Chapter 49 Roommate 5_1

In fact, He Zhilan could understand foreign classics. She had a special fondness for foreign languages in her previous life. Even though she didn't attend university back then, she never gave up on self-study. Even after leaving the He family and entering society, she stubbornly learned this language. She did this partly because of her love for it and partly because knowing an additional language would greatly assist in finding a job in a big city.

He Zhilan cradled her book and read through the night, not knowing when she fell asleep. The dormitory phone didn't ring, and the lower bunk's dorm mate, Gu En, didn't come back.

Though everyone in the dorm wasn't familiar with Gu En, no one asked about her since she was the only local from the capital who lived in the dorm.

Among the six people in the dormitory, only Jiang Biyun and He Zhilan were in the same department but not the same class. Nevertheless, after having breakfast together in the canteen, they went to class together.

The foreign language department had the most balanced ratio of male to female students in the entire school. In He Zhilan's class, the numbers of boys and girls were not too far apart. Arriving early, she found a seat in the front. Everyone was a freshman, hailing from all corners of the country, their young faces full of curiosity about their classmates.

The first one to start a conversation with He Zhilan was a boy: a dainty, not very tall, typical southern boy, who blushed when he smiled.

"Classmate, could you tell me a little about yourself? My name is Tan Heqian, and I'm from A city in the south. What about you?"

He Zhilan smiled. As she guessed, he was from the south, but not from a city she was familiar with.

After introducing themselves, they began to chat. Tan Heqian was a bit shy, but talkative. As he got familiar with people, he relaxed a lot, and spoke even more. He even ended up telling He Zhilan embarrassing stories from his time in school.

He Zhilan found his stories very amusing and laughed heartily. And just like that, they became the first friends each other made in the class.

The first day of class was just the class advisor going over some school rules, regulations, etc. and talking about the military training the following week. Upon learning that they would have to endure military training for a week in this hot weather, moans filled the classroom.

"He Zhilan, did you know? My brother told me that college military training isn't like high school military training. The trainers are usually from regular military forces! They are all very harsh! When my brother was in college, a week of military training peeled off a layer of his skin. And that was under southern weather! Here, especially in the capital, I reckon we'll lose a layer of flesh and bone!"

He Zhilan giggled, but since the classroom was noisy, her laughter wasn't noticeable.

Tan Heqian looked at He Zhilan in confusion, surprised that she could still laugh at a time like this.

"We won't lose flesh and bone, but they'll definitely make us suffer a bit". He Zhilan smiled. However, she wasn't completely without worry. After all, her health wasn't great. She hadn't exercised much since childhood, and she hadn't done much housework either.

"Right, it's only seven days for us, but soldiers live that way every day!" Tan Heqian agreed, then mysteriously said, "Did you know? I was originally planning to attend the military academy in the capital, but my mom found out. She was so against it. She cried and made a fuss, saying the life in a military academy was too tough."