Chapter 14 I Want to Go to College 4_1

He Teng didn't know what to say in response to He Zhilan's explanation and apology.

The version of He Zhilan he knew the most was a proud, haughty figure, much like a pompous rooster, or perhaps an arrogant hedgehog. Anyone she encountered, she'd inexplicably sting with her prickles, making everyone else miserable - only then would she feel satisfied.

Because of this characteristic of hers, during their family's tough times, the first thing he did was forbid He Zhilan from going to college. He knew her well – if she went to college and no longer needed the He Family's resources, she would undoubtedly cast them aside.

He Teng never felt that the He Family owed He Zhilan anything — thus, he was not going to allow her to use the family as a stepping stone, adding to their burden.

"Brother. I swear, I have no ulterior motives. I really know that I was wrong. Despite being highly educated among the girls in the village, in the outside world, it's not easy for a girl with a high school diploma to find a good job. Brother, Dongxue still needs to go to school, and we still need to find He Da, I know all of these cost money. But I promise that if the family would pay for my first semester's tuition, I'll earn the rest at school! After graduation, I will find a stable job. If you're willing, I could live with you in the army and then we'll pay off our family's debt together."

He Teng stared at He Zhilan for a long time, trying to find any trace of dishonesty in her face and expression. But he found none.

All he saw was He Zhilan's face full of remorse and her eyes welling up with contrite tears.

He glanced at He Zhilan without saying whether he agreed or not, then after a few seconds, he stepped aside and pulled open the door blocking He Zhilan, and left.

"Big brother!" He Dongxue almost tripped over. Seeing the cold look on He Teng's face, she chuckled awkwardly, "Um, brother, I wasn't purposely eavesdropping. I came here to look for a classmate, but she wasn't home. So I thought of coming over to ask He Zhilan about our homework. I didn't expect you two would be having a conversation."

To prove that she hadn't meant to eavesdrop, He Dongxue waved her homework in front of He Teng, trying to hide the awkward expression on her face.

"Go in." He Teng left these words and walked away.

While He Teng left, He Dongxue was left standing awkwardly in front of a tearful He Zhilan.

He Dongxue really felt as if the sun had been rising from the west these past few days. She had never seen He Zhilan cry or laugh before, but today she was treated to both.

What He Dongxue could not have imagined was that the He Zhilan she had always detested was actually a victim of human trafficking, and had come to live in her home after a series of twists and turns. Furthermore, she never thought that all of He Zhilan's actions over the years were out of the hatred for her traffickers, who she mistook the He Family as accomplices.

For a moment, He Dongxue felt both indignant and pitiful towards He Zhilan. She was angry that He Zhilan couldn't recognize who her true foes were, but also pitiful for her having been kidnapped from her biological parents by human traffickers.

He Dongxue had always thought that He Zhilan was an unwanted daughter abandoned by her biological parents. She believed that He Zhilan was fortunate to have joined the He Family after her biological parents abandoned her. With her father's love and ultimately marrying an attractive man like her brother, she thought it was the good karma He Zhilan accumulated over her past eight lifetimes.