008 obviously is not a good woman_1

"I never hit women," Ling Tian'ao hissed through clenched teeth, but still issued the command. "Take her away!"

Actually, with the man staring at her so somberly, Xia Zhisu felt a tremble in her chest, but she still straightened up, showing no fear!

Xia Zhisu let out a sneer. So he was 'letting her off easy,' huh? Who did he think he was!

Su was quickly taken away but didn't forget to throw Ling Tian'ao a look of disdain over her shoulder and, for good measure, flip him the middle finger in mockery.

How uncomfortable it made Ling Tian'ao! That woman's undisguised loathing was a great insult to his usually soaring pride!

"Young Master... Are you all right?" The middle-aged man by the door was his butler, who came in and cautiously inquired.

"Let me bump you and see!" Ling Tian'ao snorted with anger.

The butler instinctively protected a certain part of his body and cautiously backed away a few steps.

"Yao Zhenglong's daughter." A slight curve formed at the corner of his mouth. "Do you really think that woman was sent by Yao Zhenglong? Does she look like it to you?!"

"Young Master... I heard Yao Zhenglong has only one beloved daughter. It's not strange for him to want to give her to you! But it seems she's very unwilling to serve you!" the butler noticed as well.

"More than unwilling! She's practically disgusting me to death!"

He, Ling Tian'ao, the young master of the GE Group, when had he ever seen a woman look at him with such disdain and disgust!

"Young Master! I'll go and teach that woman a lesson right now!" declared the butler, ready to seek revenge.

Ling Tian'ao pressed his forehead, "Come back here! Have you no shame? Do you want the whole world to know that a woman disgusts me, looks down on me?"

"Uh, Young Master... What should we do then? The woman was taken away already, should we just let it be?" the butler carefully asked.

"Idiot!" Ling Tian'ao kicked the butler away, "That damn woman! Daring to kick me in front of so many people, she's asking for it!"

The butler, nearly unable to rise from the kick, knelt on the ground and dared not whine aloud, "Young Master... You just said you were letting her off. She's just a woman. There's no need for you to become so angry over her, please calm down!" Seeing the young master's expression grow more and more sullen, the butler no longer dared to speak out and immediately kowtowed.

He couldn't calm down! She had said she'd rather die than climb into his bed! Whose bed did she want to climb into then?!

It didn't matter whose bed she wanted to climb into, but her indifference was a huge blow to his ego! Even if she was playing hard to get, he didn't mind joining in the game!

He didn't hit women, but he didn't say he wouldn't get revenge! How dare she kick him in front of so many people, she was courting death!


Inside the detention center, a light switched on, shining on Xia Zhisu's face.

She squinted her eyes, taking a while to adjust.

A policewoman sat across from her, looking at her expressionlessly, holding a pen and paper and asking a bunch of questions.

"Xia Zhisu!"


"What's your occupation?" the policewoman asked.

"... I'm a waitress at a bar..."

The policewoman looked up at her with disdain.

Su felt that the policewoman might misunderstand, so she explained, "I serve drinks, not the kind that accompanies drinking!"

The policewoman had a 'continue with your story' expression and asked coldly, "What were you doing at the Fengyue Hotel?"

"I..." She was just saving her sister's fiancé, and then accidentally ended up in what's-his-name Ling Tian'ao's room!

She really hadn't done anything! It was just that when she was caught, she happened to be lying on top of Ling Tian'ao-- that's all.

"Answer me!" the policewoman shouted.

"I accidentally entered the wrong room..." Xia Zhisu stubbornly stated.