Chapter 210 Crazy Woman Liao's Mother 3_1

He Zhilan did not withhold anything and briefly told Bian Xiulin about how she met Ding Long and the incident of Liao's sister jumping off the building.

"It's strange, in theory, after Ding Long's ex-girlfriend jumped off the building, she did not stay in our hospital. How would your senior sister Liao's family know about He Teng's hospitalization? And how would they know about his relationship with you? How could they accurately find your location and charge in to make a scene and hit people?" Bian Xiulin was puzzled. These past few days, their hospital had not received any patients who had attempted suicide by jumping off a building from Capital University. Liao Qinghong and He Teng were not even in the same hospital. So how could Liao Qinghong's family know that He Zhilan would be here at this time?

This was a question that even He Zhilan didn't know the answer to. What Bian Xiulin was puzzled about was also something that she was particularly puzzled about. Could it be that sister Liao's family had someone follow her?

"No matter what, isn't the family of your senior sister Liao too excessive? Ding Long is nothing more than a womanizer, breaking up with one woman after another every day. Who could stop him? Her daughter finally hooked a wealthy son-in-law and he ran away, so she vented her anger on you?" Bian Xiulin was so angry she was grinding her teeth. "This city really has all sorts of people!"

Patting He Zhilan on the shoulder, Bian Xiulin comforted her, "Don't worry, we won't let this drop with those Liao's."

The door of the operating room finally opened. The doctor and nurses wheeled He Teng out. He Teng, lying on the hospital bed, was still conscious. Throughout, his eyes constantly stayed on He Zhilan, but it was evident that his spirits were down.

"How is my brother?" He Zhilan bit her lip to restrain herself from shedding useless tears at this time.

"It's not a big deal, rest assured. However, he needs to rest and refrain from getting involved in any stressful situations in the future. Even if the sky falls, don't let him move or get angry." The doctor smiled at He Zhilin, his eyes a bit tired, but his tone still good.

In the ward, after the nurse had given He Zhilan some instructions and left with the doctor, Bian Xiulin, seeing that He Teng's eyes were open, made a joke to lighten the atmosphere in the room.

"He Teng, you're really something. Even in this state, you still managed to protect your little wife. What a man!" After teasing him, Bian Xiulin became serious and said, "Ding Long is really unreliable. Zhilan, you're having a hard time. As a couple, you need to talk about any misunderstanding openly. Don't keep any resentment."

He Teng knew what Bian Xiulin wanted to say, and also understood her intentions. He waved his hand weakly, "Could you please help her treat the wound on her face?"

Only then did Bian Xiulin take a proper look at the slap mark on He Zhilan's face. She clicked her tongue twice, "What a crazy woman, striking such a tender face. Come on, He Zhilan, follow me to my office. I'll get some medicine for you to apply. Otherwise, you can't go to school looking like this tomorrow."

He Zhilan didn't really want to go, but considering that she had to go to school the next morning, she got up, glanced at He Teng, and seeing that he wasn't looking at her, bit her lip and followed Bian Xiulin out.

There weren't many doctors on duty in the hospital at night, and Bian Xiulin was the only one left in her office.

She got the medicine and applied it to He Zhilan's face. The white ointment carried a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine. It was cool when applied to the face. After it was evenly spread, the traces of the ointment were barely visible.

"He Zhilan, when you go back to the ward, if He Teng still isn't resting, you need to explain this situation to him properly. Any man is prone to wild thoughts. After all, that crazy woman made such a fuss at the hospital, making it sound like it was true. What a couple fears most is misunderstandings that are not cleared up in time, do you understand?"