Chapter 23 Aunt 5_1

The occasional sound of He Zhilan snapping dry tree branches could be heard from the kitchen, soon followed by the choking smell of burning wood. She sat in front of the stove, bent over, stoking the fire. Only after the fire had really taken, she straightened up to put the rice in the pot. Once she finished all of these tasks, she turned around and was startled to see a silhouette standing in the doorway.

"Brother, when did you get up?" He Zhilan got quite a scare. Though the day was already bright, it was just a bit past five in the morning. However, people in the country are used to rising early. After breakfast, He Zhongguo would go to the fields, it's about time to fertilize the sweet potatoes in the mountain fields. There would be quite a bit of work to do during this period.

"Got up after you did." Upon being noticed by He Zhilan, He Teng didn't try to hide anymore, and took a step into the kitchen to stand in front of her.

Although He Zhilan was considered tall in the village, she seemed short standing next to He Teng. She looked up at He Teng and asked, "Did I wake you when I got up? If so, go back and sleep a while. I'll wake you up when breakfast is ready."

"It's not your fault, I'd be up at this time even when I was in the army." He Teng shook his head then looked around the kitchen, "Making breakfast? Need a hand?"

He Zhilan instinctively shook her head, but turned to see the nearly empty firewood pile and quickly nodded. "Brother, could you help me bring some firewood from the firewood shed into the kitchen? We're almost out of firewood in here. I was just about to get it."

While speaking, He Zhilan kept her head down. She was hesitant to make eye contact with He Teng, and pointed at the firewood stack. When He Teng didn't immediately respond, she assumed he was unwilling. Nevertheless, when she looked back, she saw He Teng had already stepped out of the kitchen towards the firewood shed.

He Zhongguo was both happy and worried seeing his daughter get up early to make breakfast. Seeing the industrious figure of He Zhilan in the kitchen early in the morning, what father wouldn't be pleased to see their child grow up so kind-hearted?

However, he felt genuinely concerned at the sight. "Why get up so early, Zhilan? You used to get up early for school, and now you can finally sleep, why don't you do so? Look at Dongxue, she knows so well how to enjoy life! Leave these kitchen tasks, your dad can do them in the morning!"

"Dad, it's fine. I'm used to getting up early from school time. Dad, you work hard in the fields during the day, you should get a bit more sleep in the morning. Besides, cooking is't a tiring job. It's only natural for a daughter to help cook. Soon, I'll be starting school again and won't be able to cook much for the family."

"Alright, alright, you've really grown up~" He Zhongguo kept nodding, unable to hide his joy. The years had deepened the lines on his face, but his genuine smile warmed He Zhilan's heart.

In her last life, she had despised such laughter, considering it highly hypocritical. This time though, she felt this special piece of happiness she possessed was incredibly precious – the smile and happiness of her aged father; in this life, it was something priceless.

During the summer vacation, because He Zhilan was tutoring her, He Dongxue's vacation was busier than ever but also more fulfilling. He Zhilan's studies were indeed impeccable, and so Dongxue had learned a lot this summer vacation.