Chapter 10 Close combat part 3

Adam almost getting himself killed in training at life and death situation he passed on few struggles but last difficulty will be last of close combat

He begins to plan to how to beat the dummy on realism difficulty

Adam : (inhale & exhale)

Adam : okay let's do it

As he was plans how to deal with it he reminisces the first time he fought against the dummy on realism mode

Adam : last time I remembered it lashed towards me with such speed

Adam : I gotta keep counterattacking it's moves but how ?

Adam : it'll keep attack in multiple ways regardless

Adam : hmmm...

He thinks about it a long time

Adam (thinking) : ….. okay guess that's my only solution to it

He smiles with ill intent

Adam : looks like I just gotta die hard …give everything I could muster

His only solution would be suicidal but it's worth the price for the winning prize


(Wrap! Wrap!)

He begins to take out his belt and wrap around his arm with it , after that he took off his shirt and lays it on the ground

Adam : alrighty time to dance bitch

Adam : realism mode !

Training dummy : realism mode selected


Notification : realism mode is permitted to use fatal attacks and will not stop until it dies


He and the dummy lashed at each other exchange cuts after cuts

(Slash ! Slash ! Slash !)

The dummy then begins to use martial arts first a couple of kicks

(Thud! thud! Thud!)

One by his side rib , second leg and the last center chest


Which threw him offf balance falling on his back

Adam : shit.. oh FUCK!

It attack several time at him

(Stab , stab , stab , stab)

(Roll , Roll , Roll , Roll)

He rolled to his right avoiding getting stabbed

Adam : alright that's it !

At that right timing he'd used his right arm to grab the dummy's wrist which it had the knife


Adam stabs it wrist ..though it's stuck unable to pullout

The dummy however leaps back from the ground

Adam : fucker you forget your knife

He waves the knife at the dummy simply mocking it and at the second of it

It begins running towards him like it was angry

(Crack! , crack!)

It began to dislocate its arm and the Same arm which had a knife stuck to its arm , adam was surprised

Adam : what the fuck!!

(Step ! Step ! Step!)


It immediately ran towards Adam in close range swinging its arm which held the knife right em

(Swip , Swip , Swip)

Adam : what the f-!

As he is trying to resolve the situation the edge of of the blade struck at his right shoulder


Adam : aagh! God ..fucking !

Though it just pissed him off he had to think how unsolve his own problems

Adam (thinking) : this motherfu-… think losing my cool It'll make it worse.. right now I gotta use this opportunity

Training dummy : !?

It notice that it was being held tight adam was holding its arm it tried to use as a weapon

Adam : nope !

He begins to push it till it could fall thought it tried use its strength of its own legs

Adam : ain't done with ya bitch!!

(Thud! , whack!!)

As was it head butted by Adam he pushed again it fell along with Adam


Adam : I'm gonna kill you!!



Right now the struggles between the survival of two are fighting which one would succeed?

Adam : raaaaghh!!

Training dummy: !!


Adam then puts his right arm at the end of the knife as was being pushed slowly

It's thump was it his right eye pressing it

Adam : aagh!!


Adams bitings it's hand

Adam : eerrrrrgh!!!!

Once again he resumes pushing the knife between its eye right sight

(Slowly shrinking!)

Training dummy : (trembling!! , thuds!)

Adam kept inserting the knife right between the eye socket until it could no longer go any further

Adam : nnnnngh!!

Training dummy :...

As everything in the training area was quiet

Adam : haaa…haaa Jesus Christ

He tried standing up only to feel a painful tug


Adam : ahhh!! ..motherf-…..

As he looks down the that stuck in the dummies hand was stuck the black edge of course


Adam : stupid ass doll!!

Adam : mmm!


Adam : oh my god finally


Notification : do to your action in training additional skills will be added


Notification : two new additional skills


Notification : skill upgrade to maximum end

Adam : holy mother of… status ?



HP : 500

Strength : 52 Perception : 1 Endurance : 50

Charisma : 1 intelligence : 41 agility 62

luck : 15

Military close combat lv max : quick combat 100%. Combate speed 80% Knife damage 50%

(proficiency lv1)

Observation lv 1 : yours living opponents or living dead every move will be seen before action is taken

Survival of the fittest : ar you are willing to kill to survive all emotions will cease for five minutes

Great lessen : your training is experience will increase by 10%

Ransack : once inside a building you have been given a choice to look undiscovered necessities

Evasion : Evasion : you can evade enemy attacks and being grab by the dead

288,300 coins

As he was satisfied the result he got from his training he did notice one thing

Adam : I notice on this skill that was at the bottom proficiency...

As he thinks about it

Adam (thinking) : games I played before would show it on my characters skill boosting the skills or adding effects

Adam (thinking) : or maybe both …hmp! This system really can be something

Adam : next thing I need to do is improve my perception now I can't waste bullets like some gun slinging idiot

Adam : okay transfer me to firearms training

Everything flashed in a instant

As soon he opens his eyes

(Eyeblids opening)

Adam : ....

Adam : huh … it seems like you're normal gun range


Notification : within the firing range difficulty will be set by players easy to realism and points will distribution pending targets hit vital area it will also level up weapons level


Notification - conditions : no optics or distribution of points will not added to your stats until completion of difficulty are completed

Adam : status

A blue screen pops up infront of Him

Adam : okay looks like I have provide my own shit!

End next chapter