Chapter 66. Battle situation! Yamabuki's doubles losing streak!

  The Kanto Tournament then started with the addition of new rules.

  Rikkai University, Seigaku, Teimitsu, Yamabuki, and Hyotei all had no surprises. They all won overwhelming victories in the first round.

  Even if there are additional rules of the scoring system, it will not hinder their progress at all.

  Therefore, at the beginning of the second round, the most eye-catching match is naturally the match between Teikou and Yamabuki.

  Except for the members of Tachibana who were also in the competition, almost everyone from Seigaku and Hyotei were in the audience.

  "What is this fight about?"

  Haizaki complained dissatisfiedly as he sat on a chair with his legs crossed, looking at the bad battle situation on the field.

  "Teiko wins this game! Score!"



  "Sure enough, they have become stronger."

  Sengoku was not surprised by the first defeat of the doubles, and perhaps Kita and Niwatou were not surprised either. He has strengthened his training, but he is still not as talented as Di Guang.

  After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to cross the barrier between Tao and genius.

  "Thank you for your hard work!"

  Momoi said happily as she looked at Kagami and Kuroko who were finished.

  "It's nothing, it's just that the opponent is too average."

  Although Vulcan's words were very hurtful, but now that they have become stronger, how could they stop them if they were not players of the same level.

  "I scored 6 points at the beginning, which is a bit too fatal for Yamabuki."

  "Don't Yamabuki claim to be very good at doubles? How can you explain it like this?"

  "You are stupid! Don't you know that Teikou is very strong? Look. Is the opponent's level something that ordinary players can handle?"

  There was a lot of discussion in the stands. For those who had come to watch the competition, Di Guang's victory was expected.

  After all, this is a school that has been feeding its opponents eggs since the regional competition.

  "Taro, Masami"

  "Don't have so much psychological pressure."

  "Just play your own tennis well."

  The next doubles No. 1 is Kentaro Minami and Masami Higashikata. For this doubles group, Banlao is actually very good. satisfied.

  From the perspective of the past, these two people will have a place in the national competition as they grow up.

  But he happened to be born at the wrong time, and met a school where legendary talents like Di Guang were put together.

  The upper limit has been raised, and talents that originally seemed good have become as mediocre as ordinary people.

  Obviously they performed very well in doubles against other schools, but they were overwhelmed when they met Teiko.

  "Hey, old man, don't you want to win?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Haizaki was a little dissatisfied. He came with the intention of defeating Di Guang.

  How can you do it if your teammates hold you back so hard?

  "Haizaki, don't be so anxious."

  "You will know when you come on stage."

  Seeing that Haizaki was a little irritable, Qianshi immediately advised him.

  (This guy doesn't understand how strong Teikou is at all)

  He also knows that Haizaki has never understood the strength of his opponent and only blindly trusts his own strength.

  But Qianshi didn't bother to say anything to him. He would know why when he went up and received a severe beating himself.

  Qianshi and others can't get along with this kind of guy.

  "It's okay, Banlao, we will try our best to score points."

  "Yes, I believe that doubles depends on the cooperation and understanding between the two."

  Kentaro Minami and Masami Higashikata had lost to Kuroko and Aomine before, but This was their second encounter with Emperor Guang, so naturally they wanted to try new tactics.

  They still want to try whether they can shake the "dragon" in front of them.

  "Come on! Purple-kun, Midorima-kun!"

  The purple-green duo picked up their new rackets and walked onto the court.

  Both of them, who had begun to grow, had grown significantly taller.

  So much so that compared with Yamabuki, they are somewhat different in height.

  "Please give me more advice!"


  Back on the service line, Midorima glanced at the opponent's position, immediately threw the ball up, and then hit it.





  "So fast!"

  After scoring a goal, Midorima's effortless movements showed an unexpected speed.   

  Ace ball!




  In the next three rounds, Midorima scored smoothly without any fluctuation.

  "Hmm. Shintaro Midorima? It's really like a machine."

  "Atobe? Did you see anything else?"

  In the stands, everyone from Atobe and Hyotei watched the battle. Ninzu had some doubts about Atobe's statement. .

  "There is no blind spot, that guy."

  "The action when serving and the rhythm when hitting the ball are all in one go. These four balls are almost all hit at the same speed, without any fluctuation." "

  That precise ball control He is a very strong opponent."

  Atobe tilted his head and explained the information he had observed.

  Although he knew that there would always be blind spots in his eyes, it was still a bit surprising that they appeared so soon.

  He spoke "arrogantly" some time ago, but he will not underestimate Qing Xue and Di Guang.

  You want to know why Atobe Keigo spent a lot of money to go abroad and become stronger?

  Wasn't it because he was stimulated by the battle between Qing Xue and Di Guang?

  "There is no way to serve, so defend."

  Masami Higashikata and Kentaro Minami didn't pay too much attention to losing the ball, but immediately thought about how to counterattack.

  Unfortunately, as soon as the ball passed the net, Murasakibara's body appeared in front of the net.


  "A guy like that is surprisingly agile?"



  Compared to Murasakibara in the past, he is much more active now.


  The next serve was still intercepted by Murasakihara as it bounced directly in front of the net, unable to go to the backcourt. It was like a high wall blocking the way, making it impossible to cross.

  "One for defense and one for offense?"

  "The division of labor is really clear."

  Minami Kentaro looked at Murasakibara who was motionless, curled his lips and whispered, and then he made a gesture to Dongfang Masami.

  (Bottom line tactic?)

  Knowing Minami Kentaro's thoughts at a glance, Eastern Masami nodded, and the two began to retreat together.


  Midorima naturally also noticed the changes in the opponent's lineup.

  "Do you want to retreat to the baseline and play defensive counterattack?"

  Although I wanted to praise the opponent's timely change of formation, unfortunately,

  "For Murasakibara and I, your idea is too naive."

  As soon as Murasakihara finished serving, Midorima said Go directly to the Internet, leaving him at the bottom line.

  This rhythm of offensive and defensive exchanges directly surprised Kentaro Minami and Masami Higashikata.


  As soon as he hit the ball back, Midorima intercepted him halfway and hit the ball on the edge of the sideline.


  Still nothing has changed. The strength of Midorima and Murasakibara is like an insurmountable mountain, making people feel suffocated and desperate.

  "It's not over yet!"


  But Minami Kentaro and Eastern Masami still did not give up, but chose to continue charging and fighting.

  Although the spirit of the two was commendable, in the face of the huge gap in strength, they could not affect any process or results.

  "This game is won by Diguang! Score!"


  After two doubles losses, the total score has reached 12-0!

  Yamabuki has reached the edge of the cliff

  , and the next singles No. 3 they will issue is.

  Haizaki Shogo!

   PS: Is Yamabuki strong in doubles?

    Very strong, but this refers to being strong in front of ordinary people.

    But for geniuses like Sanada? Are they strong? There is no way to touch porcelain.

    Not to mention Sanada and Atobe, I'm afraid even Momoro, Haitang, and Kirihara won't be able to get through.

    All I can say is that talent is what it is.

    So Shanbuki beat other ordinary schools, won the doubles, and died of eating eggs when he met Teiko.

    Just like the Generation of Miracles and the Untitled Five in the Black Basket, the latter can win beautifully against normal players, but when you encounter the former, you will immediately lie down.

    This is a typical case of big fish eating small fish and there is no solution.

    By the way, I forgot to mention it before. As expected, the new rules will only be used until the end of the Kanto Competition. It is considered a transition. The youth selection competition and national competition will still be under normal rules.

  (End of chapter)