Chapter 215 Pretending not to know 4_1

"Cough...I..." Chen Yiran coughed awkwardly before hesitating and saying to Chen Shanshan, "I heard it from their teacher, Teacher Xu."

"You know their class teacher??" Chen Shanshan widened her eyes incredulously, looking at him in disbelief.

"Their class teacher was my teacher when I was in school, so I know her." Chen Yiran answered with feigned calmness.

"How do you know their class teacher was your teacher from when you were a student??" Not letting it go, Chen Shanshan kept probing, determined to get to the bottom of it.

"It's nothing really, ran into her once at the school gate." Feeling the conversation was getting uncomfortable, Chen Yiran changed the topic quickly, "What would you like to eat?"

"Oh no!!" Tianxin finally snapped back to reality, she had been so engrossed in chatting that they had passed her home, "Stop the car, stop the car! We passed my house!!"