Lightning pill and a technique

When Lu shang completed the task the system the announced that he completed the task

[Task complete you will now be rewarded with one breakthrough and a Lightning pill]

Lu shang's fatigue then disappeared in an instant when he breakthrough and he then looked at the Lightning pill and asked the system what does it do

"System what does this pill do? "

"It will improve your affinity to Lightning by a decent amount and your resistance to Lightning attacks will also increase by a bit" The system explained making Lu shang shocked that it can improve his affinity to Lightning

Lu shang then swallowed the lightning pill and he immediately felt like his body is getting electrocuted rapidly but it only last for a minute before disappearing

"Now my lightning affinity is stronger but i don't have any lightning techniques" Lu shang was dejected that he can't try how strong his lightning techniques have become

Lu shang then searched for task and he there's a task that caught his eye

[One star task: catch a thunder cat: reward seven Lightning steps]

"Why is there a steps in the end?" Lu shang tried figuring out why there's a steps in the last not like any techniques that always display the name of what your weapon that will be used

Suddenly the system spoke" this technique is a movement type, movement techniques are what you will need the most for speed in traveling or fighting"

Lu shang then accepted the task when he heard that he can go much faster using this technique. And everytime his attacking a beast his always being noticed because of his slow speed and with this technique he can kill a beast with ease

Lu shang was then transported to a forest that have been destroyed

"What happened here?" Lu shang thought curious what made the forest this bad when suddenly a beast tried to attack Lu shang but Lu shang was able to react in time dodging the beast's attack

When Lu shang found out what attacked him he was shocked that it's a cat

"A cat? I guess this cat is the thunder cat what a fast beast i almost died there"Lu shang said in his thought

The cat then walked towards Lu shang slowly and when Lu shang saw this he immediately pulled his sword and take a stance

But the cat didn't attack him this time only looking in Lu shang's eyes but Lu shang still didn't lowered his guard

A few moments later the cat walked towards Lu shang again and Lu shang didn't attack the cat immediately but he watched what will the cat do but the cat only rubbed it's body to Lu shang's foot

Lu shang then decided to try and pick it up and the cat didn't resist at all

[Task complete you will now be rewarded with a movement technique called seven lightning steps and half of your needed chi to breakthrough]

"Now with every one star task i can't breakthrough in an instant] Lu shang sighed

Lu shang then looked at the scroll that he got and started comprehending it

And after a day Lu shang got an notification from the system

"You have comprehend the first stage of Lightning steps you can now run or walk ten times faster" the system said making Lu shang confuse

"Why is there stages in these technique" Lu shang asked

"Some techniques have stages and everytime you comprehend the next stage the technique will be better" the system explained

Lu shang then tried using the seven lightning steps and when he started running with the seven lightning steps he was shocked by how fast he can now go

And after a few minutes of trying out the seven lightning steps Lu shang then went out of the system and went to the south forest running with the seven lightning steps activated

And in just a few seconds he already arrived at the south forest

"Now this is a lot of help to me" Lu shang said with a smile

Lu shang then tried to go back to his house after trying out the seven lightning technique when suddenly Lady xiu stopped him

"What is that technique Lu shang?" The lady asked and Lu shang then tried avoiding the question knowing that the lady might get suspicious to him but the lady just keep questioning him everytime he stop talking and in the end Lu shang revealed that it's a movement technique

"A movement technique huh i have my doubts before but now that you have confirmed my doubts how did you got that" The lady asked making Lu shang nervous and Lu shang then made up a story of how he got learned the technique

"Well when i was trying to find another place where there's a beast i found a scroll" Lu shang said but the Lady was still doubtful to what Lu shang said

The lady then pondered if he will let Lu shang go after seeing how fast Lu shang got and after a few moments the lady decided to let Lu shang out in the forest

When Lu shang got allowed to go out in the forest he immediately used the seven lightning technique to run away from the forest before the lady change her mind

Lu shang then arrived at his house in a few seconds and he immediately started comprehending the seven lightning steps again

And after a week Lu shang have comprehend the to stage two making his speed 25 times faster and everytime he used a lightning techniques it will get stronger when the seven lightning steps is activated