007 was taken away just like that_1

"Mr. Ling!" A middle-aged man arrived at the door, and he bowed respectfully to Mr. Ling.

Then the man stepped aside, allowing another person in uniform to enter.

As he entered, all the officers bowed, "Team Leader Chen!"

"Mr. Ling! I had no idea you were here! We truly are disturbing your elegant pleasures! Sorry, sorry!" Team Leader Chen kept apologizing.

He signaled with his eyes to the cops, who all quickly bowed, wiping away cold sweat, realizing the man they had to treat with the utmost courtesy was very close to being offended! They immediately retreated out the door!

"Stop." Mr. Ling suddenly called out.

Everyone bowed, ready to attend to his orders, as Xia Zhisu stared, agape.

At that moment, she was crouching on the ground, her hands covering her head, looking up at him like so.

And Mr. Ling arrogantly looked down, with the air of bestowing a favor, "If it's not a crackdown on prostitution, there must still be some cleaning to do."

"Mr. Ling! No, no, no! We'll go elsewhere! Please, continue, continue!" Team Leader Chen immediately apologized.

"My mood's been ruined, how can I continue." Mr. Ling huffed coldly.

Team Leader Chen was almost ready to kneel, and he understood Mr. Ling's implication, to take away something as they leave, glancing at the woman on the floor with her clothes in disarray.

"Take this woman away!" Team Leader Chen commanded with a wave.

The police immediately seized Xia Zhisu.

Xia Zhisu was bewildered, accusing Mr. Ling, "Why are you taking me! It's him! He forced me!"

"What a lie! Mr. Ling forced you! Take her away!" scoffed Team Leader Chen.

"Hey! Say something!" Xia Zhisu could only hope for Mr. Ling's response.

Mr. Ling merely looked down coldly, the corner of his eye revealing a mocking smile, "Say what, we don't know each other. Oh, right, may I ask who this lady might be?"

Xia Zhisu glared, struck dumb once more, her fury so intense it felt explosive! When he had carried her to the bed, she had yelled they didn't know each other!

Now he actually had the audacity to say he didn't know her!!

If he didn't know her, why was he embracing her, fondling her! Could she say she was the daughter of Yao Zhenglong from Yao Group?

The headlines tomorrow would surely be about how she had been caught in a raid!

"We! Even if we don't know each other, I've done you no harm!" Xia Zhisu shouted.

"No harm, yet you climbed into my bed," he sneered disdainfully, satisfied with the expression on Xia Zhisu's face.

The daughter of Yao Zhenglong, president of the business association, caught in a raid – now that's a sensational news story.

Xia Zhisu, angered by his smug face, really wanted to give him a piece of her mind! Seizing the opportunity when the police weren't paying attention, she really charged at him, ready to throw a punch.

"Who climbed in! As if I would ever climb into your bed! Who do you think you are, you bastard, you stud! Climb in with your sister!" Xia Zhisu lunged forward, her knee bending to deliver a blow.

Mr. Ling, caught off guard, winced in pain but still maintained his composure, looking down arrogantly at the woman before him.

His eyes blazed with anger, the corners of his lips curling into a cruel, blood-red smirk.

"Mr. Ling! Are you all right, sir! Take this madwoman away at once!" Team Leader Chen immediately scolded upon seeing the scene.

"Madwoman! She dared to act out in front of us!" one policeman raised his baton, ready to hit Xia Zhisu.

Xia Zhisu instinctively raised her hand to dodge, but Mr. Ling was quicker, grabbing the baton and shoving the officer away.

"Mr. Ling!" Everyone was silenced.

In that moment, Mr. Ling's cold visage was full of deadly seriousness, his hair wild like talons, fiercely flying around.

In his eyes raged fury, this woman said she wouldn't climb into his bed! Who else does she want to climb into!