Chapter 13 I Want to Go to University 3_1

She knew that in this home, though He Zhongguo was the father, He Teng's words carried the most weight. If He Teng disallowed her from attending university, He Zhongguo would eventually yield to him. That was what happened in her former life.

She wanted to attend university. No, she had to go.

In her previous life, she had graduated from high school, yet even in the big city, she failed to find a good job. So she knew how paramount one's education could be for the future.

"I see no reason why the He Family should waste so much effort on an ingrate like you, even if you are now my wife," He Teng casually mentioned, his words making He Zhilan go pale. "You ought to remember - our family is cash-strapped at the moment. If only one of you two - you and Dongxue - can afford schooling, I'll definitely opt for Dongxue."

"I was wrong in the past, and I knew it. I was a jerk, but..."

"I don't want to hear your explanations. If you're transforming yourself deliberately these days just to pretend then go to university, I advise you not to waste your efforts!" He Teng, interrupting He Zhilan, pulled out the chair to stand up and leave.

"He Teng!" From somewhere she found the courage to call out his name and chase after him, standing in the doorway to block his departure.

"Move." He Teng coldly spat out two words.

"I won't." Zhilan bit her lip, her eyes cast down. "Brother, I really know I was wrong. If you're angry with me, you can criticize me or even hit me. But could you please not deprive me of my right to attend university?"

As soon as she noticed He Teng was about to respond, He Zhilan immediately cut him off. "When I was brought into the He Family, I was only six. You all assumed that I was an unwanted child by my parents, and that's why I was sold to your family. But, brother, you didn't know - I was actually trafficked."

Finally, He Zhilan blurted out what she had been holding in her heart for over a decade. She looked at He Teng with tearful and shocked eyes, "At the age of six, I was abducted by human traffickers, separated from my parents. I rode a train for an incredible length of time, not even knowing where I was taken. After several bus rides and a long tractor ride, I was finally sold to Sanpozi, the old woman who sold me to dad!"

"So what?" He Teng was somewhat startled. He truly had no idea that He Zhilan was a victim of child trafficking.

"Brother, you have no idea how much my family loved me - I was the only child. After being abducted, I lost my family. I endured beatings and scolding from the traffickers. The hardships made me miss my family even more. I despised the traffickers, so, I always assumed you, dad, and everyone else were in cahoots with them. If it hadn't been for all of you, I wouldn't have been taken away from my biological parents. Therefore, over the years, I continued to create trouble, harboring resentment toward all of you." As she spoke, He Zhilan began crying. She remembered her biological father who had since become a blur in her memories, while feeling regrets for the awful things she had done over the years. "Brother, now, I know I was wrong. When dad adopted me, he didn't know I was kidnapped. After I was brought into the He family, dad genuinely cared for me. My abduction had nothing to do with you or dad. I shouldn't have transferred my resentment onto you for the past twelve years."