The next realm

All of the people in the restaurant was amazed by Lu shang's strength

A few minutes later the police arrived

The police then arrested the robber and the people inside the restaurant continued eating like nothing happened

Lu shang then ordered six meals and when his about to pay the bill the waiter suddenly said"young man this will be free in return for saving us in here"

Lu shang then rested for a bit before leaving the restaurant

Lu shang then call Xiao jing to invite him in hunting in the Tiger mountain

"Sure" Xiao jing said

Lu shang then run into Xiao jing's house while Xiao jing is still changing his clothes and when he opened the door Lu shang is already waiting outside

"I already called a taxi let's just wait here" Lu shang said

They then both waited for a few minutes before the taxi arrived

30 minutes later they have arrived at the Tiger mountain

They then run towards the mountain to hunt some beasts

An hour later They rested for a bit in the huge rocks

"Lu shang we have only hunting the lower part of this mountain maybe there's other more powerful beasts at the higher part" Xiao jing said

"Maybe but the peak of this mountain is literally 15 feet higher then the clouds and i can't see any new beasts here"Lu shang said

"You can't see here but maybe the other side of the mountain is where the beasts are" Xiao jing said

"Then let's go" Lu shang said

After climbing the mountain for a few minutes they have arrived at the middle part of the mountain and suddenly a beast came out

The beast has a dark fur with two sharp horns and dark mist coming out of the beast's body

The beast then fired a dark ball in it's mouth

"Chi barrier"

When the dark ball hit the barrier it then cracked but it didn't get destroyed

"So strong Xiao jing back off this beast is on another level compared to the beast below" Lu shang shouted to Xiao jing

Xiao jing then hide behind the bush in the forest

The beast then used the dark ball technique again but Lu shang was more prepared now and used the chi dragon to counter the dark ball and surprisingly the small dark ball was on far with the chi dragon

"Chi dash,Chi strike"

Lu shang got behind the beast and used the Chi strike to slash the beast but the beast created a dark barrier but it was destroyed in a few moments but it was enough time for the beast to back off

"Chi dragon"

Lu shang used the chi dragon again but the beast used the dark ball to counter it

"Chi type technique is weak when compared to Light and Dark type techniques i recommend you use your fire techniques" the system suddenly said

Lu shang then charged his fire technique before firing it at the beast

"Twin fire dragon"

This technique used half of Lu shang's energy chi but it was actually the strongest technique that Lu shang has

The beast then used it's strongest technique "blast of darkness"

The two techniques clashed but it was obvious that Lu shang's twin fire dragon is winning

A few moments later the blast of darkness got destroyed and the twin fire dragon getting the beast killed

Lu shang then took out the Crystal core in the beast's body and it was leaking a lot of chi

"This can probably help me breakthrough to the propound mortal cultivator realm"Lu shang thought

They then went down and find a taxi in the city to went back at there city

When Lu shang got home he immediately started cultivating with the dark beast's Crystal core

Lu shang cultivated all night and he absorbed all of it the next day at noon

His body is now full of chi Lu shang then went to his system and tried to breakthrough

"Successfully breakthrough to another realm the Propound mortal cultivator realm" the system announced

"Your stats now are Strength 535, Defense 178, Health 1764, Speed 98, charisma 2.2" the system said

Lu shang then watched some news when suddenly one of the news is about battle between cultivators in a new arena

The cultivators are using different kind of techniques fist,sword,spear,elemental, and more techniques are being used every second

"Fire fist"

"Heavy sword strike"

"Wind hurricane"

"Earth stab"

The system then used Automatic learning to learn every techniques the other cultivators used

"It's so easy to get new techniques now" Lu shang said

In just a few minutes Lu shang acquired all of the techniques he saw in the TV

Lu shang then went to the Hunted forest to try the new techniques

5 minutes later Lu shang already killed 2 beasts and he was a bit surprise that all of the skills are as strong as his Chi dragon but less Energy chi is being used

Lu shang continued hunting beasts until it was sunset

Lu shang then went to the cultivators headquarters to sell his hundred beast cores and materials

Lu shang didn't care about the Hunted forest's beast crystal core because you can only cultivate crystal cores that are the same level as you or higher but if it's higher it might hurt you because your body will overflow of chi which can lead to your death

Lu shang got 346,000 yen due to Crystal cores shortage

Lu shang then went back to his home to cultivate normally and the next day he Hunted more beasts this goes on for a week in order to get money for buying a bigger house