Chapter 48 Roommate 4_1

Perhaps it was because of Zhilan's words, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting tried hard to finish the food on their plates. After they finished eating, they accompanied He Zhilan to look for the cafeteria staff.

But before the three of them could get there, they saw their other two roommates talking to the cafeteria staff.

Wang Bingbing and Huang Cai were also inquiring about job opportunities in the cafeteria. Perhaps it was because of getting used to working in the cafeteria, the staff replied in a loud voice, "We don't need any more help. In a few days when the sophomores and juniors return, some of your seniors will come to help. We have enough people."

Upon seeing this, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting look at He Zhilan. He Zhilan wasn't surprised. She smiled at them to reassure them that she was ok.

Working at the cafeteria only offered free meals, not a lot of money.

But it was just that, being new to the capital and to the university, she wanted to work in the dining hall for a semester to get to know her surroundings. If she worked hard enough, maybe she would win a scholarship by the second year, which would make her life easier.

"Zhilan, it's okay, there are surely other places in the capital where you can earn money. You don't have to work at the school," Jiang Biyun comforted her.

He Zhilan nodded and gave them a reassuring smile, "I know, there's no need to rush anything. The night is still young, what if we take a tour of the campus? Before I came to Capital University, our teachers said the campus is beautiful!"

"Yes! Do you know why I was so determined to come to this university? Because it's the most beautiful! " Jiang Biyun continued enthusiastically, "Since high school, my dad has taken me to many universities, and among all of them, Capital University was the most magnificent and visually appealing. So, I did my best to get here. After all, I'm going to stay here for three or four years. I don't want to be in an ugly school. I believe that it not only makes people ugly but also stupid."

Jiang Biyun's words were a bit exaggerated, but her face expressing disgust made both He Zhilan and Chen Xiting laugh. Chen Xiting teased, Jiang Biyun's father would probably be dumbfounded if he knew the real reason why his daughter chose this university.

The three of them strolled around the cafeteria. Since Jiang Biyun had indeed visited Capital University before, she had some impression of the university. When they went back to the dormitory, Wang Bingbing and Huang Cai were already there. They greeted each other and returned to their own beds.

"Did anyone call me while I was out?" Zhilan guessed that around this hour, her brother He Teng might have returned to his base already. He said he would call her when he got back.

"No." The one who replied was Huang Cai. Even as she answered, she didn't put down the book in her hand, showing that she was merely responding out of politeness and had no intention of continuing the conversation with the other dormmates.

Zhilan said thank you and took a book to bed with her. It was a famous foreign novel she bought at a bookstore in her hometown, written entirely in English. At that time when she bought the book, her sister He Hongmei worried if she could understand it. But still, she paid for it cheerfully and urged Liang Jing to learn from her. This caused Liang Jing to pout and remain silent.