Chapter 196: What She Doesn't Know_1

Pausing for a moment, Bian Xiulin added, "It was written that we welcome comrade Lan Li to experience our hospital! Alright, that's it for the interesting stories. I've been on shift all night and need to go home and rest. We'll chat again when we meet next time!"

During this phone call, He Zhilan only spoke at the beginning. Bian Xiulin had a monologue and then hung up.

A word popped into He Zhilan's mind: cover-up.

It seemed like all the interesting stories Bian Xiulin told were intended to hide her guilt for lying. He Zhilan was almost certain that what Gu En had said was true. Now, He Teng must be in the General Military Hospital!

He Zhilan became restless. According to Gu En, He Teng was unable to be transferred immediately due to severe injuries and was taken to the General Military Hospital late last night. But why wasn't she informed about He Teng's injury by the army?

Jiang Biyun didn't need to ask much. Looking at He Zhilan's expression, she knew that something had probably happened.

"He Zhilan, don't worry, tell me what happened." Jiang Biyun comforted her.

"I think he must have been hospitalized, but I don't know why they don't want to tell me." He Zhilan was so anxious that she couldn't calm down.

"How about we both take half a day off tomorrow morning? I'll accompany you to the General Military Hospital to find out. Surely, if he's there, we'll figure it out!" While speaking, Jiang Biyun started to put on her shoes.

They took leave and left the school immediately. They took a car ride and finally arrived at the General Military Hospital after doing a lot of asking. Once she arrived at the hospital, He Zhilan headed straight for the inpatient department. Luckily, there was an inquiry desk downstairs. He Zhilan went straight up to it and asked, "Can I know which room the soldier He Teng, who was transferred to your hospital last night, is in?"

He Zhilan's inquiry was very clear, and even the timing of the patient's transfer was accurate. Therefore, the nurse at the inquiry desk provided He Teng's room number without asking further questions.

Upon hearing the room number, He Zhilan was completely stunned. Her suspicion had indeed been confirmed.

"Let's go, let's go up and see what's going on." Jiang Biyun felt a bit sorry for He Zhilan who got married early, married a soldier, and didn't get to stay around him all the time, and now he even got injured.

He Teng's room was on the sixth floor. As they walked upstairs, He Zhilan's heart beat faster and faster.


Bian Muhe was making his rounds in the ward on the sixth floor. As he came out of a room, he saw He Zhilan and a girl he didn't know coming up the stairs, "He Zhilan! What brings you here?"

Upon hearing his voice, He Zhilan turned to look at him. She saw Bian Muhe in a white coat and black-framed glasses, "Bian Third Brother, I'm here to see my brother."

Bian Muhe was taken aback, thinking to himself, wasn't it said that the patient didn't want to notify his family? How was it that He Zhilan knew now? And she could even find her way to the ward on the sixth floor?

"You know?" Bian Muhe sighed helplessly, "How did you find out?"

"Gu En told me my brother was brought here last night. Then I called Bian Xiulin, but she didn't give me a chance to talk, so I came here directly with my classmate. I knew my brother's room number by asking downstairs."

"Why are you so smart? If Bian Xiulin didn't tell you, it must have been for a reason." Bian Muhe sighed, "Gu En is just an idiot with a loose tongue!" After pausing for a moment, Bian Muhe said again, "Zhilan my dear, Muhe and Xiulin are not trying to hide it from you. It was your husband himself who prohibited us from notifying his family. He probably didn't want you to worry and it might also affect your studies. Don't worry, the hospital has arranged a nurse for him."