Fight to the death

The man was attacking Lu shang relentlessly and Lu shang is already tired of blocking

Lu shang tried his hardest to find an opening and when the man was about to use his left hand Lu shang dodge it and countered using inferno strike

The man was able to use a barrier better than a chi barrier but it easily break because while it's still being created the inferno strike hit it

The man was slashed but he was able to survive using a talisman that healed hid body when he was about to die

"I will kill you you bastard" the man shouted his veins visible and his face became red from anger

"If you can" Lu shang said with a daring tone

The man was furious at Lu shang's mockery so he used his chi creation to create chi humans and commanded it to attack Lu shang

"Kill that bastard"

Lu shang immediately prepared for the relentless attack of the chi humans and he immediately used twin fire dragon and change the heat of the technique and easily destroyed the chi humans

The man was able to dodge the attack but Lu shang was already in his side about to slash him

The man then grinned and pulled a talisman

"Chi clone swarm" the man shouted

In an instant a hundred chi humans was about to attack Lu shang but Lu shang just smiled and used the talisman given by the Lady

All of the chi humans instantly turned into ashes making the man speechless from what happened to his trump card

"What did you do?!" The man asked from frustration but Lu shang just gave him cold stare

"You don't need to know" when Lu shang finished talking he immediately beheaded the man

Lu shang then laid in the ground from exhaustion. Lu shang laid there for a few minutes before standing up and leaving the city

When Lu shang arrived at the city he went to the south forest to tell the lady what happened in the city that's close to the tiger mountain

"That's quite the risky move you made there but luckily it worked perfectly" The lady said when he heard what Lu shang did to defeat the man

"Then now let's go back to your training" The lady suddenly said making Lu shang a bit sad that he will immediately start the training when his still too tired from fighting with the man before

"Can i take a rest today? Im really tired after fighting the man" Lu shang tried to get a rest but in the end the lady didn't agree

The lady then started teaching Lu shang the fire creation technique and after a few hours Lu shang was able to create a worm made of fire

"That took longer then i expected most of the time you learn things quickly" The lady said to Lu shang

"That's.. because im.. too tired" Lu shang said while gasping for air because of his tiredness from training all day

"Rest for an hour and you will continue again" The lady said making Lu shang felt relieve that he can now rest

An hour later Lu shang started his training again but this time his becoming more better every try not like before needing him a few tries just to improve

And a week later Lu shang can now make wolfs made of flames making the lady impressed by Lu shang's improvement

"Your now close to amateur but still not good enough so you will train for a month before you stop"The lady said making Lu shang dazed from how long he still needs to train restlessly

A week Later Lu shang can now create child size flame humans and another week Later Lu shang can finally make a normal size flame humans and another more week later Lu shang can now create a flame humans that's as strong as a cultivator and in the final week Lu shang was able to learn how to make a flame human that's as strong as him but he can only create one flame human that's as strong as him and not be able to make more flame humans

"2 more days and this training will be done" The lady said to Lu shang who was laying in ground after exhausting all of his energy chi from making a flame human that's as strong as him

"Finally this hellish training will be complete" Lu shang said making the lady give a cold stare at him

"Oh are you happy? If you don't just shut up i will extend it by another month" Lu shang immediately became silent afraid of angering the lady and getting an additional month

2 days later Lu shang's training ended and he immediately rushed into his house to shower. After not cleaning his body for an entire month Lu shang's body stinks so bad that even him almost felt like vomiting when he smelled his body

When Lu shang was done cleaning he went to his bedroom and immediately fell asleep due to his fatigue from training

Lu shang slept for 16 hours and when he woke up it was already midnight so Lu shang just went to his system to take some task

Lu shang then took a one star task that needs to kill a beast

[One star task:kill 10 thunder viper. reward: Lightning pill]

Lu shang then got transported into a mountain valley and Lu shang immediately found a thunder viper

Lu shang then rushed towards the thunder viper and used twin fire dragon to attack the thunder viper

The thunder viper then fired multiple lightning spikes to counter the twin fire dragon

When both techniques clash it made an explosion a huge smoke was then blocked the vision of the thunder viper

While Lu shang took this chance to ambush the thunder viper but the thunder viper noticed him and it tried attacking Lu shang with the multiple lightning spikes but Lu shang only used chi dash to evade it and get much closer to the thunder viper

Lu shang then used sword chi to cut the thunder viper easily. Lu shang then rest for a bit before finding another thunder viper

A few minutes later Lu shang found another one and this time he didn't immediately attack the thunder viper but went into the blind spot of the thunder viper before using the chi dash to immediately arrived behind the thunder viper

"Double chi strike" Lu shang used the double chi strike with sword chi to instantly kill the thunder viper

This repeated to the other eight thunder viper completing the task in just 3 hours