Chapter 211: Crazy Woman, Mother Liao 4_1

In just this short while, Bian Xiulin, the prospective bride, spoke with the heaviness of a concerned elder sister. She worried that He Zhilan, with her temperament, would not take the initiative to explain things when she encountered problems. Similarly, He Teng was the type to bottle up everything inside, never asking for explanations.

After expressing her gratitude, He Zhilan returned alone to He Teng's hospital room. He Teng was unique from ordinary people. Even after coming out of the operating room, he was still awake.

He Zhilan closed the door of the hospital room and sat by He Teng's bed. When she softly called his name and saw him shift his gaze away after a fleeting glance, she knew that he certainly was resentful.

Despite already being hospitalized, he had to be rushed into the operating room because of her. Determinedly standing from his bed to protect her, even though it was due to a not so flattering incident.

"Brother, I have no relationship of any kind with Ding Long. I always remember that I am your wife; I am married. So, I would never do anything to betray you," He Zhilan's voice choked up a bit. "I met Ding Long because of Lin Deng and Gu En. They invited me for dinner when they saw me alone at the dormitory after returning from the military on Lin Deng's birthday. That was the first time I met Ding Long. But, I hardly spoke to him. I didn't like him, no, rather, I detest him. One day when I was working at the school library, he inexplicably showed up looking for me. I chased him away. He then strangely passed a necklace to me through Gu En, I returned it and told him not to bother me anymore. After that, I never saw Ding Long again. The incident with Senior Liao and him, I really had no involvement in, and it is unrelated to me."

After giving her explanation, He Zhilan silently watched He Teng, trying to determine from his expression whether he believed her explanation.

However, He Teng usually showed no expression. She was unable to read any messages from his face. Even at this time, all he did was blink and look at her again, his gaze falling on her bruised cheek.

"Does it hurt?" asked He Teng after a long pause. His tone slightly fluctuating, "You've never been hit before, not even by family."

Initially holding back her grievances, at this moment, He Zhilan burst into tears. Yes, she had never been hit by her family, yet before He Teng, she had been struck by someone else.

He Zhilan was unsure whether to lie to He Teng and say it didn't hurt, or honestly tell him that it genuinely was burning painfully, as if the skin itself were set aflame.

"He Zhilan, Dad has spent his whole life working hard. He is very proud of you for going to university. He always boasts in the village that he has raised a highly intelligent and scholarly daughter, and it is his greatest pride. However, don't forget that Dad only wanted you to attend university in the capital, not to get involved with the affairs of certain circles in the capital. In the future, stay away from these people, be an ordinary university student. Sooner or later, the capital will face a major change, don't let yourself get involved and become a tool for their climb to the top. Don't let yourself be one of their casualties." After pausing for a moment, He Teng slowly spoke again, "He Zhilan, will you listen?"