Chapter 214 Pretending not to know 3_1

Tianxin looked at Chen Shanshan with a gentle smile, glanced at Chen Yiran, and chuckled, "No way, your brother's sexual orientation should be fine. He just has really high standards and isn't sure what kind of girl would suit him. But I believe when he meets his soulmate, he will definitely bring her home to meet you guys. Right, brother Yiran?"

"…" Chen Yiran's expressive eyes, full of complexity, darted to Tianxin through the rear-view mirror, remaining silent, refusing to offer a response.

"Oh wow, the idea of soulmates huh." Chen Shanshan looked at Tianxin in profound disagreement, earnestly proclaiming, "Listen, love is something that needs to be cultivated. The whole 'love at first sight' thing is bullshit, it's more like 'falling for a pretty face'. That's simply liking someone because they're good-looking. A strong relationship requires the accumulation of feelings day by day. So enduring fondness is far more reliable than love at first sight!"