Chapter 96. Personality switching VS destruction of five senses!

  "Has his five senses recovered?"

  Yukimura looked at Akashi's actions in disbelief. The focused heterochromatic eyes and the gesture of stroking and arranging the racket all expressed his state of recovery.

  How did he do that?

  The first time he encountered this situation, Yukimura was rarely distracted.

  None of the players he had competed with before who had been deprived of their five senses could recover during the game.

  And now, Akashi Seijuro seems to have done this.

  "Great!! I knew it!!"

  Kise clenched his fists outside the court and shouted excitedly as he watched Akashi recover.

  "I see, you are really a blessing in disguise."

  Bai Jin's original worries were put aside. After seeing how Akaashi was able to eliminate the five senses, he couldn't help but laugh.

  "Could it be that the two Akaashi are alternating with each other to avoid the impact of the lack of five senses?"

  Momoi reacted and suddenly said in surprise.

  "Can it still be like this?"

  Vulcan said in shock after hearing the reason.

  "When one personality is tricked, another personality comes out to play."

  "Excessive mental pressure disappears the moment the switch is made."

  "It's an unexpected cracking method."

  Midorima probably understands the reason. , suddenly calmed down, closed his eyes and said seriously.

  "Our minister is really a lucky guy."





  Akashi still took advantage of the next shot. Capture the radiant eyes.

  (Calm down.)

  (Although I don't know how he recovered)


  It was probably the first panic. After calming down his inner restlessness, Yukimura lowered his body slightly, holding the racket with both hands, waiting for Akashi's serve. .

  "Six balls!!"

  declared, Akaashi hit the ball, and Yukimura filled in and immediately caught it.


  "This is the sixth ball again!!"


  Every move was seen, and the ball popped out from the opposite direction.

  Although he lost points, Yukimura didn't care and remained calm.


  But the next time he served, Akashi fell silent and did not declare immediately.

  As soon as he hit the ball, his vision turned dark.

  At this moment, Rikashi knew that his vision had been taken away, so even if the brilliant eye made a declaration, it would not be accurate.


  Hitting the ball on the other side, Yukimura noticed a subtle pause in Akashi's movements, and knew that his five senses were in effect again.




  Two goals alternated again, and Yukimura scored this time.

  The sense of touch was deprived again, and Riaki couldn't hold on any longer.

  (It's your turn.)



  Omo Akashi took over the body, the numbness gradually dissipated from the body, the lost feeling returned again, and then he won the point with a quick serve.


  Although he was prepared, Yukimura still couldn't figure out how Akaashi had regained his five senses again.

  Obviously not long after his five senses were taken away, he was able to recover quickly. What was the reason for this?


  "That red-haired kid turns out to be mentally ill."

  Although Nanjiro knew that Akashi had a pair of special eyes before, he never thought that such a situation was hidden.

  Dual personality

  "Huh? Coach, how do you know he is sick?"   

  Kikumaru didn't understand how Nanjiro could see it, so he asked curiously.

  "Eiji, it's so rude of you to say that."

  Oishi was a little dissatisfied with Kikumaru's words. It was too unfriendly to say this in front of others.

  "Multiple personalities."

  Gan Sadaharu thought of a possibility from the word "mental illness".

  "That is to say, the minister of Emperor Guang can actually be regarded as two people."

  Fuji was also encountering this situation for the first time and couldn't help but be curious.

  "It's almost like that. If one person is hit, just replace him with another person."

  "The little guy Li Hai uses can be regarded as a mental technique. If you meet this type of player, you can only say that the compatibility is too good." Not bad."

  I have been alive for a long time, and I can see all kinds of scenes. At least Nanjiro has never seen such a dramatic game before.

  One party can cause Yip Syndrome through mental oppression, but the other party can avoid

  it by switching personalities

  . "This is really a joke."

  "My headache is solved just like this."

  "Ah. Humph, it's very unpleasant."

  Atobe was a little restless sitting on the chair, as he himself had no way to deal with Yukimura's five-sense-destroying power.

  It was hard for him to accept it when he saw Akaashi getting rid of his illness just by relying on it.

  After all, it was impossible for him to replicate this method.


  In the end, Akashi and Yukimura evened the score as they continued to fight.

  "I thought it would be a lot easier if I cracked your move, but I didn't expect you to be able to do better."

  Omotaki looked at Yukimura with lingering fear, his tone full of caution.

  "Thanks to you, I have to find a solution."

  Yukimura didn't pay attention to Akaashi's praise, but shook his head, holding the tennis ball and preparing to serve.

  He probably understood Akashi's method of recovery, but he did not waver, but persisted, thereby increasing the threat of destroying the five senses in the confrontation.

  At first, Akaashi could easily chase points, but later on he began to be restricted by the Five Senses, which prevented him from scoring smoothly.


  The moment he hit the ball sent by Yukimura back, Omo Akashi lost his vision.

  One ball.

  Unlike the previous situation where it took several balls in succession to deprive him of his five senses, during the stalemate Yukimura even managed to deprive him of one of his senses with just one ball.

  As a result, the Eye of Talent cannot be activated very well now.

  Losing the touch when hitting the ball will also make the body stiff.



  without any hesitation, Riakishi came out to take over the game again. The lost light emerged again, and he tried to rehearse again.

  "5 goals."

  Yukimura's ball had just come back. Although he saw the future of winning, as soon as he hit the ball back, the touch disappeared again.

  "As long as I trigger it fast enough, you won't be able to activate the power of the eye, right?"

  Having found Akashi's flaw, Yukimura hit the ball quickly and missed the net.


  This is what Yukimura thought. Akashi was so special that he had to find a way to crack it.

  As Akaashi continues to switch and release, the interval between the five senses annihilation taking effect is getting shorter and shorter.

  It used to take several balls to make Akaashi lose his five senses, but now it only takes one ball.

  It's equivalent to constantly lowering the conditions required for his activation

  . If the same target can't be continuously lifted by him after being continuously applied to destroy the five senses, Yukimura really can't do this.

  It can only be said that Akashi not only broke his five senses, but also tempered him.

  Because Akaashi is the first player to be able to remove his five senses multiple times in the same game.






  Completely alternating offense and defense, without any fancy moves or skills, some It was just the mental struggle and quickness of their movements between the two of them.

  Finally, under people's attention, the two entered the tie-break.

  "The score is 6-6!!"


    Yukimura seems to have improved his control, but his proficiency in destroying the five senses is limited to one opponent in one game.

    For example, this time it only took one ball for him to trigger against Akaashi, but it will take a certain amount of time to trigger next time he plays against others.

    In other words, if someone removes the influence of destroying the five senses, Yukimura can apply it again, and the effective interval will become shorter and shorter. This is probably the principle.

    This resulted in Akaashi being unable to activate his eye abilities, and because he continued to be affected by the five senses of destruction, he could only play with Yukimura in an incomplete state in a basic way

  (end of chapter)