Chapter 197: What she does not know 2_1

"How badly is he injured?" He Zhilan's tears were welling up in her eyes. In her previous life, she really didn't know that He Teng had been injured, let alone so severely that he was hospitalized and transferred overnight. Perhaps in her previous life, He Teng hid his injury from his family because he didn't want them to worry from afar.

What a fool! It's hard enough to suffer from an injury, but to be without a loved one to care for him during his recovery, how pitiful must he be?

If it were before, when his family was far away in their hometown, it would be understandable that the journey would be burdensome, but now she, his wife, is in the capital, why is he still keeping her in the dark?

"I won't hide it from you, his injuries are largely due to crushing and impacts. There are fractures and internal bleeding. He underwent one surgery at a subsidiary hospital before being transferred here. But your brother is a soldier after all, his endurance is stronger than the average person. Even in such a state, he was awake when he arrived last night. Bian Xiulin recognized him and wanted to call you immediately, but he insisted on not telling you." Bian Muhe pointed towards the right ward, "He's in the third room on the right. I just finished doing rounds, he's still asleep. He lost a lot of blood, and needs to recover well."

After thanking him, He Zhilan turned to leave, but Bian Muhe called her back, sighed, and said, "Your brother will need to stay in bed to recover for some time. He had an old injury on his foot, and now it's been smashed again, it's hard to tell how well he'll recover. Take good care of him, and watch his mood as well."

"What is the worst possible outcome?" He Zhilan bit her lip.

"The worst would be not being able to continue serving in the military. Your brother has been a soldier for twelve years, so he might not be able to mentally handle that possible outcome. So, during his care, pay more attention to his mood. But even that is not certain because everyone's recovery ability is different. So, we must wait till the end to know the outcome." Bian Muhe patted He Zhilan's shoulder, "Go in, but be gentle, don't wake him up."

"Thank you Brother Bian!" He Zhilan thanked him.

Bian Muhe waved his hand, "Just for this 'brother', it's worth it. If you need anything, come to my office or send a nurse to come find me. And don't worry about your husband's hospital and medication expenses, the military will cover them."

Seeing that He Zhilan had already entered the ward, Bian Muhe sighed and shook his head, somewhat concerned that she, being so young, might not be able to handle taking care of He Teng. He instructed the nurses on the floor to provide additional help.

The ward was very quiet, a single room. He Zhilan's and Jiang Biyun's footsteps were light, watching He Teng who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and dry bloodstains on his face, He Zhilan could not hold back her tears.

His face and the back of his hand, which was hooked to an IV, were all scraped and bruised. The dried blood that had not been cleaned off made the wounds look all the more frightening. He was lying there with his eyes closed, an oxygen mask over his nose, unknown medical equipment attached to his hand, and his right leg in a plaster cast.

The man who was proudly showing off his shooting skills during National Day was now lying still on the bed, causing He Zhilan's heart to ache to the point that she was almost unable to speak.

Jiang Biyun was patting He Zhilan's shoulder in silence, comforting her. Partly because she was worried that her voice would wake the patient and partly because she, experiencing such a situation for the first time, really didn't know what words she could use to comfort He Zhilan. If it were her facing this, she would not want verbal condolences. Having someone there as company was the best kind of care.