A lucky encounter

The next day when Lu shang woke up he went outside to practice his techniques more. A few hours later while Lu shang was practicing he saw a man running towards him

When the man arrived in front of Lu shang, he then said what there commander discussed to everyone while his practicing

"Everyone will training for ten days before going into the last empire, The dragon empire" the man said

Lu shang was shocked by the name of empire they will attack. The man then left Lu shang and went back to the empire

"No wonder the warriors have a choice to quit" Lu shang said in his thoughts before continuing his practice

A day later Lu shang had stopped practicing his swordsmanship to practice the fire creation the lady taught him

He then practiced it for three days before practicing his swordsmanship again

Night time came Lu shang rested for a bit and after a few minutes later he pulled out a scroll that's inside his storage bracelet

"Ocean flame" Lu shang read in his mind

He then opened the scroll and the Automatic learning function immediately activated. He then comprehending the technique for the entire night

The next day Lu shang is now able to use the Ocean flame. The Ocean flame is a flame that's colored blue but what really make this special is that if the flame got into the water instead of disappearing it will spread in the water

He then pulled out the scroll that he got from the previous task to comprehend it but this time even after trying to comprehend it for two days he had only comprehend it to the point he can only use it normally, but Lu shang didn't care much of it because using the 'rise of the dead' can make hundreds of undead beast or undead humans

He then started practicing his swordsmanship in the last three days. Lu shang then went back into the empire and when he arrived the warriors are already going into there formation

Suddenly the commander shouted to him "your going into our formation"

Lu shang then went into the commander's formation. A few minutes later they started walking towards the dragon empire

A few hours later they arrived into a snowy mountain and suddenly a tiger attacked one of the warriors but the other warriors was able to block the tiger's attack and they started using different kind of technique to defeat the tiger but it still took them some time

"Didn't know that snow tigers are this strong" one of the man said

They then started walking towards the dragon empire again after letting the warriors who fought the snow tiger rest for a few minutes

Two days later they have arrived into a desert where there's countless beasts attacking them every hour. While walking the commander suddenly saw a house in at a cave

The commander then ordered one of the warriors to see if there's someone living there. The man who was ordered to go into the house immediately went towards the house

When the man was in front of the house's door he opened it. The man was then shocked by what's inside the house

When the commander saw the man's expression he went into the house to see what's inside

"Why is there so many dynamite here?" The commander said in his mind when he saw what's inside the house

"Do you intend to buy some dynamites? It's only ten gold for a single dynamite" an old man suddenly said

The commander then looked towards the old man for a few minutes before giving an answer "I'll buy seven"

"Wait for a few moments" the old man then went into the door behind him. A few seconds later the old man is back with seven dynamites that's emitting a bit of unknown aura

"What's with that weird aura?" The commander asked when he noticed the aura

"It's nothing dangerous, only enhancement aura" the old man said

"What do you mean enhancement aura?!" The commander exclaimed when he heard the old man

"Well. since your the first person to buy dynamites here i think it would be fine if i give you a special gift" the old man said. when the commander heard this he immediately thanked the old man

The commander then paid the seven dynamites that have a enhancement aura. The commander then went back into the formation

When they started walking again Lu shang got curious what did the commander did inside that house for him to smiling

A few hours later the commander allowed everyone to rest and when they were resting Lu shang went to the commander

"Commander can i ask you a question?" Lu shang asked to the commander

"What is it?" The commander said

"Well. Why do you look so happy?" Lu shang said to the commander

"Oh that? It's because i was able to buy seven dynamite that have enhancement aura" the commander said

"Enhancement aura? What's that?" Lu shang asked completely clueless to what it can do

"You don't know? Well here's what it can do. A enhancement aura can make anything three times better no matter if it's an treasure or a piece of hair it's still gonna became better" the commander explained

Lu shang got intrigued to the enhancement aura that the commander explained. Lu shang then left the commander alone and went into his tent to sleep

The next day the commander woke everyone up so they can go to there formation and start walking again

And a few days later they can now see the dragon empire and when Lu shang saw it he was shocked by how huge it is to the other two empire, almost looking like three times larger

"How can we even defeat the people there?" Lu shang said in his mind

"This is the 50th siege of the demonic army to the dragon empire right?" One of the warriors suddenly asked the others

"Yeah it's the 50th attempt" the commander said