chapter 6 New life part 6

As Adam only attended school for intelligent not only that but to humiliate the scumbag shido

Right now he's just relaxing his feet on the desk doing absolutely nothing

Adam (whisling)

Some students begin to whisper about him

Male fujimi academy student 1 : our teacher called him yamada ?

Male fujimi academy student 2 : no way this guy has to be someone else

Unknown student : yamada-Senpai

Adam glance at her ask who is she

Adam : who are you ?

She was surprised and begins to lecture adam for not knowing her name

Umi shimizu : it's shimizu! You know forgetting your friends name is rather rude don't you think

Adam : not really it just shows I can be forgetful

Umi shimizu : how rude of you!

Adam : well my bad

Female fujimi academy student 1 : (whisper) that's really him?

Female fujimi academy student 2 : (whisper) : it if …he looks cute though

As the girls inside the classroom begins to make gossips about some of boy physic changes

Male math teacher : everyone pay attention now your assignments aren't going any where

Male math teacher : let's stop your pointless gossips already

As everyone gets back on task with their assignments one of the student beside him ask

Unknown male student : are you really yamada?

Adam : yeah and who the hell are you ?

While Adam is just writing down correct answers on his assignment he doesn't looks while talking

Yosuke : wha ..come on man you don't remember me we friends since second grade

(Memory flash back)

As he begins to have memories of their childhood

(Children giggling)

Itsuki yamada : come on ! Let's go play!

Yosuke : wait up !

Adam shakes his head and tries to pretend like he didn't remember


Adam : fuck off I don't know you

Yosuke : oh come on you remember!


Adam : no I don't actually

Yosuke : oh your such terrible-!


He puts down his pencil and walks toward to teachers desk

(Flip , tap)

Adam : okay I'm done gonna spend my time on the roof Until third period

Umi shimizu : ah..but

Adam : shimizu for now on I'm gonna take care of ya and my address to where I'm living on my desk

Umi shimizu : wha…

As he glances back with a smirk

Adam : consider it as a date Umi

Umi : mmmm!

Umi face was beat red and girls behind her begins to gossip

Female fujimi academy student 1 did you hear that !

Female fujimi academy student 2 : aawwww!

As the teacher finds it unbelievable for Adam to ever get the assignment done in a short time

Male math teacher : what kind of stupid student I ha-

He looks at the answers and turns out all answer on the sheets are correct

Male math teacher : what the…I can't believe this !

Male math teacher : I can't believe this!!!!

Meanwhile on the roof where Adam is taking photos of the school building

(Snap , flash!)

Adam : …..

(Snap , flash!)

He looks into the photo

Adam : okay

Adam : just need to cover roofs weak spots

He looks at the spot where he came from and begins planing

Adam : the stairs I could put IEDs of this position for the first of defense

He looks at another photo

Adam : second line of defense trying to save some civilians from getting eaten by the dead

Adam : and third get the civis as many I can save

Adam : and the rest just gonna wonder the area of the school when shit just down first

A bell rings

(Ding ding..ding dung)

Adam : second period not yet but I'm close

Adam : inventory

He begins to take out a brand of cigarettes sevenstars and unibroue beer 12 pack premium

(Click , Fzzz)

(Gulp , gulp ,gulp ,gulp

(Crushing can)


(Tink, Tink)


Adam : (breath & exhale)

Adam : (humming)

(Click , Fzzzz)

(Gulp , gulp)

Fifteen minutes later

Adam : (humming)

Adam : is it time yet?

He looks into his watch


Adam : (sigh) …..well still got more cans to kill

Unknown female : aha! So this is where you were!

He looks at his right and sees Umi and she immediately begins to question him

Umi : since when did you start drinking !?

Adam : since two days ago it ain't bad at all

Umi : it's bad for your health and so is smoking!

Umi : geez I'm trying to take care of you

She everted her gaze at him and ask

Umi : you know back in the classroom why did you ask me out we barely talk.. you know

Adam : we're talking now let's talk

She looks at him

Umi : you've seem different

Adam : really ..I don't thinks so it just feels normal to me

Umi : normal you say ?

She gave an awkward look thinking it's weird

Adam : your looking at me if I'm not even normal at all

Umi : well of course you were always back down whatever our teacher would be opposed to but now your …..

Adam gaze at her with a confused awkward look

Adam : changes are normal and anyone can do it

Adam : adults in these times will always view us week in our age and even judge us by look

Adam : not all the time can I really on them and neither should you

The more she listens to him Umi begins to understand a little

Umi : I understand..but it's not something that-

(Ding , dung , Ding , ding)

Because of there constant talking it killed time

Adam : ha..looks like that was quick

He gets up to head to third semester

Adam : see you at my place for a date

Umi : hey wait !

Adam : don't worry

Adam begins to smile about the task he'd been given

Adam(thinking) : how convenient the day he reeps what he sows

Adam : I wonder how will embarrass him aye

Second floor

(Step , step , step)

As he begins enter the class room

(Step , step , step)

And at his sight he sees shido

Shido : hello class I hope everyone had splendid day at home now let's get on with history now shall we

In shido expression was nothing but smile with such intentions

Adam (thinking) : smile all you want rat bastard

End next chapter