Chapter 173: Misfortune Strikes Home_1

"Even if I have to lose myself, I'll make sure she gets back safely!" Zhou Hongjin smiled and walked in to grab his things, "He Zhilan, let's go."

Zhou Chenyue helped Ding Jinshi sit down on the leather couch, then followed the two out of the VIP room, saying to He Zhilan, "He Zhilan, don't worry. Compared to Ding Long, my brother is much more reliable. I wouldn't trust Ding Long to take you home! And this Gu En, with just one sentence, he directly refused to let Lin Deng take you home, such an overbearing and selfish move."

"I know, thank you." He Zhilan expressed her gratitude sincerely, "And please thank your sister for me."

"Yeah, my sister is tough on the outside but soft on the inside. She is actually quite nice to everyone." Zhou Chenyue curved her eyebrows into a gentle smile. Yet, she found He Zhilan to be a very decent person, neither naive nor ignorant. Many things seemed to click for her without needing to be pointed out, such as her tactful refusal of Ding Long's offer to escort her home, and realizing that her sister's arrangements were well-intentioned.

Once they left the West Building and were walking down the quaint corridor, He Zhilan noticed the temperature drop significantly from day to night. But the cool breeze on her face was quite refreshing, especially for Zhou Hongjin who had had a few drinks.

Once they got in the car, Zhou Hongjin handed his jacket in the car to He Zhilan and smiled, "This was left in my car by that rascal Chenyue from the last time. Wrap it around yourself, it's a bit chilly at night."

He Zhilan thanked him and quickly put it on. The wind was indeed cold and she was covered in goosebumps.

The car window on the driver's side was only a third of the way open. Once the car started moving, even with the wind coming in, He Zhilan didn't feel cold anymore. She glanced at Zhou Hongjin, "If not for taking me home, you were planning to go home tonight, weren't you? I'm really causing trouble for you."

"Home and the dormitory are no different to me. If you were with Ding Long, I would be so worried I wouldn't be able to sleep. Although Ding Long is my friend, he can be a bit unscrupulous. But as your senior, I still have to warn you, keep your distance from Ding Long, he's quite secretive."

"Zhou Chenyue said he's fickle," said He Zhilan.

"Fickle?" Zhou Hongjin pondered for a moment before continuing, "To call Ding Long fickle, well, that's not quite accurate. He's just very good at concealing his thoughts, so everyone thinks he's fickle. But actually, he's quite devoted, only his devotion is misplaced. However, Chenyue is also right, his devotion doesn't prevent him from being fickle."

He Zhilan, red-faced, had to admit, she didn't understand what it meant to be devoted and fickle at the same time. He Zhilan, being a woman, didn't understand the mindset of men. In her understanding of love, when you're in love, there's no way you can be fickle, because your heart is just so big. When it holds one person, how can there be room to accommodate another?

Just like her, she's in love with He Teng now, so even if the world's number one man appeared before her, she wouldn't make room in her heart for him.

Love is love, how can there be a love that is divided among several?

Although she was very curious, considering her cordial yet not-yet-close relationship with Zhou Hongjin, she didn't feel it was appropriate to push for more details. And even if she asked, Zhou Hongjin might not tell her. After all, Ding Long was Zhou Hongjin's friend.