Chapter 87: Unexpected Encounter with He Teng's Old War Buddy 3_1

"Bian Xiulin, are you trying to cheat your way out of this?! Haven't you heard of obedience to your husband when you marry? So, if Xing Ye calls He Teng 'Brother He', you should also call He Zhilan 'Sister-in-law'. You can't avoid it!" Chen Yun finally seized an opportunity to tease Xing Ye and Bian Xiulin, he wouldn't let it go that easily.

"I haven't married yet, right? It's just an engagement, not a marriage!" Bian Xiulin stubbornly refused. It wasn't that she didn't like He Zhilan or looked down on He Teng. The truth was, she was older than He Zhilan, and He Zhilan seemed to be that kind of particularly gentle and quiet girl, with no domineering presence. So, she felt uncomfortable calling her sister-in-law!

"An engagement means you are almost a bride, and you also become half a member of the Xing Family. Obviously, you should start showing respect to Xing Ye! And, Xing Ye, if you don't call her sister-in-law with respect, that would be extremely disrespectful to your squad leader!" This time it was Qi Chengnan talking, wearing an incredibly sneaky smile, "Zhilan, from now on, Chen Yun is your 'big brother Chen', I, Qi Chengnan, am your 'second brother Qi', Bian Muhe is your 'third brother Bian', Lin Chan is your 'fourth brother Lin', and Bian Mufan is your 'fifth brother Bian'! In future, we will all call you 'Zhilan', except that one next to you who is scowling and pretending to be mute. Did Chen Yun not make it clear? In marriage, one follows her husband. Xing Ye still has to address He Teng as 'brother He'. So, he has to call you 'sister-in-law'. If he doesn't, it's a breach of hierarchy. You can go home and cry to your husband that Xing Ye doesn't treat your husband with respect, as he refused to call you 'sister-in-law'. Tell your husband to stop paying attention to Xing Ye!"

Qi Chengnan finished his words, smiling triumphantly as he bit on his cigarette. Bian Xiulin stretched out her hand and threw a peanut towards Qi Chengnan, "You jerk, remember this! Sooner or later, you'll fall into the hands of a woman!"

"I am looking forward to it!" Qi Chengnan was quite glib. He put his cigarette on the table and playfully provocatively saluted Bian Xiulin, "You regret choosing the wrong husband now, huh? If you had chosen your 'Brother Cheng Nan' back then, wouldn't you be free from having such a young 'little sister-in-law' now?"

"Go away! With your flirtatious habits which made me dizzy, anyone choosing you would indeed be choosing the wrong husband!" Bian Xiulin pouted, leaning on Xing Ye's shoulder with an affectionate look, and said, "My Xing Ye is the best!"

Xing Ye raised his eyebrow, glanced at Qi Chengnan with a smile in his eyes. Clearly, he was very content with Bian Xiulin's act of affection.

He knew all others were teasing him. However, seeing He Zhilan nervous and unsure about how to react, Xing Ye did something rare – he smiled at Zhilan and shouted cheerfully, "Sister-in-law, please say hello to the Squad Leader for me, if you meet him. Whenever he is on vacation, I will host a dinner inviting both of you to my house, so that Xiulin can cook a meal for you two and our families can get together."

Xing Ye seemed to have no problem with the term 'sister-in-law'. The primary reason was his respect for He Teng. Therefore, his respect extended to He Zhilan as well.

However, Xing Ye was somewhat surprised that He Teng, with his reticent nature, managed to marry a wife like He Zhilan. He Teng was 27 years old this year, and He Zhilan was only 18, a difference of nine years. If you had to say it was an 'old husband, young wife' scenario, it seemed a bit of a stretch but, well, the meaning was about the same.