Chapter 189: Unlucky to the Extreme 17_1

Before He Zhilan had a chance to glance at the opened letter, Jiang Biyun quickly grabbed it from her. Calling over Chen Xiting, the two of them hid in a corner, casting sidelong glances at the letter while keeping an eye out for Zhilan attempting to snatch it back.

Interestingly, Zhilan wasn't fazed at all. She knew He Teng too well. Given his personality, it was unlikely that the letter was filled with sweet nothings that could excite a crowd. It would mostly report what he's been doing recently and how well everything is going, just like the letters he sends home.

After Jiang Biyun and Chen Xiting spent over three minutes reading the letter - a few hundred words - they didn't find anything that could be used to taunt Zhilan. They didn't even find the word 'wife'!

"Here, take it back! This is more boring than reading a textbook!" Jiang Biyun resentfully threw the letter back at Zhilan, pouting her lips. "I thought he might have written something that could make people blush with excitement, like the letters my father writes to my mother when he's away on business trips, and he's much older!

As expected, a letter as mundane as its sender, He Teng was despised by Jiang Biyun.

"This letter was sent before National Day, but somehow it was delayed until now. I have no idea why it took so long this time. I thought I would get it right after I came back from the National Day holiday!" Zhilan smiled awkwardly.

"Even if it was written before the National Day, he should at least say something sweet! Look at this letter, unbelievable..." Jiang Biyun was clearly disappointed about not seeing what she wanted. After a pause, she added, "Your husband's handwriting is terrible!"

Jiang Biyun was indeed outspoken. Only someone like Zhilan could bear with her without getting angry.

"As long as he's reliable, that's all that matters. I married him, not his handwriting!" Zhilan didn't get upset at all. After all, He Teng only graduated from middle school. Being a man and given his rural upbringing, how could anyone expect him to have beautiful handwriting?

"Love is blind..." Chen Xiting interjected, "But I think your husband is great - straight and dependable, just like you said!"

"I love to hear that!" grinned Zhilan and nodded in approval. "That's exactly the point!"

She had heard enough sweet talk in her past life, and what did that bring her? Nothing but deceit and humiliation.

A man's love isn't expressed through empty words, but rather through his actions. Although, Zhilan also knew that He Teng might not love her; it could merely be a sense of responsibility.

But she didn't care anymore. Zhilan was no longer chasing after love. As long as He Teng didn't abandon her, it was enough that she held love for him in her heart.

The three women stayed in their dormitory all morning. When it was time for lunch, they left. Only then did they hear the buzzing chatter in the cafeteria that Senior Liao indeed jumped off the building. She was now in the hospital, her condition seemingly serious.

Upon hearing about Senior Liao's leap, Zhilan felt her heart jump. She was scared but also helpless. As an outsider, she felt she had already done more than enough.

Jiang Biyun asked Chen Xiting to accompany Zhilan to find an empty spot to sit down. Meanwhile, she took up the task of getting lunch and stopping by Senior Liao's to gather information. When she returned, she looked solemn and full of regret.

"Zhilan, you must know that you have nothing to do with Senior Liao's attempted suicide. After we left, her boyfriend, Ding Long, came to the school. Everyone thought he came to comfort her, but instead, his presence drove her to jump."