Chapter 86: Unexpected Encounter with He Teng's Old War Buddy 2_1

"Ah! So he really is a soldier? I thought Lin Chan was just talking nonsense! Doesn't that mean he hasn't time to accompany you? You just get married, start school, he goes back to the troops, don't you hold any grudges?"

"No grudges. Being a soldier is what he loves, I think, he's born to do this, it's very suitable for him." He Zhilan paused, then said, "I also support him very much."

"What a wonder!" Bian Xiulin gave He Zhilan this title, then talked about He Zhilan's situation. She glanced at Xing Ye, and then whispered, "Xing Ye used to be a soldier too, then he turned to politics. When he was in the military, we hardly ever saw each other. Dating him felt like I was playing two roles! Oh, right, which unit is your husband in?"

He Zhilan didn't quite understand the 'turning to politics' part of Bian Xiulin's sentence, mishearing it as 'turning to normal'. She was confused about what retiring and turning to normal meant, but before she could ask, Bian Xiulin asked something else, so she didn't specifically inquire about it and answered Bian Xiulin's question about where He Teng was stationed.

He Zhilan didn't know much about He Teng's unit, she only knew its location, but she wasn't sure about what unit it was.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Bian Xiulin exclaimed in surprise, quickly pulling Xing Ye and whispering somewhat excitedly, "Xing Ye! It turns out Zhilan is He Teng's wife!"

Xing Ye, who was in mid-sentence, was interrupted by Bian Xiulin. Hearing her words, he stared at He Zhilan with surprise for a moment.

Seeing this, He Zhilan realized that apparently He Teng was acquainted with both Xing Ye and Bian Xiulin?

Lin Chan, who was standing on the side, was also surprised for a while when he heard the news. Then, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly burst out laughing, "Haha, it's a small world, Xing Ye and Bian Xiulin you two both know Zhilan's husband!"

"That's right! He Teng enlisted many years before Xing Ye, so Xing Ye was actually brought into the military by He Teng who was his squad leader back then!" Bian Xiulin laughed, "I've visited Xing Ye's unit a few times and met He Teng. He's tall but quite introverted, not much of a talker. He can go twenty-four hours without uttering a single unnecessary word. But Chen Zheng and the others all say that He Teng is highly skilled in combat and command!"

Looking at He Zhilan, Bian Xiulin continued, "Although He Teng doesn't talk much, he's a really good person. On several occasions when I insisted that Xing Ye take time off to accompany me, it was He Teng who covered for him. No wonder I found Zhilan so pleasant, turns out she is the wife of Squad Leader He!"

By the end of her speech, Bian Xiulin's tone was teasing, with the characteristic intonations of the military.

The other guys laughed at this, while Chen Yun suddenly raised his voice and said, "Since He Teng was Xing Ye's squad leader when he enlisted, and took great care of him, and now Zhilan is He Teng's wife, shouldn't Xing Ye and Bian Xiulin start calling Sister Zhilan as sister-in-law? Oh my, an eighteen-year-old sister-in-law, how interesting!"

Upon hearing Chen Yun's comment, Bian Xiulin, who was initially laughing cheerfully, instantly stopped. After looking at He Zhilan, she shook her head and said, "He Teng is truly consuming the tender grass on his own! Zhilan is several years younger than me, I can't bring myself to call her 'sister-in-law'! Fine, while He Teng is not here, I'll recognize Zhilan as my little sister. In the future, He Teng will have to call us 'sister-in-law' and 'bro' when he sees Xing Ye and me! Lin Chan, suddenly I feel, up to this age, the only correct thing you've done in this life is to introduce us to Sister Zhilan today!"