Chapter 65. New rules for the Kanto Competition!

  "If you have any questions, you can ask them later."

  After waiting for a long time, everyone finally heard that the most important link was coming.

  Before the lottery started, the heads of each school had received the new rules for the Kanto Competition.

  But no news has been revealed so far, which makes people very concerned.

  What kind of rules are so mysteriously hidden?


  Then, the staff picked up a thick stack of copy paper and distributed it to the staff of each school one by one.

  "Is this?"

  But when they saw the additional new rules, everyone's expressions changed.

  "This is really a test of the group's strength."

  Even Akashi and Shirazu had to face this new rule with caution.

  [Explanation of the new rules of the Kanto Competition]

  1. Each school must play five games!

  2. Implement a scoring system for recording!

  3. The points gained from winning a single round are the difference between the points scored by the opponent!

  4. Record the total score of the five games to determine which school in the match advances to the next round!

  5. The team that wins the tie-break will get 1 point!

  6. In the event of a tie in total points, the two schools will send out substitutes for the play-offs!

  This rule directly disrupted the formations of all previous schools.

  "How could this happen?"

  "Isn't this just messing around?"

  "Looking at the bright side, as long as the score is big enough, wouldn't it be said that we can win one more game?"

  Discussions began to sound in the conference room, and everyone had their own opinions. All kinds of questions.

  Why did this Guandong Competition adopt such new rules?

  (What is the principle of this?)

  Bai Jin remembers that this new rule does not exist in the plot of King of Nets.

  This is obviously full of thoughts for each school to do its best to fight.

  The winning score in a single round is the difference between the score and the opponent's score.

  In other words, if you score 7-5, you will get 2 points.

  If the next teammate's score is 3-6, the opponent will also get 3 points.

  This means that if you win a game, your opponent will take the lead in scoring, and then your teammates will be required to win with a higher score in the next game.

  This completely changed the previous single-game winning or losing system and turned it into a more detailed single-game scoring system.

  This move can even wipe out those who have little knowledge of school horse racing.

  If you dare to exchange a low-grade horse for the opposite high-grade horse, who will make up for the 6-point gap?

  This new rule, to put it bluntly, allows each school to safely arrange strong players to compete in corresponding positions.

  For example, if Seigaku fights Teikou, the first factor is to consider who will fight between Shirazu and Akashi.

  Who can concede the fewest points from the opponent and win the game?

  There is no doubt that Tezuka and Fuji are the absolute top choices.

  They are bound to directly collide with Akashi and Shirazu.

  Otherwise, once other people are sent up and they are eliminated, they will lose a lot of points, and it may also affect the total score of the entire game.

  Now, everyone understood why each school was required to play five games.

  Because this means that even a school that lost four games before, as long as the point difference does not exceed 6 points, can win back the points with a 6-0 in the final singles, maybe it can turn defeat into victory and advance.

  The outcome of a single game is no longer important, but the ability to draw and chase points is more important.

  This is a very severe test of the strength of individuals and teams.

  Whether it is doubles or singles, you must show the corresponding strength to chase and pull points.

  Unless you have defeated your opponent 18-0 in the first three games, then it is not impossible to fail in the remaining two games.

  However, at this stage of the Kanto Competition, there are not many weak schools left in the true sense.

  Starting from the second round, the "War of the Immortals" will begin.

  "Is this the new rule that Coach Sakaki mentioned?"



  Although Atobe occasionally heard some rumors from Coach Sakaki before, he didn't know the specific situation, but now it seems that Coach Sakaki Come prepared.

  After all, it was Coach Sakaki himself who proposed this rule.   

  Atobe knew very well that there would be a youth selection contest after the Kanto Tournament.

  At that time, strong school personnel from the Kanto Competition will be selected to form an "expedition team."

  The person who coaches this team is Coach Sakaki himself.

  For this reason, this is the reason why Coach Sakaki would go alone to watch the games every time before.

  He needs to fully understand the strength of the personnel in each school and then judge who should participate in the youth selection competition.

  And in a situation like Teikou's, where he directly defeated people in three games from the beginning of the Capital Tournament, no useful information could be observed at all.

  So much so that in the Kanto Tournament, Coach Sakaki added this new rule, forcing all five games to be played, and asking him to try not to release or paddle as much as possible.

  All I can say is that this new rule has indeed caught all the powerful schools.


