Chapter 188: Unluckily Enough Home 16_1

At first, Chen Xiting paid no mind, continued agreeing with Jiang Biyun's words and blaming Sister Liao, yet quickly, she realized something was off. She halted, dragged two people on her left and right, and spoke with a stern face, "He Zhilan is married? Why am I not aware of this? Both of you, spill it!"

Jiang Biyun immediately knew that things had gone astray. She's let it slip!

Almost without thinking, she glanced at He Zhilan, relieved to see no signs of anger or displeasure. After all, this was He Zhilan's private matter.

He Zhilan wasn't mad. She genuinely regarded Chen Xiting and Jiang Biyun as her friends. Just like before, when she ran into trouble, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting stood by her side without question, helping her. Both of them had brought her lots of delicious food when returning home on National Day.

As it came to friends, He Zhilan wouldn't deliberately conceal anything. Likewise, her personality wasn't such that she would deliberately explain. Now that Chen Xiting knew, He Zhilan told her about her marriage.

If it were someone else, perhaps they would feel annoyed knowing that Jiang Biyun knew about He Zhilan's marriage but they didn't. Nonetheless, Chen Xiting was straightforward by nature and a bit unrefined, so at this moment, learning about He Zhilan's marriage didn't upset her one bit. Instead, all of her concern centered on He Zhilan's newlywed husband.

"He Zhilan, you're so unfair, you know it? Getting married and keeping your husband a strict secret! If we can't meet him in person, at least you should show us a photo of you two! I am super curious to know what lucky guy married the new belle of our Foreign Languages Department! And he is a soldier too! My goodness, I bet every man in the world is envious of him!"

"The only photo we have together is on our marriage certificate. However, it's impossible for me to bring it along while studying, right? But, maybe, before long, you guys will get to meet him!" He Zhilan, whenever mentioning He Teng, had a face beaming with happiness. If He Teng were to come to the military academy in the capital for advancement training, she could introduce him to Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting, and of course, to Tan Heqian!

Given what He Zhilan had just said, Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting were tingling with curiosity, nagging He Zhilan about when they could meet him. Nevertheless, He Zhilan intentionally gave an evasive reply while maintaining an enigmatic expression. Truth be told, she herself had no idea when He Teng would come to the capital.

Counting on her fingers, He Teng had been away on a mission for exactly ten days; yet until now, He Zhilan had not received a single call from him. She couldn't help but worry.

Commissioner Chen Zheng had mentioned before that He Teng's mission would likely last half a month at most this time. Deducting the travel time, the mission should have been completed by now, right?

Last time, he'd managed to call her from the SWAT team. Once the mission was over this time, surely he would call her to confirm he was safe, wouldn't he?

Having lived twice as a student, He Zhilan had never fretted over or missed someone like this before. The longing across distances was sour, yet sweet, like sugar.

"He Zhilan, here's a letter for you."

Letters sent to the school are delivered to each dormitory's management office. Once they returned to the dorm, He Zhilan received a letter. Upon seeing it, she saw that it was from He Teng.

The dormitory was empty; because of the uproar over Sister Liao's suicide attempt, those who had intended to hang out over the weekend had also cancelled their plans. The letter from He Teng was taken by Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting as something to look forward to, to cheer them up over the weekend.