Chapter 47 Roommate 3_1

Zhilan knew that they two didn't mean it. They were the only daughters in their respective families, which were relatively better off. Therefore, such canteen food, cooked in large quantities, might not be palatable to them.

However, for Zhilan, it was different. This food was bought with money and even if it tasted terrible, as long as it could fill her stomach, she would make sure to finish it all.

How could the two roommates, who neither understood how hard it was to earn money nor knew what it was like to go hungry, comprehend Zhilan's current situation?

Thus, while listening to the conversation between Biyun and Chen Xiting, Zhilan realized that she needed to earn money through a part-time job while studying.

Although her aunt had lent the tuition fees for this semester to the He Family, Liang Jing was also studying now. The town's expenses were higher than in the village. He Hongmei and Liang Tao had to make plans for Liang Jing's future and wouldn't be lending money to the He Family until she graduated successfully.

While Zhilan never exactly asked how much He Teng earned and received as a subsidy every month, mainly his money was sent back home. Dongxue needed to go to school and people at home needed money to find He Da.

"Zhilan, why are you so quiet?" Biyun and Chen Xiting finally noticed Zhilan, who had been silently eating. They had eaten only a few bites, yet Zhilan had almost finished. Biyun was surprised, "It tastes terrible; how can you eat all of this?"

"As long as it keeps me full." Zhilan drank some soup and smiled, "I wonder if the university canteen is hiring students to help."

Even Chen Xiting was surprised, "You plan to work in the canteen? Work and study at the same time?"

Zhilan didn't hide anything and nodded, "Yes, my family doesn't have money. Even the money for me to go to the university is borrowed."

Biyun and Chen Xiting looked at each other, speechless. The clothes Zhilan wore seemed decent when they first met her, so they thought her family condition was similar to theirs. Not wealthy, but at least free from worries about food and clothing. But now, Zhilan told them that even the money for her education was borrowed.

Therefore, Biyun and Chen Xiting did not understand. If the money she used for studying was borrowed, where did the clothes she was wearing come from? They knew that her clothes were from high-end department stores and were not something that ordinary people could afford from a roadside stall. In the rural areas where people are impoverished, buying clothes is rare. When there are no clothes to wear, people cut some cloth and make their own. Not only are these homemade clothes out of style, but they also barely fit properly. The idea is to make them bigger so that they would last longer.

Seeing Biyun and Chen Xiting looking at her clothes, Zhilan knew what they were thinking. She didn't hide anything and explained, "These clothes were bought for me by my aunt. I'm the first one in the county to get into Capital University. My aunt was so happy that she bought me several new outfits before I started school."

"I see." Biyun understood now. It was the same with her. When she got accepted into Capital University, her family was so ecstatic all summer. It was the happiest time in her life. Anything she wanted would appear in her room without her having to ask for it. Whenever her family saw someone, they would boast about how great she was.

"Shall we accompany you to ask later?" Chen Xiting suggested.

Zhilan nodded. She could have gone to ask alone, but since Chen Xiting and Biyun offered to accompany her, it meant they didn't look down on her for being poor or wanted to keep a distance. If she rejected their offer, she would appear ungrateful.