Chapter 97. Victory or defeat!

  "You are becoming more and more skilled in your skills."

  "Aren't you the same?"

  In the field, the two of them continued to attack and defend, and they also fully understood each other.

  Whether it's the two-person switching that Akaashi relies on, or Yukimura's control over the five senses, both sides have reached new heights.

  Yukimura can make Akaashi lose all sense of the ball with one goal. Akaashi can switch personalities at any time, which deepens the tempering of his mental strength.

  Both parties have grown significantly during this time.

  "By the way, why doesn't Akashi-chan use Zone to decide the outcome?"

  Outside the field, Kise looked at the anxious battle situation and couldn't help but wonder.

  "Have you never paid attention to the situation in the Zone space?"

  Bai Jin knew that this kid must not have paid attention to the people inside, so he asked.


  "The general is also in there. Idiot."

  Midorima cursed at Kise with great disdain, and at the same time picked up the clock and took a look.

  "Is this happening? Hahaha"

  (Open Zone to take a look next time.)

  After being scolded, Kise smiled awkwardly, but he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

  "Open Zone. If the opponent can also open Zone, there will be no change at all if the level is similar."

  Momoi sighed, not knowing what to evaluate.

  Akashi is certainly strong, but Yukimura is not weak either.

  "I can only say, Atobe, you are really good at giving."

  Shirazu had underestimated the performance of Rikka Daiichi and others before. Judging from Nioh, Sanada, and Yukimura, they are undoubtedly better than those in the same timeline of the main series. I am much stronger.

  Then the culprit responsible for this is that certain old man who was "gloating" in the audience with his legs crossed.

  He had to ride into the school alone, and the whole existence of "Guan Erye" triggered a series of chain problems.

  Otherwise, there aren't many changes in Tatekai Tai, but Teikou should be able to get through it easily.

  I have to give this uncle Atobe a "first-class credit".

  I'll look for an opportunity to "repay the favor" when I have time.



  Atobe sneezed inexplicably and glanced left and right. Strange.


  "It's been a long time, right?"

  Kawamura Takashi felt his buttocks were numb and stood up to ask Agan.

  "These two have been fighting for an hour,"

  Inui Sadaharu frowned and looked at the time he set when the game started.


  Sweat dropped from his cheeks, and Akashi felt the atmosphere of reaching the limit for the first time in a long time.

  If it weren't for Yukimura's special characteristics, he might have easily won the game with his brilliant eyes.

  But it was Yukimura's own strength and special skills that caused the two to become entangled with each other.

  The five senses are constantly interfering with the performance of Eye and Talent.

  Only by relying on the most basic confrontation can they gradually score points, but both sides are also constantly improving in the process.

  There are gradually fewer flaws that can be caught.

  Yukimura and Akashi can only be said to be worthy of the ministers of the new era.

  (That's enough, right?)

  Hearing the words of his other self, Omo Akashi showed a helpless expression.

  The other one seemed like he couldn't wait to decide the winner.

  Although both of them only have one chance to hit one ball each time, one of their five senses will be taken away.

  But for Riaki, one goal is enough.

  Especially in a tie-break at such a critical moment.

  (Then the next ball will be handed to you.)

  Omo Akashi did not refuse, but hit the ball back, and at the same time gave up control of his body to Ri Akashi.

  "Then let's decide the winner here!"


  Seeing Yukimura hit the ball back, Rakaashi said with lightning in his eyes.   


  (Want to decide the outcome while taking advantage of the lead?)

  (I won't let you succeed...)


  Noticing Akashi's changes and knowing that the opponent had entered the Zone, Yukimura had already known it prevention.

  He has long been proficient in this move, which has a different effect from the selfless state.

  ZoneVSzone! ?

  "You overestimate yourself!"

  Akaashi said with a sarcastic tone as the colorful light shrouded his arm.

  "Thousands of times of hard work?!"



  In the astonished eyes of everyone, Rakiashi smashed the ball over the net and instantly hit the ball in the corner to win the point.

  "The game is over!!!"

  As the team won the tie-break with a two-point lead, the referee's voice sounded again.

  "Though tempered, that guy Akashi."

  Vulcan's eyes were fixed on the colorful stream of light, and his tone was passionate.

  "What? Since you are hiding this hand, don't scare people."

  Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the tug-of-war between the two of them for so long, he was really worried.

  "It's really getting close to being almighty."

  Ura Akashi realized that he had gone through a lot of hard work, but Shirazu didn't expect it. Since he came out of autism, it seems that he and Oyo Akashi have gone through a lot.

  Now, one has been tempered and the other is radiant with talent.

  Akashi has become inexplicably balanced.

  Obviously, Akashi didn't bother to use the power of selflessness in the past.

  It seems that the "lessons" Tezuka taught him at the beginning had some effect.

  "However, it seems that being perfect has nothing to do with you."

  Bai Jin murmured in a low voice without anyone noticing.

  No matter how you look at Akaashi's situation, you can't activate those three types of perfection.

  Regardless of whether it is the "light of love", the "light of silence" or the "brilliance of perseverance",

  these three kinds of brilliance are incomparable to that Akashi.

  "Wow! Tezuka, he opened two doors too!"

  Kikumaru pointed at Akashi in the venue, then tilted his head and shouted to Tezuka.

  "After all, it's not a unique skill, it can be accessed by any player with talent and opportunity."

  Tezuka didn't care about this kind of thing. In the past two months, he also figured out the talent and radiance method based on his experience in the battle with Akashi. Daomen.

  And Akashi himself has a lot of talent, and he has also fought against him, so it is not surprising that he can be tempered.

  "When will the afternoon game start, kid?"

  Interrupting the conversation that everyone was about to start, Nanjiro looked at the end of the game and immediately turned his head and asked Inui Sadaharu.

  "Two thirty in the afternoon, coach."

  "According to my usual schedule, I can still rest for at least two hours."

  Inui Sadaharu seemed to have been familiar with Nanjiro's questions for a long time, and answered very skillfully.

  "Ah, really?"

  "Then I'll leave first."

  After yawning, Nanjiro didn't say what he was going to do, but stood up and left.

  "Hey Tezuka."

  At this moment, a discordant voice sounded, and everyone in Qingxue saw their opponents in the afternoon.

  ice King! !

  "Don't run away!"

  Atobe said seriously, raising his head with an invitation.

  "Looking forward to fighting with you in the afternoon."

  Tezuka glanced at Teikou below, and then turned his attention to Atobe in front of him.

  In order to see a higher level, you must first defeat the Ice Emperor in front of you.

  (End of chapter)