the contrary, Akashi's lips curled up when he saw Tezuka finally using it after all his hard work.


  (Well, if you use Thousands of Tempers at this time.)

  Thousands of Tempers can be used faster than expected, but Bai Jin is not very optimistic about the next development.

  Akashi's Eye of the Emperor can see every next move through the opponent's breathing, heartbeat, muscles, etc.

  It is different from the situation where talents are "rehearsed" in the mind.

  In layman's terms, it means that one's own actions are fed back to Akashi before taking action.

  And after Akaashi gets the feedback information, he can act in advance and achieve a level similar to "seeing through the future."

  There is basically nothing to hide about the route of attack and the trajectory of counterattack because of the "betrayal" of one's own body.

  Including tennis matches and excluding doubles, Akashi's Eye of the Emperor can have the greatest effect in 1V1.

  No one else can interfere or hinder.

  Any attack or defense you make is like a decoration, and you are basically not far from defeat.

  It can be said that in singles, the Eye of the Emperor is an almost unsolvable "move".

  After all, no matter how you change your playing style, your body will always have breathing, heartbeat, and muscle contraction.

  Once this happens, Akashi will definitely be able to see through all your next moves.

  But everything has exceptions.

  The Eye of the Emperor may seem "invincible", but it still has ways to crack it. It depends on whether Tezuka himself can detect it quickly.




  "0-2!! Teiko Akashi wins this round!"

  Sure enough, even with the "magic skill" that has been tempered for thousands of times, Tezuka Still couldn't score any points.

  Even if Akashi has never fought against him, he still has a deep understanding of it.

  Effects such as double the counterattack and minimizing fatigue etc.

  First of all, Akaashi himself is not a strong player, so it is not difficult to deal with the double strength of the counterattack. As long as you don't play Jenga to a certain extent, it is within the acceptable range.

  As for the double spin attached to the ball, as long as he doesn't use any too special moves, it won't be too outrageous.

  As long as you avoid the advantage point that has been tempered for thousands of times, then this move will have no effect.

  Therefore, Tezuka is equivalent to fighting Akashi with a free BUFF.


  To say who had the biggest impact, it was watching the "play" in the audience.

  He was beaten 6-0 by Tezuka who did not use his full strength, so he also lost the opportunity to be promoted to the minister.

  Now Tezuka tried his best but was beaten 0-2 by Akashi, which was really hard for him to accept.

  Doesn't this make him look too weak in front of his peers?

  During Tezuka's serve,

  he held the tennis ball and stared at Akaashi for a while, and he roughly understood how "observant" the opponent possessed.

  "Do you see the future?"

  Tezuka murmured in a low voice, canceled the practice, and then hit the ball hard.



  The moment Tezuka served, Akashi had already received the information, so he moved ahead of time and waited for the ball to hit the ground in the midfield to prepare for a counterattack.

  But what was shocking was that

  when the ball crossed the net and touched the ground, there was suddenly violent friction. The tennis ball seemed to be controlled. Instead of bouncing, it rolled and touched the net and stopped.


  The referee belatedly looked at the strange serve and then declared loudly.

  "What is that?"

  "It's the same as Feiyan's return to the nest-change, it doesn't bounce."

  "It's the zero-type serve that Tezuka seems to have finally developed successfully!"

  Compared to the others who were at a loss, several people from Qingxue were more interested in this Zhao is no stranger.

  That was a move that Tezuka had been practicing hard before, but he said it had a "low success rate", so he had never seen its complete form.

  But now that Tezuka has used it, it means that it has been completed!

  (Zero serve?)

  Shirazu looked at the move Tezuka used and couldn't help but be surprised.

  Can he develop such "invincible" skills at this age?

  I thought that Tezuka was high enough, but I didn't expect that his level of evolution was beyond imagination.

  "You don't seem to have seen this kind of future."

  As if he had received a satisfactory answer, Tezuka looked at Akashi who was also in a daze and said.


  After hearing this, Akashi came back to his senses and looked at Tezuka, focusing on the elbow of his left arm.



  "This game is won by Aigaku Tezuka, the score is 1-2!"

  In the next three serves, Tezuka still used the "zero serve" to win the score.

  The situation turned around in an instant,

  "You can't hold that serve for long, can you?"

  The fourth game started again, Akashi served the ball, and the Eye of the Emperor observed Tezuka's every move and said at the same time, his tone was full of determination.


  hit the ball back, but Tezuka did not respond directly to the question.

  "Your arms can only support you for 4 more strikes at most."

  For the "Emperor of Heaven" who can see through physical fitness, there is no blind spot in such a heavy-loading skill as the zero serve.

  Akashi admitted that he couldn't return this kind of serve, but at the same time, Tezuka couldn't always hit this kind of serve.

  Unless he doesn't want to play tennis anymore in his life.



  Tezuka concentrated on responding and did not react to what Akaashi said. Tezuka ran around the field.

  "You can't beat me!"

  Even with Tezuka's hard work, Akashi has the confidence to defeat him.

  A completely unexpected smash hit the ball and flew towards Tezuka's backhand.

  Tezuka just turned around and wanted to chase after him, but found that his body suddenly lost balance and fell to the ground on one knee.

  At the end of the round, it was Akashi's smash that won him.


  After the referee declared the score, everyone felt the terrifying pressure brought by Akashi.

  "Did Tezuka fall?"

  "How could this happen?"

  Tezuka lost points in the end. They didn't understand why Tezuka fell awkwardly when he turned around. This could never happen to him.


  Aomine looked at Tezuka who fell and vaguely remembered bad memories.

  He remembered that when he was playing with Akaashi when he was a child, he would occasionally have this kind of physical imbalance.




  "2-4! Seigaku Tezuka wins this game!"

  Then, without hesitation, he hit four zero-form serves in a row and won again. The score is close.

  "You are so arrogant."

  Seeing Tezuka ignoring the burden on his arms and hitting that kind of serve continuously, Akaashi became somewhat unhappy.

  (End of chapter)