Chapter 19 Aunt_1

He Zhilan paused. She remembered in her previous life He Teng had stayed at home for just over a month before returning to his military camp? She had assumed he only had a month of vacation, but to her surprise, he actually had a full three months?

After some thought, He Zhilan figured it out.

In her past life, she was so unruly, constantly making a racket at home. After marrying He Teng, she was always causing a fuss which probably drove He Teng so crazy that he tore up her university admission letter and ended his vacation early to return to the camp. He'd rather stay in camp than be tormented by her at home.

That is to say, in her previous life, He Teng returned to his camp to avoid her.

"Brother, it's pretty tough in the camp, isn't it?" He Zhilan bit her lip, "My biological father is also a soldier. When I was a child, I often lived in his camp with my mother. My mom said, my dad worked hard every day in the camp."

"Compared to staying at home watching you torment this home and its people, even the hardest life in camp seems like heaven." For once, He Teng sarcastically retorted to He Zhilan.

"I'm sorry, Brother. I won't do it again." He Zhilan's face turned red. Indeed, she had nearly turned their home into a living hell, hadn't she?

He Teng didn't respond to He Zhilan. But, that day, he heard her apologize over and over again. The more he heard it, the more his anger towards her seemed to fade.

He thought that he would heed his father's advice and not hold a grudge against a girl nine years younger than him. Besides, He Zhilan's misbehaviour was due to her resentfulness for being a kidnapped child. He, as a grown man, would not be angry with a little girl like He Zhilan as long as she stopped tormenting their home.

The next morning, when He Zhilan woke up, He Teng was already gone. She searched the yard but couldn't find him. She asked He Dongxue, "Dongxue, where's Brother? How come I haven't seen him all morning? He hasn't returned to the camp early, has he?"

Seeing He Zhilan's worried face, He Dongxue mockingly teased, "What, can't bear to part with him? Well, you two have only been married a few days."

"Alright Dongxue, no more teasing your sister-in-law." He Zhongguo came out of the kitchen, invited them to have breakfast, and explained to He Zhilan, "He went to the town to find his aunt early in the morning. Zhilan, don't let your aunt-in-law find out. If she asks, you and Dongxue just say he went to the neighbouring village to visit a friend, okay?"

He Zhilan finally breathed a sigh of relief, she had thought that He Teng couldn't stand her even more this time and returned to the camp even earlier.

However, upon hearing that He Teng had gone to He Hongmei's, He Zhilan was a bit puzzled. Why would he go to He Hongmei's so early in the morning?

But before He Zhilan could ask, He Zhongguo explained, "You and Dongxue need to go to school, so He Teng has gone to his aunt to borrow money."

He Zhilan froze. Of the folks in the He family, He Hongmei was the best off, but her temperament caused He Hongmei to detest her immensely. He Zhilan worried, would Hongmei agree to lend money for her to attend university?

As He Zhilan and He Zhongguo feared, when He Teng arrived at her school, He Hongmei was elated. She gave him an apple and a bun.

"Well, I didn't spoil you for nothing, you remembered to visit your aunt in town. How is it? After the wedding, has He Zhilan become a bit more subdued? In my opinion, my elder brother really spoils her too much. He spoils her to the point where she doesn't even understand her own place! Marrying you, how could she be wronged? Is all her fuss really necessary? Isn't the He family raising her like a contracted daughter-in-law? Doesn't she realize that herself? And, has my brother not been good to her? He even provided for her education up till now. Look at other people's contracted daughters-in-law, who doesn't stop attending school after primary and then stays home to help with the chores?"