  Tezuka silently looked at the instruction manual in his hand, thinking inwardly.

  This scoring system doesn't seem to be bad for them.

  Because you don't mind the outcome of a single game at all, but focus on the scoring situation in the process.

  Just like what was described before.

  If there is a game and before Tezuka comes on the court, if his teammates can help him score two more points, the error tolerance rate of the players he is facing will be reduced.

  It is equivalent to being naturally much easier than the opponent

  . Even if it is a disadvantageous game, as long as the points difference between his teammates' losses is not big, Tezuka will have a chance to come back in the end and lead the team to advance.

  "For us, the situation is getting more serious."

  Akashi was silent for a long time, and then said.

  "Yes, there is no room for slacking off."

  Bai Jin agreed with him and knew how many "disadvantages" this rule had.

  Their Emperor Guang has always defeated their opponents in three games, but once this rule came out, there was an element of instability.

  Unless the first three games push the point difference to the point of no return in the last two games, the opponent will always have a chance to overtake.

  I lost this game by 1 point? If your teammates come back with 2 points in the next game, then there will be no problem.

  Especially when a strong school faces a weaker strong school, this rule reflects the confrontational nature.

  The people in the conference room gradually dispersed, and everyone was thinking about the new rules.

  At the same time, he brought the news back to the team and told everyone.


  "Is this really okay?"

  "What do you mean?"

  Coach Sakaki was sitting in the office drinking tea and asked immediately when he saw the people in front of him asking questions.

  "Although this allows them to actively compete, will it be uncomfortable to change the old competition system for a while?" "

  It's okay. The world of tennis has always been that the winner stays and the loser retreats." "

  If this new rule is even changed , If you can't adapt to it, then it proves that you don't need to participate in the youth selection competition in the future."

  "They are all the pioneers of the new era. I believe so."

  PS: I can't write the following, fill in a little here, the text above is already over 2000 .

  It can only be said that we try to consider the factors of allowing five games to be played, so a new rule like this is added.

  Otherwise, if a certain side is in the lead, it will end in three games and some people will not appear, which will feel meaningless.

  Just like the current Teiko, Kagami, Aomine, Kise, and Shirazu paired with Kuroko in doubles basically have no chance of losing. After all, no school has ever forced a gaze inducement.

  With Murasakihara's natural physique and defensive ability, it is difficult for opponents to score points even if they are serious.

  Since you can win two doubles games for sure, then adding a strong player (Shiraizu, Akaashi) to the three singles games will basically kill the game. Then why do you need to play two singles and one singles?

  It's impossible to let the strongest players from each school play singles and third, and the second best in doubles every time, right?


    Continuing from the above article, I changed the rules and adjusted the rationality. If there are any loopholes, you can mention them (after all, this rule may also have flaws that I have not considered.)

    In today's planning, Diguang's integrity is still the strongest Yes, anyone who drags out eight people can beat him. Qingxue is still missing Taocheng, Begonia and Ryoma. Hyokui has become stronger, but there is still no Kachi. Even if Aobu leads him to go abroad for training, he is only close to Seigaku. Tachikai Daishen suffered the disadvantage of appearing late, so he has been specially trained in the plot. Atobe almost finished wearing it alone.

    Comparing the personnel, you will know that if Miracle's lineup is fully used at the beginning, it will no longer be weak.

    Otherwise, why would I have been arranging the enhancements of Seigaku, Hyotei, Tatekai Dai, and Yamabuki.

    Because it's really impossible to play without enhancements, 6-0 all the time? That's really not interesting. It would be interesting to have some confrontation and a back-and-forth fight. However, some people can't compete even with enhancements, such as Yamabuki's doubles.

    In fact, in my settings, only Bai Jin is undefeated in the whole game. Sooner or later, Miracle will be drawn to the same level and then lose and become stronger, but that is all in the future.

    As for going to U17 early? What are you doing there early? Isn't it better for junior high school students to fight each other than to stay there? Later, everyone was promoted to the world level, U17? It's okay not to go! Our junior high school community is the new "U17"! .

    In the subsequent youth trials, Kanto vs. Kansai, Tachibana, Chitose, Shiraishi and others will also appear on the

    stage one after another (ai)

    . As for whether to arrange a confrontation with foreign peers, we will talk about it at that time.

  (End of chapter)