Chapter 172 Senior Zhou 2_1

"How about this? Cousin, first help me keep an eye on my sister here, don't let her run around again. I'm going upstairs with He Zhilan to check on the situation in the private room." Zhou Chenyue gestured for Zhou Hongjin to take over Ding Jinshi, before returning to the third floor's private room with He Zhilan in tow.

The room was filled with people, all producing a cloud of smoke. As a result, as soon as the door was pushed open, a choking smell of tobacco hit the two girls and nearly made them faint at the doorway.

"Zhou Chenyue, He Zhilan, I've been looking for you two." Lin Deng immediately noticed the two people standing at the door, "What's so interesting on the first floor? That everyone is drawn to it one by one?"

"I went to find my sister. She's in a bad mood and has been drinking too much by herself downstairs. So, Brother Hongjin will take us home first. Oh, He Zhilan is coming with us."

"I see, we are about to leave as well. Ding Jinshi and you aren't living in the big yard now. Is Zhou Hongjin supposed to drop you three girls home before going back to the big yard? Isn't that gonna circulate around half of the capital city? Doesn't he intend to rest tonight?" While speaking, Lin Deng turned to Gu En and asked, "Gu En, are you going to school or back to the big yard?"

"I am going back to the yard, something has come up suddenly for me to deal with at home, wait and take me back to the big yard." Gu En said, barely taking his eyes off He Zhilan. "Zhou Hongjin can take the Zhou sisters home, they live close by anyway. As for He Zhilan, let..."

Gu En glanced around the private room, then called out to Ding Long, "How about leaving the task of taking my roommate back to school to you? Can you handle that?"

"No need!"

"I guarantee the mission will be completed!"

A man and a woman spoke at the same time, but their answers were different.

Upon hearing that Ding Long was to escort her back to school, He Zhilan broke into a cold sweat. She'd rather walk home than have the dangerous Ding Long take her! She'd rather walk to her death than let such a dangerous person take her home!

Lin Deng originally wanted to finalize the plan, but He Zhilan's refusal to follow through made him reconsider. Whether it's Ding Long's unreliable behavior, acting smitten every time he sees a woman, or the distasteful idea of He Zhilan going out with him and then being escorted back by an unfamiliar man, Lin Deng agreed that all these arrangements were inappropriate

Just as Lin Deng was struggling to figure out a solution, the door to the private room opened again and Zhou Hongjin and Ding Jinshi walked in. Ding Jinshi's steps were unsteady, so she relied on Zhou Hongjin for support.

"Ding Long can take my sister and me home, he has a house nearby anyway. Then let Zhou Hongjin send He Zhilan back to school. Zhou Hongjin can simply rest at school. This way, everyone doesn't have to drive around late at night. Besides, we all had a drink, it's best to get home and rest as early as possible."

Of course, in their dictionary, there is no concept of not driving after drinking. However, Ding Jinshi herself knew that she couldn't drive in her current state, so she decided to leave her car here and come back for it another day.

"Then I'll have to trouble Senior Zhou!" He Zhilan quickly agreed, "Senior Zhou and I are from the same school. After dropping me off at school, he can stay at the dormitory, this way we won't have to trouble others to take the long way."

"Alright, let's do that. Zhou Hongjin, I entrust He Zhilan to you. You have to safely drop her off at her dormitory, got it?" Seeing that He Zhilan had already agreed, Lin Deng didn't say anything more. He thought that since they go to the same school, He Zhilan would trust Zhou Hongjin more.