Amateur swordsman

The next day they went back

When Lu shang arrived at his home he cultivated the two Earth tiger's crystal cores

3 hours later he absorbed all of the chi from the crystal cores

He also felt that his body is almost full of chi but instead of continuing cultivating to breakthrough he trained at using the sword chi all day

The next day Lu shang went to the Hunted forest to try and find another cave

When he arrived at the Hunted forest he quickly run at a high speed to find a cave much faster

2 hours later of nonstop searching he finally found a cave but he saw that there's people in the cave but he suddenly noticed that one of them is a criminal that have been killing people since the cultivation has been known

Lu shang prepared he took out his sword 'stalsha' and use sword chi to strengthen the sword before using chi dash to get closer at the criminals

"Chi strike"

Lu shang cut the two criminals in half

When the other criminals saw this they all tried attacking him but he all block the attack using chi barrier but the barrier was about to break

Lu shang jumped back and used chi slash and killed the other three criminals the only remaining one is the most wanted criminal that he knows

The criminal used sword chi to attack Lu shang but Lu shang just used the chi barrier to block it

Lu shang then used chi dash to get behind of the criminal and cut the right arm

The criminal was shouting in pain but Lu shang didn't care

"I can now test the stats absorption"Lu shang said in his mind while grinning

"Stats absorption" Lu shang said

The criminal became weaker and died due to all of his stats got taken while Lu shang got a bit more stronger

"The daily usage of stats absorption is now used and your stats has gotten Strength 35, Defense, 23, Health 58" the system said

Lu shang then went inside the cave and he found 6 steel wolf's crystal cores

Lu shang went back to his house and started cultivating

2 hours later he absorbed all of the crystal cores and his body is now full of chi he then went to the system and breakthrough

"Successfully breakthrough to tenth level Mortal cultivator" the system announced

"Your stats now are Strength 401, defense 136, Health 1303, speed 78, charisma 2.1" the system said

Lu shang then practiced his sword chi for a few hours before going to the arcade his favorite place

Lu shang played in the arcade for 3 hours before going back at his home

When Lu shang got home he then cooked and ate before practicing his sword chi all night

The next day he can now use the sword chi for 3 hours

"You have acquired a title. 'Amateur swordsman' this title boost your stats by 2 and control to your sword" the system said

"Amateur swordsman huh and extra two to every stats also boost to my control of sword this sure is useful" Lu shang said

Lu shang then sleep for a few hours in the morning because of not sleeping last night

When he woke up its already past noon he then went to the restaurant before and when he arrived he saw that one of the customer as making a trouble

Lu shang then went inside and heard that the cultivator is actually robbing everyone

"Give me your money or i'll kill you" the robber said to one of the customers

The robber then noticed that someone entered the restaurant

"Hey you give me all your money or i'll stab you" the robber said to Lu shang

When Lu shang heard this he took out his sword and walk to the robber

"Hey what are you trying to do. do you really think that you can hurt me? your not even a cultivator" the robber said

The robber didn't able to sense the chi in Lu shang's body because the robber is still at the 4th level Mortal cultivator while Lu shang is already at the tenth level

When Lu shang heard this he just smiled and continued walking to the robber

"You still continued huh then now die"

The robber jumped to attack Lu shang using chi strike

Lu shang then blocked the attack using his sword with a bit of sword chi

When the robber saw this he was shock because he can't believe that someone was able to block his attack

"How did you block my attack your not even a cultivator" the robber said in a furious manner

"Not a Cultivator? How dumb are you to think that im not a cultivator after blocking your attack" Lu shang said

"Then why can't i sense any chi to you?" The robber said

"It's because the cultivation level difference" Lu shang said

The robber was furious when he heard what Lu shang said

"I don't believe it! Chi slash" The robber shouted

Lu shang then blocked it using chi barrier and quickly use chi dash to get behind of the robber and disarmed the robber