Chapter 21 Aunt 3_1

For the first two years, He Da sent money to his family every month. It wasn't a lot, but he always kept in touch with the family. However, after two years, He Da suddenly lost contact with his family. Despite the He family spending a lot of money and effort over the years, they never managed to find him.

After crying for a while, He Hongmei collected herself. The situation with He Da had dissolved her anger towards He Zhilan. She thought to herself that He Zhilan's biological parents must miss her just as much as the He family missed He Da. Moreover, He Zhilan was the only daughter in her family. The He family, at least, still had two biological children with them. But the loss of their only daughter must have devastated Zhilan's parents even more, right?

But then, He Hongmei wavered again. "Ateng, if Zhilan has always held memories of her biological parents, she must have been longing to find them. We in the He family have raised her with great difficulty. What if, after we manage to send her to college and she finds her biological parents, she just leaves us?"

"Aunt, even if she finds her biological parents, she is still my wife. Where can she go?" He Teng answered, "Besides, twelve years have passed. We have never confined Zhilan at home. If she could have found her biological parents, she would have done so long ago. She was abducted when she was six. How much could she remember about her early childhood? It's not like she can find them immediately in such a vast country."

"Well, you make a point. You two are married now. Even if she finds her biological parents, it won't change that fact." He Hongmei considered that she might be overthinking, "Alright, then. I agree to this arrangement. Bring Zhilan to me before she starts college, and I'll have the money ready for you."

Once He Hongmei had made up her mind, she didn't hesitate further. If there was anything She admired about He Zhilan in the past, it would be her academic results and her studiousness.

He Zhilan was the first person in the county who got into Capital University, something that had excited the envy of the whole county. Now, the teachers at her high school praised He Hongmei for having such an intelligent niece, bringing great pride to He Hongmei.

As it was summer vacation, high school classes were not in session. He Hongmei stayed in the teachers' dormitory. The house was provided by the school, so she lived there with her husband. After He Teng departed, He Hongmei went to her husband's office.

After leaving He Hongmei's house, He Teng went to visit an old friend. He didn't return to the village until it was dark.

Seeing He Teng return, He Zhongguo wanted to warm up some food for him, but He Zhilan beat him to the kitchen, leaving He Teng and He Zhongguo to chat.

He Teng glanced at He Zhilan, who was busily working in the kitchen. It seemed she really had been learning how to cook from He Zhongguo.

Seeing He Teng looking at He Zhilan, He Zhongguo chuckled, "Zhilan and Dongxue spent the whole afternoon pestering me to teach them cooking. True to her sterling academic performance, Zhilan learned cooking much quicker than Dongxue. In fact, she even cooked tonight's dinner all by herself."

He Zhongguo had a proud look on his face, as if to say "Look how great my daughter is." He Teng managed a rare smile and said, "Aunt agreed to pay for college. She said to bring Zhilan to her before the semester begins so that the money would be ready."

"That's really good news!" He Zhongguo breathed a sigh of relief.