Chapter 18 I Want to Go to College 8_1

After university, He Hongmei didn't choose to work in a big city, but returned to her hometown with her husband. Upon her return, she became a middle school teacher in a local school, and her husband took up a role as a town official. Over the years, they had a daughter and lived quite comfortably. Many said that it was practically a matter of time before her husband would be transferred to the county town.

He Hongmei's husband and in-laws were easy to get along with. But because they were so understanding, He Zhongguo didn't want to trouble He Hongmei. Once Li Chunhua finds out that he borrowed money from Hen Chunmei, she would blame He Hongmei for not considering her brother and sister-in-law, making things difficult for He Hongmei.

He Teng understood what his father was worried about and said reassuringly, "Dad, don't worry. Tomorrow, I'll head to town myself and approach my aunt. Auntie will never find out."

"Your aunt has some misunderstandings about Zhilan. When you go to the town tomorrow, explain it to her and let her know that Zhilan has changed for the better, so that she can stop holding on to her grudge." He Zhongguo reminded uneasily. However, it's possibly because he was worried that He Hongmei might get angry if she found out that he borrowed money for He Zhilan's college.

He Teng nodded in agreement. He Zhongguo then urged him, "It's getting late, hurry up and return to your room. Don't be angry with Zhilan, she's young. And keep in mind, she's a girl. No matter how clumsy you are, try to coax her more."

He Teng felt a sudden throbbing in his temple. He hummed vaguely, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Seeing this, He Zhongguo didn't say anything, shook his head, and left.

He Teng remained in the yard until ten o'clock before he walked back to his new home. He thought that by this time, He Zhilan would have been in bed. However, just as he entered, He Zhilan was startled awake.

"Go back to sleep and relax. I'm not going to do anything to you." He Teng said gruffly, stepping in, dressing, and lying down on the bed.

"That's not what I meant." He Zhilan held her breath, "Brother, I'm sorry about what happened on our wedding day. I was in the wrong. Can you forgive me? At that time, I was ignorant, but now I realise my mistakes."

He Zhilan remembered, on their wedding night, she had yelled and kicked at He Teng. Due to the drinks, He Teng had probably lost his temper and pushed her away. If she remembers correctly, whatever she had yelled at him that day was rather harsh; every offensive word came out.

Seeing He Teng lying silently on the side, He Zhilan fumbled in the dark and gently tugged at his arm.

"Enough. Sleep! If you bother me again, you'll be sleeping on the ground!" He Teng grumbled, holding back his agitation. He wasn't able to relax until He Zhilan obediently lay back down.

Twenty-seven-year-old He Teng was somewhat unable to resist when his newlywed wife tugged at his arm with her delicate hand. It was summer, and they were both wearing short sleeves. He Zhilan, who had never done manual labor, had smooth and soft hands. He Teng found it impossible not to react when she casually pulled on his arm.

He Zhilan, startled by He Teng's stern warning, hastily withdrew her hand and returned to her previous position. Sleep, however, eluded her. Seeing the man beside her wide awake as well, He Zhilan gathered her courage and asked, "Brother, how long is your vacation this time?"

"Three months." He Teng responded. He had been a model soldier and had never taken leave, so he had many unused days. This time, because he was going home to get married, his superiors generously allowed him three months off. However, after these three months, once he returned to the barracks, he probably wouldn't be able to take any leave for the rest of the year.