Chapter 12 I Want to Go to College 2_1

Actually, He Zhilan pondered, the He family really treated her well, without anything to fault.

Arguably, as the purchased child bride, she should be the one doing the chores such as dishwashing, not He Dongxue, the true daughter of the He family. Yet, He Zhongguo always had He Dongxue do it.

In the kitchen, Dongxue was humming a tuneless song while washing dishes, indicating that she was in a pretty good mood. Once Dongxue finished washing the dishes, Zhilan would rinse them with clean water, dry them with a clean cloth, and put them back on the dish rack.

Seeing that Dongxue was in a good mood, Zhilan finally spoke, "Dongxue."

"Hmm?" He Dongxue responded lazily with a nasal tone.

"Dongxue, I'm sorry for how I've acted in the past. I was wrong, and I promise to change," Zhilan mustered up the courage to apologize.

Dongxue paused her dishwashing, surprised. She turned to look at Zhilan, "Really? You're going to change?"

Zhilan nodded seriously, "If I do anything wrong in the future, you must tell me!"

Dongxue looked at Zhilan skeptically from head to toe, murmuring to herself, "Looks like the sun's risen in the west today." However, she nodded in agreement after finishing her mumbling, "Alright, I'll give you another chance! But if you dare to deceive me again, wait and see if I don't kick you out of this house!"

Zhilan touched her lips with a faint smile. She knew that Dongxue was actually very kind-hearted. After the dishes were done, Dongxue left to hang out at a friend's place, and Zhilan, not knowing where He Teng was, went for a walk in the house.

She was ill-tempered and looked down on others, hence she had no friends in the village. When she couldn't find anyone, she returned to their room.

In the drawer was their marriage certificate, under which laid her university admission notice. In the past life, before He Teng left, they had a big fight in which He Teng tore up her university admission notice into pieces.

Outside the room, He Teng entered with slight annoyance, irked by his father locking away He Da's room.

Hearing the footsteps, Zhilan quickly closed the drawer. Her hands nervously clutched the corners of her dress as He Teng walked in and closed the door.

"Brother!" Zhilan called out hesitatingly.

She was unsure if He Teng had heard her. She saw his lips move slightly, but she heard no sound.

He Teng's gaze was somewhat cold. He glanced at Zhilan, then sat down at the table. He knew what Zhilan had just been looking at in the drawer. Besides the newly obtained marriage certificate and her university admission notice, there was nothing else in there.

"Brother, can I talk to you?" Zhilan mustered up the courage to drag a chair over and sit down in front of He Teng.

He Teng went to join the army when he was fifteen. From the time Zhilan entered the He family until their marriage, she hadn't spent much time with him. Perhaps because He Teng was a soldier, like her father, he had an imposing aura that made her somewhat fearful.

Indeed, in her previous life, while she despised He Teng, she also feared him.

"Speak." He Teng sat ramrod straight, his back almost perpendicular to the back of the chair. His voice was neither cold nor warm. Both of his hands rested on his knees.

"I want to go to college." Under He Teng's intimidating gaze, Zhilan bravely voiced her wish.