Chapter 22 Aunt 4_1

He Zhilan, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard everything that was being spoken outside clearly. Hearing that He Hongmei was willing to lend her money for college, she felt indescribably upset, overwhelmed by both remorse and gratitude.

In her previous life, how heartless could she have been to have harmed the hearts of the He family? How could she have trampled on such good family members?

He Zhilan also realized that initially, when He Teng didn't want her to go to college, it wasn't that he didn't really want her to go. He was only angered by her. Otherwise, He Teng wouldn't have torn up her acceptance letter and returned to the military later. If he really didn't want her to go to college from the beginning, given He Teng's personality, he would have torn up her acceptance letter from the start and ruthlessly crushed her college dream.

At night, He Zhongguo still didn't open He Da's room door, so naturally, He Teng could only share a room with He Zhilan.

After taking a shower, He Teng, wearing loose and light pajamas, entered the room. He Zhilan was already lying in bed, half asleep, but as soon as she heard the door open, she woke up. Clearly, she was waiting for him.

"If you're tired, just go to sleep first," He Teng said, glancing at the sleepy-eyed He Zhilan.

"I'm okay!" He Zhilan shook her head quickly, throwing off her sleepiness. She wasn't particularly tired, just a bit bored. Alone in the room, she had fallen asleep while waiting, "Brother, when you went to Auntie's house today, was she very angry?" After a pause, He Zhilan continued, "Brother, thank you."

For the first time, He Teng merely grunted in response before lying down beside He Zhilan, "Auntie is kind to you, she doesn't need your thanks. She just hopes you won't let her down in the future."

"I know," He Zhilan replied. Of course, she understood the implications of He Teng's words. He was simply telling her not to be ungrateful: even after graduating from college, even if she felt her wings had grown strong, she should never leave the rule of the He family.

That night, He Teng didn't say another word to He Zhilan. He lay with his back to her all night. He Zhilan couldn't figure out if He Teng had been upset about something at his auntie's house or something else. Although she remembered He Hongmei and Liang Tao as good people, she didn't dare persist in bothering him. Even though she really wanted to talk to him, clearly, today was not a good time.

Early the next morning, He Zhilan was the first in the family to get up. Seeing that He Teng was still sleeping, she quietly got out of bed, dressed, and went out to prepare breakfast for everyone.

He Teng, a strictly trained soldier, could not possibly be unaware of someone else getting out of bed next to him. However, he closed his eyes and pretended not to know. He found it peculiar that He Zhilan was going out so early in the morning and didn't ask why, continuing to feign sleep. It wasn't until He Zhilan had left the room that he stealthily followed her. He saw her go to the toilet first, then wash her hands before heading to the kitchen. Thereafter, seeing her start a fire and busily prepare breakfast, He Teng was genuinely astonished.

He could no longer discern or feel any of He Zhilan's past hostility. It appeared as if, overnight, all the prickliness and anger within He Zhilan truly smoothed out.

She was cooking with great focus, so much so that she didn't notice him standing at the doorway. Her hair was long and gently draped over her shoulders. Feeling it was getting in the way, she collected it with a small piece of wood.