chapter 7 Humilation

As he begins his task into into humiliating shido with strong intentions how will he do it ?

12:06 pm

Time until outbreak


Female fujimi academy student 1 : shido is so knowledgeable when it comes to history

As the students that smiles towards shido as for Adam he really did not care and begins to

Adam (thinking) : these guys are bunch of brain wash idiots could they not Realize

Adam (thinking) : his expressions, his poster and his goddam intentions

Adam : ugh every time he makes that expression is disgusting

As Adam is looking at the window shido turns attention at him

Shido : oh my itsuki yamada how splendid I thought you were sick I was so worried

Adam : well I had some things I had to do

And shido begins to use body movement poster to add with the drama

Female fujimi academy student 2 : he's so caring !

Female fugimi academy student 3 : he's been so worried about how could make him worry like that?!

Adam began to feel annoyed the fact how stupid the student in his class are

Adam (thinking) : this is annoying the fact that these morons are falling for his tricks easily means they are that stupid

Adam (thinking) : goddamn no wander his lackeys are so delusional

As he gets up from his and begins to approach shido in calm poster

Adam : know what I should be giving my thanks to shido who show much about me and my health

Shido : oh how kind of my beloved student

Adam : in fact I have a finished assignment in my hands

One the students got annoyed and begins to tell 'em to hurry up

Unknown fujimi student : hurry up you useless pussy!

He turned his gaze at the student and that studen was tsunoda

Tsunoda : give him the paper and sit your ass down !

Adam : oh now now please let's be reasonable I'm about give him my assignment

Tsunoda : tch! Be quick !

He keeps walking toward to shido with a smile

Adam : honest I appreciate everything you have done for the entire year since I was sixteen

Shido : pardon?

He gives his assignment to shido

Adam : please looks at my assignment

Shido : …..okay

Adam : hmhm

As he nodded twice and shido took the assignment from him


Shido looks and begins to look closely and it says

Writing : those who pray reep what they sow unto the one who suffered greatly

Shido : !!

Shido had that chill roll unto his spine from fear and due to that he could not speak

Adam : you really should've read me better

When shido look down he seen his tie wrap around his hand and grips



He might shido center of nose and blood sports

Shido : aagh! …what are you!

He smacks both Sides of his face


Shido : aagh!


Shido : aagh!

The students inside the classroom begins to feel frightened by the sight

Male fujimi academy student 1 : he's hurting shido ….

Female fujimi academy student 1 : …no ….he's hurting him….please stop!!

(Smack! , smack!)

Tsunoda : you crazy fuck !

Among the terrified students he dashed towards Adam in attempt to tackle him but as soon he tried to get closed he kicked tsunoda between his stomach


Adam : stay out of this boy I ain't finish with this one

He had that fierce look glaring tsunoda while tsunoda is in pain from the kick

Tsunoda : aaahh…aagh!

Adam : now

He hailed shido holding his tie

Adam : you've of all should've known it was gonna happen even in these days

Adam : you still use your empty promises speeches just to get the trust of every student

Adam : and to make yourself an idol

As Adam hailed him closely

Adam : who the hell do you think you are praying on those and who the hell did think trying to prey on me

He turns his attention to his classmates in third semester

Adam: look at your so called beloved teacher

Adam : you should never trust a man like this one because if you do …he will use you just for his own benefits

He lets go and shido lying on the ground unconscious

Female fujimi academy student 1 : mister shido …please talk to us!

As the student begin surround shido adam exits the students meanwhile the student next by the classroom wonders what happened inside the classroom he was in

Female fujimi academy student 1 : what happened I heard thrashing inside that classroom

(Students muttering)

(Step , step , step , step)

While Adam was walking away like nothing happened while some students looked at his hand covered in some blood

Female fujimi academy student 1 : …his hand (gasp)

Among one of the crowd was Umi to expression she was scared

Adam : …..hmp!

He left a couple of word for Umi to understand

Adam : it may seem like it but I merely had to do it and Umi ….I couldn't tolerate shidos motives

Umi :...

As she was rendered speechless and with a sadden look

(Rattle , thud)

Just when he was about to leave the school he heard a shout

Umi : yamada-Senpai!

He looks back

Adam : I thought you were scared of me ?

Umi : no ..I'm worried about you

Adam : …..don't worry ok

Umi : what ?

Adam : to be honest with you this school life I had here want really gonna work out for me hell

As he looks up

Adam : this school maybe peaceful but there's always some bad people that may seem good at first but when you get to the truth

Adam : people would try change them but it is us individuals that must change in order to keep living

He looks back at her

Adam : I'll be back during seven days on the roof during first semester meet me there and don't bring anyone else okay

Umi : itsuki …..,

Adam : well see you around

(Step , step , step , step)

He walks away from fujimi academy and ended the boy former life as a student


Notification : you have completed a quest


Notification : you have been rewarded with fourty intelligence


Notification : admin is very pleased with your actions

Adam : hell yeah

End next chapter